Failed 3x5 1pl8 bench halfway in

>failed 3x5 1pl8 bench halfway in
this is the second time ive had to deload. Should i stop trying to progress my bench until i can bulk in 3mo?

for having been skinnyfat manlet + on a deficit my entire weightlifting "career" (2mo) is 0.5/1/1.5/2 any good?

Attached: zaSfBlc.jpg (630x354, 20K)

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same desu

Just keep working out you autist

why are you deloading? stop being obstinate with the 3x5. you can progressively overload by doing more sets, or more reps, or both (preferably both). not to mention using microplates. whatever makes you stronger. also do accessories like concentration curls, skull crushers, and ohp, and lat pulldowns to help build your bench.

dont give up user just keep hitting what you can to failure until 1 pl8 feels easy

>failed 3x5 1pl8 bench halfway in
what do you mean by this, how did each set go?
>Should i stop trying to progress my bench until i can bulk in 3mo?
No, always try and progress in one way or another
>for having been skinnyfat manlet + on a deficit my entire weightlifting "career" (2mo) is 0.5/1/1.5/2 any good?
If you've only been lifting for 2months, most of your "gains" are your CNS getting used to the movement, not mainly due to muscle growth.
What program are you running?
What are you eating? How many calories per day? How many gs of protein?
How have you learnt form?
Have you filmed any bench sets?
1/1.5/2 is decent if you've been a sedentary skeleton, not bad for 2 months.

just fucking lift, keep doing your best and eat better.

Also how's your back? Beginners usually have a very weak back and strengthening it will help your bench. Are you doing any kind of row??

Program says to
First 5 were a bitch, second set i only got out 4 and knew i couldnt do 5 but that wasnt an option so i pushed out the final energy, lowered bar on me and called for a spot. Phraks gslp (the reddit one) at 2150 cals (500 deficit) and roughly 1.2x bw. I did a form check for all my compounds and besides shitty rows people said i was ok (although to me I feel form is shit, gonna try a pt one-day). I do have my form check on yt let me pull it up
shit, yes rows but shit form (I fixed it some)

>First 5 were a bitch
the only 5 that should be a bitch should be the last 5
whereabouts are you in your program? how many weeks are you into this current cycle?
>second set i only got out 4 and knew i couldnt do 5 but that wasnt an option so i pushed out the final energy, lowered bar on me and called for a spot.
what are your rest times like? try resting for 6-7 mins next time
>Phraks gslp (the reddit one)
ok it sounds like
1) you have started this progression with too high of a weight in bench, deload it 15-20% and start again, make your last set an AMRAP and aim for 10 reps. really focus on form, throw your egolifting out the window
2) you need to get microplates (0.5kg/1.25lbs) so you can increase each bench workout by 1kg/2.5lbs, increase squats and dls by 2.5kg/5lbs each workout
is this a troll?

Your program sucks. If you are fucking stalling then do more fucking reps. You don’t gain without the work. He idea of linear progression is just a trick to find out what your physiological limits are. You don’t gain muscle and you don’t make CNS gains without grinding. VOLUME is where you get that.

next time your gay buddy films you, can he stay stationary please, it's hard to see depth and barpath when he moves to have a look at your ass
-overhead press
really tighten and pull your glutes together as if Jamal wants a bit of sweet action on your hams.
a good press is based on your ability to literally be stuck in place and able to push the bar through a straightish line above you.
the bar should be close to your body and almost hit your nose, you are allowed to arch your back a bit if you want as well, and push your head forwards under the bar as it goes past your forehead
make sure you have a bench grip where your hands are almost diagonal on the bar with it resting from your thumb crease along the bottom of your palm, not in the middle of your palm
also try reducing your grip width, put your hands a few inches further to the centre of the bar

your squat is pretty good actually
get oly shoes
a little bit of back rounding from lack of bracing
though you need to brace more, really keep your chest up and take a deep breath, when you descend you should be making a slight strained groaning sound as you create tension in your diaphragm

-bench (can't really see since your buttbuddy is filming whilst being your spotter somehow)
your grip is wrong, go look up how to grip
pull your scapulae together and keep there throughout the lift
arch a bit more
fuck it just watch this video

your feet are too far apart,
bring them in slightly and point outwards a bit like in a squat
the bar should be over the middle of your foot, for most people this places the bar 1 inch away from your shin
grip bar without lowering hips
then lower your hips until your shins touch the bar
pull slack out of bar
take deep breath
push chest to straighten back
then pull whilst pushing through heels

because of your wide stance you almost have a snatch grip, so bring your grip in accordingly and DLs will be so much easier

follow an actual program and eat more. Use myfitnesspal to track macros and calories.

how the hell is it a troll? You asked for a video you got a playlist assface
>6-7 min
Jesus Christ dude 3 feels like an eternity. I already said I have microplates

I'm gonna build back up from 125lbs, amrap doesn't need to be that high.
k i was gonna switch to 5/3/1 or ppl in two weeks anyways, i agree it's shit
sorry he's pretty fucking dumb. The flash was on for half the vids. Thanks a fuckton mate, screenshotted all of this

I've come within 5g of my macros every day. Cut out simple carbs and artificial sweeteners. Lots of meat. Diet is unflinchingly rigid


are you retarded? I said do MORE volume. You are still in the easy gains phase so you should follow a 5x5 program WITH pyramid warmup sets up to your working weight. That means a minimum of 8-10 sets per major compound lift you are training that day. PLUS accesories (curls, pull ups, dips, lat pull downs, cable flies etc). You want to get stronger you put in the WORK

Chill brah i havent read what it is yet, someone just said "5/3/1 is a popular program" so i was gonna check it out tmw

Literally every-fucking-one else says "high weight low-med volume" for newbies, and hypertrophy once your weight is up. Where the fuck are you coming from and why do you assume im not "putting in weight" because i have low volume? I went to failure on everything and actually did fail on one today phaggot

Nigger that doesn’t mean shit, if you want to get strong you need to eat above maintenance calories and hit your macros, beyond that it doesn’t matter what you eat

Also if you can’t bench 135 why the fuck are you cutting? I could bench 135 within like 3 weeks of lifting

Because you’re lifting baby weights son. You aren’t gonna get shit with low volume. Follow a 5x5 and warm up sets (any non shit program will tell you to do 3-5 full warm up sets building up to your working weight). Plus do accessories on top of that. No volume no gains.

Don't rely on our approval or anyone's approval. This is your journey and your journey only. It's okay to ask advice but to ask if where you're at is okay is to say you're working for other people. You've got to be in this for yourself.

Only bad progress is no progress or don't try progress.

You've only been at this for 2 months. Screenshot this post and look at it in 10 months

>Doing LP
>Add 5lbs to the bar since last session
>Going for 3x5 bench now @ 165lbs
>First set get 5 reps
>Tuff but I got it
>Rest 5 mins
>Second set only get 3 reps
>Take off the weight I added for this session
>Back to 160lb
>Do 2 more sets of 5 at 160
>Try 165 for 3x5 next session
>Get 3x5

Is this what you're supposed to do? I can usually get my first set in with the increased weight but then for the next 2 I usually have to go back but I can usually get it all next session, sometimes it takes longer.

Why do people say to ramp UP? When it seems like it makes more sense to lift the heaviest at the beginning?

Do dips. Do dips until you can push out 10 in a row