I know you aren’t doing your face pulls . I’ll ban you from my YouTube channel you don’t deserve to train like an athlete
Face pulls
Is Jeff the ultimate boomer?
Jeff is like 40 so he isn't a boomer anymore.
sry jeff but I collapsed after doing a 10 hour workout trying to include all your exercises and couldn't finish
every day i go in I say "I'm gonna fucking do them," and I never do.
sorry jeffe
He's in the silent generation now
I told you, if it's over an hour training session you're killing your gains. Guys, this is what I'm talking about. At athlean-x we cover it all and in a way that's digestible.
Are cutting and bulking really a waste of time?
Why are his eyes so cold and soulless?
try being sore all your life
I want to follow this guy's advice but I have no idea where to start or what to add on to my very basic starting strength routine
I do those externally rotated face pulls after every workout to try and help my shoulder pain
it's only one of a few things i've started doing for that but the pain is less significant now
Dude's a meme, don't fall for it.
Don't listen to him, he thinks bulking and cutting is a meme and that intermittent fasting is a "fad diet"
Aren’t face pulls hitting the same groups as the band pull aparts you told me to do, Jeff?
I am doing them
Even a potato takes better quality pics than this
it's not the same movement. close, but not identical. just because an exercise hits the "same groups" does not mean it is equal. stop thinking about muscles like hydraulic cylinders - the physiological aspects, including neurological, make it more complex than just "the same groups."
Why would I want to pull my face? Are you retarded?
His PT stuff is good avoid the rest like the plague.
That being said I face pull every session.
those + the dead hangs have helped me so much, jeff is legit.
The trouble I find with Jeff is that he is constantly reinventing the wheel telling you everything is bad and you should do THIS instead.
While I do find him informative and he has some golden nuggets (eg face pulls), I feel like eventually he's going to come full circle and start saying his own advice is bad.
>he thinks bulking and cutting is a meme
They are,every experienced lifter will tell you that
>intermittent fasting is a "fad diet"
It's not a diet
I do facepulls 4 Times a week when i keep it casual. With Bands as AlphaDestiny advises, with cable and external Rotation as Lumbarsurfclam advises and some normal cable rows Holding the Ball attachment all for 4-5x20
Thats the singlehandely Best exercise for broad and healthy shoulders
>include band pull aparts on pressing days
>feel extremely comfy after every workout now
th-thanks Jeff
You wake up at six? Why do you sleep in so late?
>bulking and cutting is a meme
why are u so fuckn stupid? u have to bulk to put on muscle and bulking is just a calorie surplus u dumb fuckn nigger