>old one at 300
What’s a good breakfast, lunch and dinner for a 2000 calorie cut.
Also any tips for skinnyfat cutting? I’m gonna bulk afterwards slowly and hopefully not get fat ever again

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Other urls found in this thread:


You waiting this long, counting the posts on the old thread, to ask THIS question?
ha ha

>not knowing how qtddtots work

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eggs, but you could google "0 calorie foods" (which are very low calories, close to 0), and then just aim to get enough protein

if you are skinnyfat you could eat just what you normally eat and workout.
your normal diet + not training = little calorie surplus = skinnyfat
your normal diet + training = probably maintenance

I just got 1kg bag of creatine, never used creatine before. Do I do the loading phase of 15-25g a day for a week then 5g the rest, or just start out with 5g a day?

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What that guy stated is exactly what happened I bet.
OP probably sat there refreshing until he could start his own thread.

I was trying to do a scaled back version of this diet to bulk
But I’ve realised getting rid of fat is more important to me at the moment. Would it work for cutting if I just cut it back drastically?

No, op was going to post in qtddtot but it was past 300 and dead, so he made a new one, you mong.

>stop taking creatine because it makes me feel gross
>hear i have to eat food with it
>no longer feel gross after taking it

ive missed out on so many gains...

i still cant eat protein shakes without vomitting how do i disguise the taste of those

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wait you have to have food with creatine, i just took 10g on a empty stomach

If it’s vanilla protein try chucking a couple teaspoons of nesquick in it.
If it’s another flavour just scull it and suck it up

Do 20 a day for 5 days, then 5 a day indefinitely

>counting posts
What do you think this R means user

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How good of a progress is this?

>lifting since February but doing cardio and cut since September
>don't do cardio anymore just lift and do a 3x5

Blue is water weight in percentage.
Yellow is weight in kilos.
Pink is body fat percentage.
Green is muscle mass in kilos.

t. 5'7 city council administrator of manlets

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I've been lifting for about 2 years now, but due to a mix of not being super serious about getting sleep or food. I'm starting to cut for frisbee at my Uni but I don't know what weightlifitng routine to do. I've been doing Bill Starr's 5x5, but all the programs seem to be based around increasing weights, and if I'm cutting I don't think my numbers are going to go up. What should I do instead, or should I just do it without increasing the weight?

Also, best cure for shin splints?

Is 350 deadlift ORM good for a new lifter?
My bench is pathetic (185 ORM and I’m repping 145 3x8)
I am 6’2” 220

disregard that despite eating and drinking water creatine still gives me a stomach ache

anybody else get this? its horrible

Stronger knees?

How unhealthy would it be to drink a milkshake every single day? The ones I make are about 1300 calories. 500ml milk, 2 cups ice cream, 2 scoops protein. I used to make smoothies with pb, banana, milk oats and protein but it got nasty after a while, and this is way easier to make/clean out of my blender. I'm trying to gain weight, but I don't want to be doing anything ridiculously unhealthy to do so

I DL'ed 225 for 49 reps today. Any downsides to doing that many reps? Do you think I can do 315 for 25 or should I stick to the 229 for 50(I miscounted todawy)?


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Deadlift is not a lift you should be doing high reps for

Why not

I’ve found high rep deadlifts great for conditioning and have never had any trouble with back pain. I always make sure my form stays sharp and if I can feel my lower back rounding I stop there. (cc: )

is there anything wrong with doing a PPL program with heavier weights, and less repetitions? why do people choose to do compound lifts for heavy weights rather than choose a program like PPL and just reduce the intensity, while increasing the volume (reps / sets)?

Two things:

My heartrate monitor+app, pedometer and the treadmill all give me different numbers for calories burned, which number tends to be the most accurate?

How safe is it to try and cut over 2lbs per week? I'm currently 207-210lbs and are trying to slim down to 195-200 lbs.

I'e been lifting for about 2 months with SL and i'm starting to get noticeable less flabby, however I can see that one of my man tits is slightly bigger than the other, is there a way of correcting this or will it get better after I keep losing weight?

Found the aussie

ye bloody oath

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My routine looks like this
>M: upper
>T: lower
>W: rest
>Th: back and shoulders
>F: legs
>Sa: chest and arms
>Su: rest

can I add another chest and arms day on wedesnday?

So right now I’m doing PHUL and I just realized that there’s no exercises/day for core. I can’t afford to make a day for it cause of time restraints, should I just add core exercises to 2 of my 4 days at the end?

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I'm really muscular but I've still got some last bits of fat on my chest and belly from when I drank soda more than water. I'm not counting calories, but I think my diet is low calorie and healthy enough (all lean meats, vegetables, brown rice and oats). Are there any supplements or pills that you'd recommend for burning extra fat?

For reference I look like this but with a little extra flab.

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redpill me on ATG squats
i see essentially everyone doing ass parallel to knees and sometimes not even that
which ones should i be doing

bump for this question

parallel squats is acceptable, but not respected

ATG squats are acceptable, and always respected, honestly ATG is a lot easier too than a parallel


I am a skinny fat gaining some definition. I still have a "gut" but not one like this.


This guy has like a curve that goes rounder the closer he gets to his croth. In my case I have a bulk as soon as my rib ends (I think its muscle), this bulk starts thinnig and ends in the middle of my stomach, then starts my "gut" that ends at my pelvis.

I dont have old photos to compare to the old me a couple of months ago. What is this? I am finally gaining definition? I would like that but it likes like shit (at least from my perspective)

I just started lifting (I’m a tall lanklet) and after squats it feels like my hip flexor is stupid sore which makes the rest of my routine suffer. At the same time when I squat it appears to be uneven where one side of my ass is always lower to the ground.
Is my body fucked? How can I get more symmetrical since it seems one side is more dominate/stronger

Okay so I checked grey skull after everyone memed me on that SS is a bad program. ITS LITERALLY THE SAME SHIT, you just Squat one less time a week. Jesus fucking christ you are a bunch of retards.

And before you say
I am not a retard, I use accesories in SS.

At 5”7 118lbs what BF% am I?

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You can't accurately gauge calories burned, a rough estimate is your best bet. Even then, unless you're bulking it's not really something to worry about.

>How safe is it to try and cut over 2lbs per week?

>I'm currently 207-210lbs and are trying to slim down to 195-200 lbs.
Don't be a retard. Do at-most a 600 calorie deficit.

It's probably just your imagination. 2 months is a drip in the sea of progress and I doubt much has changed on you physically. Regardless, losing weight will firm up your body and balance everything out.

If you just started you need to focus on form. Your body is gonna be sore hardcore if you've never lifted before, it's totally normal. Worry less about symmetry and more about strict form on each rep.

Yeah, remember the AMRAP in SS? I sure remember rows in SS. They are similar beginner programs, but literally all beginner programs are just some variation of starting strength. It's not like Squat, Bench, and OHP aren't already 3 of the most popular weightlifting exercises in the world.

dumb newbie

I have a hard time believing that is 118 at 5'7".

>At 5”7 118lbs what BF% am I?

How the fuck should we know by looking? Go get measured.

Is the thicc mean real? Not like the fat shitposters, but since I've been lifting since entering college I'm starting to really feel attracted to stronger fit girls, especially if they work their legs.

How long until muscle imbalances go away??

My right arm has been stronger for two+ months, and I notice it with some lifts.

I’m I was ano and went skelly mode down to 105 which eliminated LBM but then regained without lifting which resulted in 15lbs of fat gain mostly in gut. I think I also have really light bones.

By estimating according to how others look at certain BF percentages... not looking for 100% accuracy

when i do hanging leg raises i can hear and feel "clack" sound at the bottom of my spine at each rep, no pain, just that. Should i stop?

This but with pull ups. Its because I am weak?

user, you're pretty lean as-is. I would suggest lifting and bulking to gain some muscle.

+1 for ultimate Frisbee

Do some high intensity high volume body building shit (Gironda 8x8 for example find the PDF). Gets your conditioning in and you won't look like shit with your shirt off. All of the other strength training and body building really needs a calorie surplus you dig? Shoot for 1g of protons per lb lean body weight and hang in there.

Traditionally "THICC" means a girl with plenty of meat on the bones, but not chubby or fat. Uusually just lucky genetics that distribute fat very evenly around the body. Toned/fit girls aren't under that definition.

But yes, fit girls are hot as fuck. Anyone who says abs are gay are insecure.

Injured my rotator cuffs and won’t be able to lift for a couple months so I wanna get shredded. Is it possible to cut while not lifting without losing more muscle than fat?

please someone answer this

I have a pull-up/dip station tower anda few kettlebells as my only Jow Forums gear. I just got a dip belt in the mail today and I don't know if it was the cozy pressure on my low back or what but doing some work with it and a 25lb kettlebell on gave me a boner, has any one else experienced this?

depends what you look like and what your goals are. the ice cream is a bit much.

>Ice cream

Its just calories man. Just dont overdo sugar I guess, fiber too. Too overdoo protein you would need to ingest a shit ton to damage the kidney so you are fun.

Just eat senpai.

I mean, probably a protein sparing fast will help, but nothing will help as much as weightlifting.

Ice cream because it's easy to make milkshakes and get calories with. I'm in the military, so I eat at a chow hall, and the one I go to does not serve seconds, so it's difficult to eat more. I have to buy extra food to compensate, which I don't always get to cook, especially now that the barrack's kitchen has a inoperable stove.

Im stalling on chin ups, my goal is to be able to do 4 sets of 10 reps

so far i can get 5-7 on the first set, but they quickly fall to 4 or 3.

what else can i do to improve this? is biceps isolation necesary for this?

Got a deep tissue massage last night , and was told to take this morning off gym and then see how I feel the following day. Still pretty sore/bruised now (24hr after massage)

Don't want to miss more than one session this week but will I be sabotaging myself if I force a workout tomorrow?

What's the benefit of 5x5 over 3x5? Are those two extra sets really any benefit or are you better off doing slightly more weight for only 3 sets

I am having a lot of trouble keeping one of my shoulders “packed”. How do I strengthen it?

define new lifter
those lifts are good for someone who's been lifting for a few months

I've got long legs and i'm trying to do pendlay rows as recommended by stronglifts and either I bend my knees too little and my ass is higher than my shoulders, or I bend them too much and my knees are in the way of the bar. I'm already using an extra pair of plates as a platform for the bar.

Is there some form fix i'm missing or is it acceptable to do rows with your hips higher than your shoulders?

You could try using the safeties in a power rack and find a comfortable height, having higher hips might not be good for your back

So I'm deadlifting twice a week for the goal of lifting 2pl8 for 5x3

Currently I can hit 2pl8 as a 1RM though that's after hitting 3-5 sets at 90kg. Is there any benefit to lifting single reps (like the Bugez) for one of the sessions or am I still better off just keeping the strict 5x3 each time I do them?

It's usually recommended for beginners to only do 1 set of working weight for deadlifts

are you doing a proper routine or something you cooked up yourself?

Homegym, no power rack nor the space for one unfortunately

Something that's cooked up. Compounds 5x5 (exception of deadlifts) and isolations 3x10

1st step is to stop that and do a real routine
deadlifts 2x a week and for multiple sets is not going to work for very long

Starting my gym membership on Tuesday. I tried the basic moves at home and it turns out I can not lowbar squat because my arms/upper back are not streched enough and I can not grab the bar on proper height without my elbows and wrists going into full snap position.
What streches should I do to allow good squat form? In general.
Also, is it going to be frowned upon if I go to the gym in old, worn the fuck out running shoes? I am poor as shit and can't get myself any decent shoes for now.

whats a good vegetarian cookbook? planning on making two meals a day meat free I have no moral issues with meat and like it a lot but lots of people have said vegetarian diets are better so I figure two vegetarian meals a day is a good in-between

my biceps wont grow, i constantly work them, they just dont want to grow

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how many calories are you eating per day, how much protein and what's your bodyweight? also are you measuring your biceps or assuming they haven't grown? if you see them everyday it's hard to notice

Can I do anything useful with a bent barbell? ;_;

how far can a set of dumbbells get me

i eat around 2000 calories a day (on a cut/recomp)
dont keep track of macros but i try to have at least 2 protein filled meals per day (ie, eggs for breakfest meat for lunch.)
this morning i was 86.6 kg(190 lbs) (on a cut since 2016 from 125)
i measured them a couple of times, every time they came out to 37 cm (14.5 inches)

>I constantly work them
So you do bicep curls etc everyday?
stop whatever you're doing and do a real routine and eat +500 calories a day minimum if you want to gain muscle, work out 3 days a week so your muscles always have at least one full day of rest between work.

very far if you know how to use them and if theyre a relatively good weight for you

you can lift it

get the myfitnesspal app, that works out what you should be eating and can scan barcodee to track everything easily

Not very, you can't squat or deadlift more than about 40kg with dumbells and those are the most important exercises, and they are inferior for every other compound. Just bite the bullet and go to a gym, nobody gives a shit if you think you look weird or stutter or whatever.

i work out every other day, or 2 days in a row and then rest day i do a full body routine

push ups- 20x1 12x4
chin ups- 5x5
bicep curls- 8x3
upright row- 8x3
plank- failure
(weighted versions of all if im feeling it that day)
yea im in a caloric deficit but is it really impossible to gain muscle while cutting?

eurofag, mfp doesnt work but i did use an app called fat secret for counting calories before i learned how to count them with my own brain

But it's all skewiff for actual lifts

>bicep curls- 8x3
If you want growth, use a lighter weight and do something like 5x10. I've never heard of anyone getting results doing 3 reps on curls.

repsXsets my dude

Start using the same notation as the rest of the world. Anyway 3x8 is still pretty low volume for an isolation exercise. If you aren't getting results, do more reps at lighter weight.

So I want to prepare my shake in advance so I can drink it half an hour before work ends and then I immediately go to the gym (so about 50 minutes time between drinking the shake and going to the gym, factoring travel time).

But I can't exactly mix it at work. Will it be fine if I mix it now and keep it refrigerated up until the time I drink it? It says to drink it within 10 minutes of mixing but is that just a retarded limit?

never knew it was setsXreps actually, never had to talk to anyone about working out so i just did it the way it seemed logical to me

just shake it before you drink ez pz

How the fuck do I eat 3000 calories a day and get lots of protein, when protein makes you feel fuller?

Is that all? Is that seriously why they tell to drink it immediately or within 10 minutes?

That's fucking retarded. They should be more accurate in their directions.

What full body routine for intermediate for size? Main lift heavy secondary two lighter and whatever isos?

eat more calorie dense foods. 100g Lamb or Beef has almost twice the calories of chicken breast for example and almost the same amount of protein. Peanut butter, milk, cheese and nuts are all good too.
How much protein are you aiming for? 1g per lbs bodyweight is slightly overdoing it, aim for about 0.85.

What method are you using to track your stats?

It's the fancy gym scale that I use every 3 or so months. So what do you think?

Can I still go for PPL, even if I can only work out thrice a week? Been doing SS for a few weeks already w/ curls, dips, extensions etc. but apparently that won't save me from t-rex mode. Or would it?

Also, is mass gainer a meme? I'm having a hard time eating at a surplus and they sell it really cheap here

>Also, is mass gainer a meme?
Really shit quality food, buy peanut butter or dairy products instead. Or just GOMAD

If SS is still giving you strength gains why stop doing it? If your leg muscles are getting too big for your liking then stop adding weight to your squats, if you're getting too much fat switch to a cut for a while.

best shoes with a heel for squatting?

Fat loss seems to be consistent, maybe not the fastest progress BUT this is all assuming the numbers are correct, which might not be.
Have you noticed a change in your figure, abs showing and whatnot? Then I'd say the progress is ok.
Either way, as soon as summer is over, bulk like a motherfucker and get that muscle up

How come I feel nothing in my lats? Doing t-bat rows, cable rows, lat pulldown, neutral pull ups and assisted pull ups and my whole back lights up except for my lats???