How does Jow Forums cardio after a workout?

How does Jow Forums cardio after a workout?

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>does cardio AFTER the workout
>gains lost

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I hate those ropes so much. I need a pair of thick handles and some weight to the whole thing.

you must hate gains if you're doing cardio after LIFTING

so like a thick hemp rope with metal handles?

Dumbells for handles and we're set.

I actually used hemp ropes when I first started boxing, it was all the gym had. They weren't thick, but fat heavier than these rubber things we see around nowadays. Maybe that's why I can't adapt to those girly ropes.

Anyway, just not to derail OP's thread, I'm a pre-workout cardio kind of guy.

>those girly ropes
They serve different purposes.
Not that a troglodyte like you would understand.

Yeah, I bet they do.

Gym 3 times a week and run 3 times a week. One full rest day.

I run two miles before every workout.

sex with fwb who goes to gym with me

>not using heavy rope

Never going to make it. Minimum jump rope you should be using is a 5lb rubber model.

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Elliptical machine on an incline so it targets the glutes a little more

Honestly surprised so many people here hate cardio. I almost feel alienated. Do distance runners not go on Jow Forums? I find that hard to believe.


People seriously do this? Holy lmao


Rowing or stair master or both
Fuck cardio tho lmao

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Actually how it's usually done if you intend to lift and do cardio on the same day. Doing cardio first can sap you of energy and cause your lifts to suffer.

If your a weak faggot with no drive, sure.

you're literally depleting your glycogen stores right before you lift

Thank god my gym has a nice pool so I just swim for 30 minutes then chill

Energy sapping aside... When you lift your body builds white muscle and uses glycolysis for energy. When you do cardio/aerobic exercises you build red muscle and use oxidative phosphorylation. When you start using glycolysis, your body will continue to do glycolysis even through and aerobic exersice. You essentially are putting on mass by doing cardio when you do it AFTER lifting. (Even if you don't end up putting on mass due to a caloric deficit, you'll burn fat more efficiently by doing it AFTER lifting)

Literal excuses

GPP work after light or volume days. Cardio whenever I can fit it in.

>55 bucks for a rubber rope


It's literal physiology.

don't do cardio on lift days

10-20 mins HIIT bike, run, or row.

High knee runs hit my hips and lower abs fairly hard, so they're my current go to.

I dont do cardio on lift days and do an hour stationary bicycle during off days. I was doing 15-30' rope and stopped once I started my masters. Am I doing it wrong bros?
t. dyel

I go Jogging on my off days. But I do like working out legs and running some small hills later that night to feel my thighs and calves burning.