Tfw you think you found someone smart on Jow Forums but then they start spouting some basic bitch transphobic shit

>tfw you think you found someone smart on Jow Forums but then they start spouting some basic bitch transphobic shit

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Other urls found in this thread:

>someone's only smart if they hold the same perspectives as you

Why does someone not on board with transgenderism = stupid?

bigotry and ignorance go hand in hand

Being transphobic is rationnal so...

Is there anyone who has fallen from grace as hard or as fast as Cosmo?

>basic bitch transphobic shit
In otherwords common sense

I found this video pretty interesting

>Everybody who I don't agree with is stupid

the basic mantra of these delusional abominations.

Don't you faggots get it yet? We hate you, we despise you and we enjoy watching you suffer in your own misery and the thing is you actually deserve it being an insult to existence. You are demented, you are broken, you are ugly and fucking stupid as hell, you are weak, you are delusional... but that's not the real reason most people hate you: we hate you because you are fake and trying to trick people into your disgusting vile fantasies. I'm not religious but there is a reason sodom and gomorrah got destroyed. Die and stay dead.

Literally the opposite is true. Almost all bigotry is postjudice, not prejudice.

>Get in to a relationship with a cis lesbian
>Things going well, have some sexy fun
>Find out she runs a 'gender critical' tumblr page
>Most vile TERF shit posted practically all day every day
You are like a baby to me user.

As "trangerderism" and mental illness, your point?

>TFW mentally ill humans still believing that r9k is pro trans

Get the fuck out here with your stupid trans spam

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this dude's twitch got btfo and she's almost 30, what do guys think the likelihood of her an hero'ing is?

It is a man, use he and him, and for the love of god stop being a faggot.

transexual means autogynephilic

>tfw you think you found someone smart on Jow Forums but then they are some basic bitch trans shit

'hurr durr trannies r mentally ill'
weve got a bunch of regular einsteins ITT

>user fucked a terf


Said the mentally ill person to everyone else.

>Is trans
>Calls others retards
You have to be mentally disabled to mutilate yourself like that

Are you trans yourself?


I used to support transitioning until I learned more about it and looked at arguments for both sides. It's asking questions and trying to be less ignorant that got me to this point. Weird how that works

There are no girls(female) on the Internet.

I think trannies are disgusting and fucking retarded but I want to fuck them

Just like how I think women are sub human retards but I still want to fuck them

But if that person had sex with a cis lesbian wouldn't it have come out they're trans? I don't get it

Top kek


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i'm against transgenders. i'm against genders in general. whats the point even?

Real talk OP.
Nobody over the age of 16 with an IQ above 110 thinks that Trans are 'gross' or 'weird'. It's only weak little boys in their trollholes here on Jow Forums that believe stuff like that.

>no one normal would put something abnormal as weird or gross
Real talk, user, real talk. How are you transitioning btw?

So how do you treat/cure it?

Transgender people that took drugs that treat schizophrenic disorders said that it helped them "control' this illness.

Side Effects may include Axe Swings

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if it control your emntal illness, user, what's the problem with that?

holy shit I think I remember this tranny from r9k omegle

>tfw you can't tell if it's bait anymore

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Show ass, you sissy

Faggots make me sick!

Don't confuse contempt with fear, sub-human.

>that guy who gets triggered over the word phobia
you make transhaters look like genuine idiots.

>posts a rat faced crossdressing fetishistic narcissistic transvestite onions boy no dysphoria having faggot wannabe that got wrecked by john girlmaker numbers

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How do we save Cosmo guys?