White farmers getting fucked


I also heard that Russia is offering land to 15k white farmers, maybe some more

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Russia is offering land to 15k white farmers
I have no idea how reputable this is but it says they're considering offering land to that many farmers but have planned to welcome 30 families so far, which is only like 120-200 people.

It is somewhere on the South African.
like, the news site

good. We should remove all white from SA and just let that place rot

Who cares.

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> I also heard that Russia is offering land to 15k white farmers, maybe some more
Lmao from niggers to white niggers. And I am Russian.
I just want this to happen, I can't wait for all the shit which will hit the fan.

>daily mail
Got a source that isn't a right-wing tabloid? Because this smells like your typical Jow Forums horseshit


meant to link to

And why this is a bad thing ? A good white is a dead white.

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Kara boga, brother.

Thats the link I got, you can look for more yourself

I did and every site reporting on it was a right-wing propaganda site. Really makes you think...

Hmm, interesting.
Maybe because all of the left-wing news sites choose to ignore it because it doesnt fit their white power scheme they are feeding to roasties and normans.

Then again, could just be lies

Jesus Christ, leftypol, why don't you all move to Cuba or something.

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good whites dont belong there

>all sources which don't fit my extremist viewpoint are leftist
You seem pretty disconnected from reality

>colonial/apartheid government steals land from blacks without compensation

>independent government returns stolen land without compensation
>this is literally genocide omg


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At least you've admited that you're not even trying with your shitty bait posting

what a reputable source

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kys alt-right scum. Land appropriation is objectively justice, given the context surrounding WHY those farmers control that overwhelmingly large share of the land in the first place.

If you were intellectually honest about your stance on immigration and multiculturalism (africa for blacks, asia for asians, europe for whites, etc.) you would welcome this this development. But no, you're just a racial supremacist.

>Land appropriation is objectively justice,
>you would welcome this this development

So you're no longer skeptical about whether it's happening at all?

>we have niggers and shit skins here unironically supporting killing whites and defending nignogs
>the absolute state of Jow Forums

yeah this board is dead. im going to stick with pol and wizchan exclusively for now. desuarchive as well for anything specific. rip r9k you were once my most beloved board

No, you've convinced me that land appropriation is being planned by the government. I trust Reuters. But that ain't genocide.

>Daily mail
Anyone who links to this shit fuck off and end your life while you stare a celebrities fake tits

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Then the blacks can enjoy their niggers asses starving to death.

Although I truly couldn't give a shit about the whole race bullshit no one will miss fags like you seriously all you do is shit up the board with shit about race, so long fag you ain't welcome

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Wearing white clothing labels made by white technology.

>free land for displaced wh*tes
>in Siberia :^)

Sage the thread no more race baiting

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T. ICE loving poltards


That technology would likely come from Asia and t-shirts are universal at this point

So long, faggot Jow Forumscuck.

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Next your going to claim chopsticks or jazz was made by whites

So what is your point, nazis shared your contempt

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u fag u took that pic from me from another thread about ur mom dieing or some shit i kno because im the on who captioned it like that u couldnt even change the name u cunt

It's my image now douche

Your mother's a dead bitch faggot live with it

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OP here

It just sucks that the fuckers feeding their country are getting cucked so hard they have to move to Russia.

Real discussion allowed, racebait is fir Jow Forumsniggers and leftypol

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>successful white farmers in africa
>niggers come along and take all their land or just kill them
>they dont know how to farm
>wtf why are we starving?

Remove ghoul from SA

>But that ain't genocide.
They're literally considering it as an option

> >independent government returns stolen land without compensation
> >this is literally genocide omg
So you just admitting that what nigs are doing is at least as bad a s what evil whity did? And this is even ignoring the difference between nigs and humans.

> If you were intellectually honest about your stance on immigration and multiculturalism
I am honest, I want progress and civilization. This means not allowing blacks and other scum anywhere as much as possible.

A brief history of South Africa:

>Whites show up.
>Literally no one in the land.
>Literally no one.
>Whites start building farms because let me repeat that are literally no other humans in the area when they arrived.
>Meanwhile hundreds of miles away in the north a group of Africans called Bantu are genociding other tribes.
>Finish completely eradicating people in the area and move south over the next period of a couple of hundred years.
>Find whites there.
>Whites offer them food.
>Bantus love this and the scouts that were sent south go back and tell the rest of their people this.
>Bantus start mass immigrating south for gibs.
>Whites start getting outnumbered and respond by creating the apartheid to keep their way of life that had formed over hundreds of years being the only people there.
>Bantus numbers eventually reach the point where they cause the white government to collapse.
>Take over and spent the next 2 decades slaughtering whites and taking their land.

> Bantus numbers eventually reach the point where they cause the white government to collapse.
This was a combination of the UN pressure, mines and other megacorps using black labour and the impotence of the white government desu.

>hate black people
>move to Africa anyway
>pretend you brought them civilization by demanding they pay you taxes

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Pol has turned them to psychopaths