If you're a male who's attracted to females and aren't chad it's over

if you're a male who's attracted to females and aren't chad it's over.

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Nah just work on improving yourself, which is something you obviously haven't been doing

if you touch water you will get wet

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i-i just don't want to believe it though

I want to believe life is fair

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I was a fat friendless loser when I was 15, and now I'm a volcel Chad, so really you're just wrong.

>volcel is a coping mechanism

I'm Catholic, not just a loser.

>I was a fat friendless loser when I was 15,
i was a manlet loser my whole life

Those digits, senpai.

Honestly, being short isn't that big of a deal if you carry it correctly. I'm 5'8", which isn't fantastic, but a wise man who was an inch shorter than me once said "It doesn't matter as long as you're taller than your girl". He only dates girls under 5'5" usually, which is fine for me as well.

you think you can just talk your way out of reality but you can't

What reality?

The reality that you blame physical attributes that aren't a problem because you're too afraid to blame your shitty personality on the fact that nobody likes you?

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Sorry, I worded that weirdly.

You're too afraid to blame the fact that nobody likes you on your shitty personality is what I meant to say.


lol. personality matters but looks always come first

every single time. just because you can be a chad hidden under globs of lard doesn't mean we can all make it.


looks are king unless you have a debilitating mental disorder like social anxiety which I have as well

What if I have a deformity?

Of course they do, but most people aren't that ugly. I'm lucky that I landed pretty good looks in the genetic lottery, I'm unlucky that I also landed pretty bad acne, but I'm 18 now, so that's going away. Just work with what you got.

I think everyone can find happiness in their life no matter how they look. It may not be the typical happiness, but you can find the best happiness for yourself.

Yeah, but everyone's a part of a line which had a shitty looking whatever, and somehow they made it as far as they have.

can I improve my 3 inch penis?

You can improve your cunnilingus.

Also, if you're obese like I was, you're finna add about an inch to your wang if you lose the weight. I used to be like 5, now I'm 6 1/2, which isn't anything special, but it's also thick, and whatever, it works.

but I'm skelly...

How you can improve at cunnilingus if you don't have any pussy to practice with?

Trial and error? Idk, getting a girl to have sex with you is not that hard, there are plenty of horny women. Shit, even when I was halfway through losing weight, this one girl wanted to have sex with me. I refused, since I'm religious, but still.

I mean, you're not going to be great the first time, but you'll learn over time.

That sucks my man. Get into wearing strapons? I don't know desu.

you just realized?

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What if I don't want casual sex and just find a qt3.14 to have fun and grow old?

>if you're a male who's attracted to females and aren't chad it's over.
Yeah no shit.

You have to go back

Well then do what I'm doing and don't worry about it for the time being, volunteer for shit or otherwise get yourself out into the social sphere, and realize that there's no controlling whether or not you fall in love.

My philosophy on this was formed when I was like 10 and I had trouble sleeping. I would be up until like 3 trying to get myself to go to sleep. And then I realized that, in my gripping the pillow and trying to force myself to go to sleep, I was keeping myself up. So now, I fall asleep within minutes of going to bed because I just let sleep wash over me. It's the same thing with love, except over a much larger period of time. You have to put yourself in the proper environment, in the case of sleep a bed, in the case of falling in love a social environment. And then you just have to let it happen. You have to be okay with letting yourself be embarrassed, you have to not take yourself so seriously.

>I think everyone can find happiness in their life no matter how they look. It may not be the typical happiness, but you can find the best happiness for yourself.
and que the bs that supports your view of the world actually being a nice place and us deserving everything that happens to us. man do i love the godbros.

I'm Catholic, so I don't believe that. The world is a shitty place sometimes, and bad things happen to people who didn't deserve bad things to happen to them. That's always been the Catholic worldview. But, what you do despite the horrible things that happen to you, and what happiness you can find, that's what truly matters.

well that sounds incredibly reasonable but to not insult my own intelligence i'm waiting for an actually ugly guy to come around and say there is hope.

Nah you dont have to be chad. Being a decent normalfag should be enough.

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Fair enough, senpai. I wish you well!

>Being a decent normalfag should be enough.
Can confirm. I'm a decent norman and I'm quite happy.

There are plenty of horny women, but they are only horny for Chad.