
What Can I do about this. Stronglifts is not helping

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First answer, why does every fat fuck feels like their case deserves special attention instead of just starting to apply the general methods known to work immediately?

Fuck you you fucking fucker!

Fork putdowns 5x5

have a good diet and work out for 4 months and they will be gone

Follow a program for more than a month and stop eating cheetos you lazy shit

swim laps faggot

Do Eatless

I’m really not super fat, I just have a large fat deposit on my lower stomach. I’m sitting in that position so I can isolate it for the picture. Is intermittent fasting a good bet?

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99. 9% of the time it's not fat deposits but a lack of muscle that's the problem
Lift, eat clean

This is chronic skinnyfat. I don't even know where to tell you to start. You don't have anything to cut down to, and if you bulk you're just going to become a bloatlord.

My suggestion would be to get on HRT immediately.

Get lower body fat. It's pretty simple.

I’m really not muscle-less. I have pretty good lifts
Bench 225
Squat 365
Deadlift 400

I think I should just intermittent fast on my off days and keep lifting consistently

Eat less sweetie

How many reps?
What OHP?
How many pull ups? Chin ups?
Before we even start talking.

dude you're a fatass. look up snake diet fasting

>pull ups
>chin ups
Like 5

I do stronglifts 5x5 for the weight stuff

Thanks mate I will. I had a weight loss problem in high school, 5’10 135 pounds. Now I’m 21, 6’1 and 200. It took me a while but I really needed to gain weight. I just need people to tell me I’m fat because my gf and family will not. Make me think I have dysmorphia

Post your penis OP

> those lifts
> 5 chin ups
How the fuck

>Chin ups
>Like 5
were your hands supinated or regular on your Chin ups?

The secret is to workout consistently. Cardio after lifting. Cooking meals to fit macro ratios. And take 2-5 years of consistent lifting and reaching low BF% to show abs.

Stop eating ASAP


Fuck im dying