Is Henry Cavil natty?
He claims being natty but he looks buff as fuck.
Actors get roids' and personal trainers, dude. That's why they look like complete shit when they're aren't filming or prepping for a film.
he's lifts are pretty good and he always gets a pump before shirtless scenes
roids, personal trainers, make up, and special effects and other cheat techniques.
Also him
He’s still /our guy/
He seems legit:
>Henry bulked up to a hefty weight of 100kg (1), whilst remaining lean at around 8/9% body fat.
>Henry's personal trainer for these two movies is a man named Mark Twight, the guy famous for designing the 300 workout.
After Man of Steel appeared on screen Henry said this about Mark,
>“He asked me a lot of questions about my goals. Then he asked, ‘would you like to do steroids or HGH to get you where you want to go?'. I immediately said no.' And he said, ‘Good, because if you did, I wouldn't train you.”
he has huge lats but everything else is normal
i'd say natty
theres no reason for these actors to be natty, chance of him being natty is really low
>100kg, whilst remaining lean at around 8/9% body fat.
Lmao. Newfags are fucking delusional.
He's not natty for the simple reason that he, like most modern actors, hates lifting. He only does the bare minimum when he's not shooting Superman, then suddenly gains like 10-20lbs of muscle in 5 months. That's just not possible naturally.
if this is a true before/after, I could see him doing this natty. Assuming he's got 6 months or so before filming with that rich guy free time and coaching, even though all celeb coaching I've ever seen is a joke (and the biggest thing that proves actors are all on gear). Also, the "shirtless" scenes are planned out so that's him at his absolute best pump, with body makeup, and possibly with some helpful lighting (even though it's outside), and maybe even some help added in post production. That said, it's probably still roids since there's a lot riding on it, and work is hard, and they aren't athletes or anything, they are fucking drama fags.
That’s not 9% bf. not even close.
You can't eyeball bf%, user. Don't tell me you fell for those retarded charts that get posted on fit.
if you think you can go from left to right natty you are clinically retarded
and natty guy as well
With the addition of hollywood magic, yes you can. Just because you look like shit all the time doesn't mean that other people (or teams of people in his case) know how to get every last drop of potential out.
As someone who's a model, (runways, ads, etc), everybodys on steroids. They just take low doses. It's common.
> the 20 year old boomer who thinks dexascans mean jack shit
Lol. Post body.
His traps and delts look pretty natural. And he had a pretty good physique before Man of Steel. I say, maybe.
>using the chest hair to make his pecs look more defined
looks like a good bulk to me
He literally looks like a regular dude who does pushups and pullups a few times a week.
you faggots have insanely low standards, it's unreal.
He's not that lean, he's not even that big either.
Post body.
He went from sub 300 lbs deadlift to a 437 lbs one in a time span of maybe 4 months.
So no, regardless what he claims, he is not natty in the slightest.
sometimes I can't tell when people are being serious or pretending to be retarded
this is one of those times
Even with the best nutrition and the best training and the best sleeping habit in the entire world, those stats aren't and never will be possible natty.
It's your turn to post body now, let's see what the "not natty bro" posters look like.
100% garanteed you look like shit if you think henry is not natty lmao, like have you even seen what he looks like in the OP? literal regular joe physique, I've seen bigger guys who just go to calisthenics parks and do pullups and pushups and eat cans of tuna and peanut butter sandwiches and can't even afford protein powders.
You delusional small minded weak bitter low standard gymcels are pathetic.
You have no clue how lifting works. Every single person who lift 6 days a week twice a day for hours and can gain strength and muscle and don't be constantly in a bad mood and burned out, is on roids, period, nothing to do with "HURR HE'S RICH!", you entire biology doesn't suddenly changes as soon as you have 7 figures on your bank account.
Stats are inflated all the time, henry is not 100kg at 8-9% bf lmao, look at the OP and look at what he actually looks like on camera, he looks like the average gym goer male who has decent genetics.
>average gym goer male
I call that bullshit. If you look like that and are in a regular gym, you are in the top 1% and not "regular guy".
Oh wait, I'm on Jow Forums where 260 kg deadlifts are average and every posted body just happened to be found on several bodybuilding boards :^)
>Hollywood actor
>100kg 8% at 6ft
just lol, wish I had a death note I would put Mark Twit's name in it
>I call that bullshit. If you look like that and are in a regular gym, you are in the top 1% and not "regular guy".
Holy shit dude just stop you are embarassing yourself.
Pic related, even in the early 20th century, people who had NO IDEA how to train, or even how to diet, looked BIGGER and LEANER than herny, and these people didn't have the time or the finances to do it like henry does, holy shit just kys if you think left isn't realistically possible for a natty.
I'm pretty sure he is natty. I can't find it but there is an interview where he gets asked about actors using steroids and he gets pretty angry saying actors that do are idiots
1. They were always on some substances, early bodybuilders used cocain to stay jacked
2. I never said not possible natty, I said that you will barely find somebody outside of the trainers who looks like, because few people really care about their numbers and progress
Except that you forgot he's an actor. Do you think it would be so difficult for him to put on an act?
That physique might have been attainable with top tier genetics, years of lifting, a solid pump and good lighting. Most actors need to get buff quickly, though, which means roids are the only way.
cocaine is completely unnecessary though, and literally only helps with energy levels, it has no actual adipose biased catabolic properties or anabolic properties, cope harder holy shit now EVERYONE was on cocaine before anabolic steroids were a thing, always one excuse lmao
>If you look like that and are in a regular gym, you are in the top 1% and not "regular guy".
Imagine thinking that looking like you're physicall fit and having some muscle and not having a belly is being the top1% at a regular gym lmao
dude, just stop, it's getting ridiculous
yes, henry has a physique that's considered normal in a regular gym, holy shit do you even workout at a gym?
I've literally applied for a job at some bullshit commercial gym and literally everyone there has 17"+ arms and at least a third of the guys have abs.
Taking that in consideration that not only is it regular to see guys that are way more impressive than most actors like henry at REGULAR gyms, that don't even have a trainer or a coach and are just doing their own thing, and the fact that people as early as the late 19th century-early 20th century have managed to look like they lift with 0 evidence based nutritional and training knowledge and it's more than safe to say that henry is average and not what someone should strive for, but what everyone should look like already, he's unimpressive in every regard, when lean he looks almost impressive likebut as you can see he's also got small arms and delts that are easily obtainable for anyone that isn't a genetic deadend.
>these people didn't have the time or the finances to do it like henry does
Those guys ate and trained like crazy you fucking retard. Everyone in Hollywood uses steroids. You do not gain that much muscle in mere months and they hate exercise, they always complain how "hard" it is and then they go back looking like dyels
>Those guys ate and trained like crazy you fucking retard.
Post proof retard and stop assuming shit CONSTANTLY over and over again and getting repeatedly BTFO by logic and reasoning.
>Everyone in Hollywood uses steroids.
Another vague, impossible to back up claim for a literal who nobody user posting on a nippon imageboard.
> You do not gain that much muscle in mere months and they hate exercise, they always complain how "hard" it is and then they go back looking like dyels
They do a fuckton of volume, eat a ton of protein(sometimes ridiculous ammounts like 300g according to their own diet logs) which help tremendously with body composition but also is hard to maintain.
Ofc they hate doing this shit, everyone would.
>and then they go back looking like dyels
Most of the time they just get fatter because they can't handle the diet and start drinking after the role is played.
He's not natty because of the time frame, not the end result, brainlet.
Also, if that's you need to start doing upper body more. You're full T-rex mode. Better than I expected, however.
>He's natty because he said so
That photo was posted in other threads.
Stop larping retard.
Also nice filename lmao.
>He's not natty because of the time frame, not the end result, brainlet.
You forgot to leave the part where you mention his starting point, dumbnuts.
He didn't start form nothing, pic related, what he used to look like lmao.
Now compare to how he used to look like to what he ended up with, if you think that's not possible natty after a fuckton of training volume and force feeding yourself chicken breasts you are beyond delusional.
I'm the same guy, retard. I didn't feel like blurring out my face on another picture. Here's another. Good luck finding it in another thread.
>Post proof
>For breakfast they ate 24 eggs and 3 pounds of smoked bacon; porridge with cream, honey, marmalade and tea with plenty of sugar. At three o’clock they had dinner: ten pounds of meat was consumed with vegetables (but not much potatoes); sweet fruits, raw or cooked, sweet cakes, salads, sweet puddings, cocoa and whipped cream and very sweet tea. Supper, after the show, they had cold meat, smoked fish, much butter, cheese and beer. Following this they had a chat and at one o’clock went to bed.
>The Saxons did have a “health drink” which I presume they concocted themselves. The ingredients were dark lager beer (or Dublin stout) mixed with Holland gin, the yolk of an egg and plenty of sugar. “It is a very good but strong drink” was the Saxon opinion, “but, if you are not used to it you will get dizzy very quickly.” It seems to me that one would have to be a very strong man in the first place, in order to drink it.
>Dinner was usually followed with fruits or sweet cakes made from white flour and sometimes, berries on top of the cakes. They were very fond of these. There was also plenty of mushrooms eaten raw or fried with fat; their mother used to go out in the morning and pick about 10 to 12 pounds of these in the fields. She also used to make big cakes, 24 by 36, and spread with butter, or beaten egg whites, sugar and chocolate. This was often eaten with apples.
>Another vague, impossible to back up claim
No, not really. What do you think happened after the 50s? That suddenly everyone learned how to diet and just got big because muh nutrition? No, steroids happened
>thinking he started out from his Immortals body
Lmao. Refer to and Actors don't stay in shape when they're not filming. These guys aren't Arnold or Sly, they don't like to lift. Also, thinking a Hollywood actor is against using substances is fucking hilarious. These guys are in drug rehab every other week.
>roided manlet with childbearing hips
>ask for proof
>he doesn't post any
>just some bullshit text from some people that are completely unrelated to the guys I previously posted that are from fucking france
your brain or "not natty bro" posting lmao, yikes.
What is that even supposed to prove again? Jesus christ dude you are beyond retarded, you just linked me the diet protocols of some literal who's that I did not even reference.
Also notice how you failed to show me proof that their training was "crazy", and even if it was it's like the ultimate cope "t-they're only that good because they train like crazy"
there's diminishing returtns when it comes to training, the more you do it the less you get out of it, so it's irrelevant. In fact I would argue that training like "crazy" is worse because you have no idea how much you can actually handle.
Again, you literally just linked me the diets of some strongman that I didn't even reference lmao.
Is this your big "gotcha" moment? fucking cringe.
>What do you think happened after the 50s? That suddenly everyone learned how to diet and just got big because muh nutrition? No, steroids happened
Notice how I didn't even reference anyone post 1950's except henry for comparison's sake.
I references guys in the early 1910's who were as big if not bigger and leaner than henry who had no idea how to train or eat, those guys are literal who's from a gym club in paris.
pls stop same fagging, it's getting ridiculous
dude's based wtf are you talking about
>he doesn't post any
Oh my god, you delusional manchild. I showed strongmen that did this for several years and trained at the circus. They ate more and trained more and look nothing like Hollywood actors. You keep saying there's no proof even if it's obvious they use steroids. Where's your proof that they're not using? Oh wait, you can't prove that.
>who had no idea how to train or eat
lol. They knew a lot more than Hollywood actors who doesn't even like exercise, mate. Quality of food was better back then, too. Hollywood actors eat like shit yet mysteriously only gains muscle. I wonder why that is...
>100kg (1), whilst remaining lean at around 8/9% body fat.
he did though. filming on immortals was delayed so that he had to immediately start working out for man of steel afterwards, which he had a year and a half for.
that first photo of him looking chubby is AFTER his role in immortals you retard.
and 3 years after man of steel.
Yes these retards don't like to train, and that's what makes it believable for them to pack on so much fat and lose some muscle after ceasing their diet and training protocols, how is this in any way evidence or indication that they're using roids?
People have good body transformations without drugs.
>Also, thinking a Hollywood actor is against using substances is fucking hilarious.
Is he? Idk, I'm not the other retard just taking his word of it, I'm looking at his results and they are in line what he says.
Post your pic next to his at his peak and anyone who would tell you that he's natty and you're on roids.
>These guys are in drug rehab every other week.
More assumption and unverifiable claims.
It's not me, don't get salty.
Flipping flopping between dyel and fit is a classic sign of roid usage, you mong. They get fat when they get off the gas.
>More assumption and unverifiable claims
Ayyyy lmao. If that's what you think I've got a bridge I'd like to sell you.
I didn't show any strongmen that trained at the circus though, are you literally retarded?
I posted REGULAR GUYS FROM A GYM IN PARIS you absolute retard.
And to claim that ANYONE in the late 19th century to the early 20th century had as much knowledge on nutrition or training without spinning their fucking wheels is to be dishonest at best, or fucking stupid at worst.
So if the guys I posted managed to look better than henry, why are you still talking shit lmao?
>They knew a lot more than Hollywood actors who doesn't even like exercise, mate. Quality of food was better back then, too. Hollywood actors eat like shit yet mysteriously only gains muscle. I wonder why that is...
They literally are told what to eat by professionals and how to train by professionals and eat convenient foods like chicken, turkey, rice, protein shake after protein shake, just lmao at you if you think actors don't have the upper hand these days.
>Hollywood actors eat like shit yet mysteriously only gains muscle
Stop being a retard, in the case of henry he was fucking eating protein shakes and chicken breast and tuna and cottage cheese and eggs every single meal.
>You keep saying there's no proof even if it's obvious they use steroids.
It's not obvious when you can't even provide evidence that the's on gear, period.
If he's against roids, doesn't have a roidfag physique or transformation and was never caught on roids, it's not obvious he uses roids, we are talking about one specific actor, not EVERY hollywood action star obviously, don't try and derail this.
>where's the proof they're not using
again stop derailing this you retard, we are talking about henry, there's no proof that he's not natty, not even by looking at his body can you say with a straight face that he is not natty.
>they get fat when they get off the gas
I guess you're speaking from experience, you bitter queer.
>gets btfo trying to talk trash about other people's transformations, can't even give a single good reply
>resorting to ad hominems
And you've lost. Gg, t-rexlet.
>They literally are told what to eat by professionals and how to train by professionals
>henry he was fucking eating protein shakes and chicken breast and tuna and cottage cheese and eggs every single meal
>It's not obvious when you can't even provide evidence that the's on gear,
No proof? Again, people blew up in the 50s and you think it was coincidence? It's not like actors have anything against steroids, they use drugs all the time
>it's not obvious he uses roids
LOL. Are you the type of faggot who thinks he can make it if you try really hard? Jesus christ, he's 35. You gain 20 pounds of muscle in 3 months at that age and I'll give you 1 million dollars, faggot
>again stop derailing this
No, seriously. You cannot post proof because there isn't any and you seriously think muh professionals makes a difference? You've got issues, mate, big ones. How old are you if you believe this shit? 12? Maybe 15?
based brainlet poster.
>No proof? Again, people blew up in the 50s and you think it was coincidence?
How is that proof that any single person born after the 1950's is on roids you absolute retard? We are talking about one person, an individual, just because he's born after 1950 does it mean he's on gear? Are you on gear?
Jesus christ what a retard lmao.
>LOL. Are you the type of faggot who thinks he can make it if you try really hard?
Nice bitter attitude you have there lmao, typical of bitter genetic deadends that can't ammount to shit in life and just talk shit about other people to feel better about themselves and can never admit that other people might be better than them without the magical potions.
>You gain 20 pounds of muscle in 3 months at that age and I'll give you 1 million dollars
He didn't gain 20 pounds of muscle in 3 months he just gained weight, holy shit are you retarded? You are just doing your very best to prove you are a bitter retard with this talk.
>No, seriously. You cannot post proof because there isn't any and you seriously think muh professionals makes a difference? You've got issues, mate, big ones. How old are you if you believe this shit? 12? Maybe 15?
Typical of a retard brainlet double digit IQ having faggot on Jow Forums, when everything else fails, when btfo on the fact that you have 0 evidence for what you claim with absolute certainty, you ask for evidence that you're wrong lmao.
Top tier brainlet action here.
He doesn't look like he's on roids.
His transformation isn't unrealistic considering what body he started with.
His claims of gaining dozens of lbs in a few months are all based on bodyweight, he has no idea how much muscle he actually gained.
He's constantly getting off his diet and training and thus he gets chubby.
You have no proof of anything you say, just lmao at you.
Roiding for that??? LMAO
>has all the time in the world to train and rest
>studios give him PTs 24/7
Did he roid? Could be. But what's the point if that's not spectacular.
He mentioned he trained like 5 hs/day for 6 months prior to start shooting and slept like a baby during that period.
IMO it's legit.
aren't you the one claiming other people are on roids with 0 evidence or proof lmao?
just lmao at you, you small minded bitter larping faggot.
You call me a brainlet when you think Hollywood actors doesn't use steroids... Man.
>His transformation isn't unrealistic
It takes years to gain that kind of muscles. Sorry mate but you're retarded and believe complete BS. Not gonna waste anymore on you fucking child. Do some research instead of arguing complete nonsense with adults again
You are trolling right?
I think his traps and delts would be a lot bigger if he roided. He has a natty look to him
>training 5 hours a day as a natty
Lmao. You've never touched a barbell in your life.
Plenty of evidence was posted. You just ignored it and resorted to insults because you're a weak bitch who can't handle reality.
you try training 5hs/day for 1 week and tell me how your recovery is
>You call me a brainlet when you think Hollywood actors doesn't use steroids... Man.
You're the brainlet if you think every single hollywood action star without exception even if they look natty is on roids, like you're legit retarded if you claim this and have 0 critical thinking in place.
>It takes years to gain that kind of muscles. Sorry mate but you're retarded and believe complete BS.
He's been training since AT LEAST 2010 you dumb fucking retard.
Stop larping as this fitness guru personna you sound retarded lmao, just lmao at you for real.
>Do some research instead of arguing complete nonsense with adults again
Do some research? The one you haven't done? You're literally talking trash about someone going from dyel to fit when you have no idea that he was fit since at least 2011.
You do your research, retarded larping faggot.
Pic related, if you think he started from nothing to muscular in 3 months, you are the one who's a retard.
>Plenty of evidence was posted.
None was posted actually, like legit 0 was posted.
He looks natty
His transformation is realistic, he's been training since at least 2010, but zig zagging with his diet.
You're the one ignoring the evidence that he's natty, because you wanna believe that looking as good as a regular joe that goes to the gym and stays fit is impossible without roids, for whatever reason.
Stop putting others down and just fucking admit that he looks good, it makes you look like a weak bitter bitch angry at the world who can't handle reality that you can get a good body without roids.
I want to lick his lean fuzzy nips
He looks better than most (natty) gym rats and he doesn't train outside of filming for certain roles. That's a dead giveaway. You want to believe he's natural because you want to believe you can look like him.
Note that I'm talking about Cavill in MoS, not JL. He looks pretty small in that one.
>He mentioned he trained like 5 hs/day for 6 months
That what they all fucking say because they have zero interest in learning about training and diet themselves, they just lift what they're told, eat what they're fed and hit they hay after some jew inject them with "vitamins". They say they work out so much because most people will just think that makes sense. Most fucking mainstream bodybuilders have a vested interest in making normies think that working out for 8 hours and drinking protein shakes™ is whats needed to go beyond humanity.
so tired of you faggots who never exercised asking if someones natty
For sure, he looks smaller in JL and that much is certain.
He actually barely looks any bigger than what he used to look like in immortals back in 2011.
>and he doesn't train outside of filming for certain roles
He claims he does train, just not nearly as much.
I don't want to look like him, I want to be better.
>he claims to be natty but he looks buff
The absolute coping state of dyels. Jesus dude.
>Anyone who's big is fraud and anyone smaller than the fraud's are dyel
Just neck yourselves honestly
Maybe. He's tall but:
>Professional Trainers
>Professional nutrition
>Tons of time to work out
>Not huge
>Not shredded
>Post production
>Make up
I'd say he looks like at the natty limit. But he's got lots going for him, he doesn't necessarily need any roids.
yeah he's prob natty
>9% bf
lmao he's in the 15-20% range no doubt, which is why he could be natural
About as natty as Hugh Jackman or Thor-man.
>literally everyone there has 17"+ arms
Lol, sure, post every single body of the people in your gym, at least 50.
i'd be happy with this physique at 35
>anybody bigger than me roids
The thread
It's not about being bigger, it's about the time frame.
you again
CGI is a thing, fuckhead
>those special effects
Jesus Christ