Smart niggas only

>be me
>take 3 professionally done iq tests
>score 143+ on all 3
>never talk about it because announcing that you are smart results in acid attack
>see retards bragging about 120 iq
>see retards bragging about AP classes
>see retards bragging about 1300 SAT score
>take 2 APs for fun and get 4.25 GPA with no work outside school
>take SAT without studying and get 1480

Why is it always the 120iq beta males and estrogen queens that get praise for being "smart" when they are near retarded compared to actually smart people?

Attached: rapedidiot.png (724x511, 706K)

Because they're not getting commended for being smart, they're being commended for being hard-working. I never put too much work into my schoolwork, or studied much at all. I still outclassed them on test scores, but I was still perceived as lazy and not to their standard, rightfully so.

>why is X true
>because X is not true

if the result is the same then why are we regarded as lazy for being forced into classes designed for people that cant keep up?

Why don't you just donate sperm? Or do you have something wrong with you like being a manlet or mentally ill?

>take SAT without studying and get 1480
>bragging about a 1480
>bragging about American public school AP grades
You look more stupid right now than a 70 iq who knows his faults.

Attached: book of fags.png (496x357, 210K)

>get praise for being "smart"
Because they're still above average. You could have figured that one yourself, smartass.

160 IQ here (give or take 5)

I took 3 part-time courses in uni at the same time, and got a 1st class in all of them. Currently planning to buy the playboy mansion and working on 2D to 3D catgirl technology. Despise brainlets like OP. AMA, that is, if your response will even be worth my time.

If I had two employees, one who showed up every morning on time, sat down at their desk, worked, than went home, and another who actively engaged with other employees and myself, on top of turning out satisfactory results, you know who I'd axe if I had to. Again, they're not being commended for the result, but the effort and ambiciousness that led to that result.

i got pretty lucky with genes, 6 feet tall, above average dong but not massive, blue eyes and dark brown hair, pale skin, usually center of attention, but i have to fake being a normal fag otherwise my entp ways are exposed

i am asking why they receive more praise than actually intelligent people, not why they receive praise

Answer this one mr. magic man

Why are bird brains more space efficient? How does clustering neurons work better than layering?

Attached: bird.png (516x222, 66K)

>states facts that back up claim of being intellectually superior to a group of people
>some shitter from the 120iq club calls me dumb for backing up my claim with evidence

>be me
>in med school
>see retards bragging about being smart

dont know and dont want to know

>bragging about a 1480 and 2 APs
dude. that's equivalent to a 2120. that's just above insta-reject tier at the Ivies. I got a 2380 but you don't see me making threads about it because no one gives a shit about high school achievements.

No just think you're way overcompensating dude. I took double your ap classes and got perfect GPA and got 1530 without studying but I don't need my IQ as a crutch to feel superior to others. Wisdom>prudence>intelligence and your not recognizing this makes you the real idiot. I mocked you for bragging about those stats because they don't make you a prodigy genius by any stretch of the definition, just a little gifted. You will never do anything with just reasonably above average intelligence, you usually need to be at least a genius to ever make your intelligence meaningful for the world. Bragging about 143+ iq is pretty pitiful cope.

>overusing greentxts to seem smug and more intelligent.
im average btw, no normal people give a shit about your iq

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Why don't you pop on over to to prove how smart you are, then?

1480 is in the top 1% of scores and i got it without studying. why is it so hard for you dweebs to understand that it is a comparison to the 120 iq shitters

>mocks green text
>uses green text

You're conflating intelligence with education. Being intelligent isn't going to magically teach sp mep ne sokmething they have no back ground in.

Yet you are the one who brags the most

>receive more praise than actually intelligent people
I'm not sure that's even correct, not from my experience. You get praise based on results you show, that's all there is to it.
If this is about you lacking praise during your developmental years, maybe it's because you didn't show good enough results. How else are people supposed to know you're smart?



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>be me
>143 iq
>doesnt even matter because im a fucking aspie and can barely communicate with people
what good is having a 4.0 if i will probably bomb all my grad school interviews

Because 1480 puts you in the top 1.4% while an IQ of 120 puts you in the top ~8%.
It's not that big of a difference, especially when you consider that the pool of scores includes all the kids in states where it's mandatory to take the SAT so they just draw dicks on the answer sheet.

No one taught Isaac Newton calculus, but he still invented it in the amount of time it takes most people to learn it.

>had 120 iq in 8th grade

>24 now, hs dropout, never had a job

Bad news for you friend. IQ tests give higher scores on the far ends for kids. You're probably closer to 110.

I was also a gifted child as a kid, certified by a psychologist and all. It's true, you should never ever reveal it to someone. They instantly look for ways to bring you down, from directly denying it to scrutinizing everything you do.

I don't even consider myself that smart, I do well in some areas and badly in others.

it was just some internet test not anything administered by the school

Derived from mathematical functions and logic which he had a background in, it wasn't pulled from thin air.

Take notes and study anyway even if you don't need it. If you don't develop the work ethic and study habits now it will fuck you down the line.

Idk man, I've stopped giving a fuck about that IQ thing ages ago. I remember that I was tested as a kid because my parents were suspicious of me having ADD (no idea what made them think they are both linked). Only thing I could remember was that I would've needed to take another test because I apparently capped out and needed a special test for higher IQs but being a small kid, I hated tests, so my parents didn't look into it any further.
The thing is, why are you obsessing so much over it? As long as you're not putting your mind to work and sit on your ass all day, a high IQ means fuckall. To most people, it just serves as a justification to look down on other people instead of using their gifted minds for something productive.