Letter Thread. Fair warning to the people chasing Anna's. Don't. You don't know what you're getting into

Letter Thread. Fair warning to the people chasing Anna's. Don't. You don't know what you're getting into.

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I will get you one day. I was meant to be only with you.

Dear Mom and Dad

Thanks for helping me through this very difficult time in my life. I'm finally pulling through to the other side and it feels awesome. You're both some of the most patient people I know in my life and have helped me through thick and thin. I hope in the future I can repay you the favor and look after you when you're old. I know you would do the same for me if the roles were reversed.

Your Son

I feel the same, but for someone else. I had a unbearable feeling that redacted and I were meant to be, even if it will take the end of the world

I wish this never happened, I wish I was good enough for you. I'm sorry I couldn't provide you with everything you needed. I tried so hard, but ultimately i just wasn't good enough. I know you'll move on and you'll be happy, so many people like you. I'll be back to robothood where I belong.


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I'm too afraid of you leaving me so I'm gonna leave. I hate everything.

I wish I could say I deserved something, but I don't. One day, maybe, but not today. Still, I wish you could see me now. I'm better.

hello Mackenzie Stange, I was trawling facebook and saw you in a picture. I found all your social media and that you are vollyballing @ that bar in 9 days. I was gonna show up and try and seduce you but i'd rather not be a fucking imposter!

Dear A*y*

Hope your new boyfriend dies in his sleep.


do the stars represent "n" & "s" respectively?

Jesus Christ, she's gonna think this is from me.


You typoed. One to the left buddy.

nigaa I was talking about her anus, you know the one that her boyfriend is currently fucking? cuck.

U not wrong brah

she's screaming "user-cucker, go FASTER! FASTER! FASTER! HARDER FASTER! HAAAARRRRDDDDDUUUURRR! and she cums

Dear 11 year old me
Buy bitcoin, never use pornography, talk to people more, skip the phase in 10th grade where you think you're depressed, and don't even think about asking Rachel out. She's not worth it anyway. If you don't listen to my advice I'll come back and literally kill you.
-You, retard

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looks like you failed at killing 11 year old you because you're still here

aww this is sweet

good on you user, you've got this

Im new to most of this 4cahn stuff, whats an Anna?

It's code for an unnecessary obsession

By "Annas" do you mean anorexics?

Dear geo
why did you ghost me when you said you would never ghost me, and why would you do it without saying a thing?


I'm sorry for all the stupid things I did and said and put you through. Part of me wishes you would unblock me and part of me is relieved.
I think I will always love you. When I think of our genuine memories together it just feels peaceful and happy. I don't know why I started thinking of you as someone who would hurt me. I had an image of you as a person with a dark side, but I guess it was actually me. I'm sorry I projected that on to you.
I think of you often and I really really hope you're doing well. I want you to be happy and I'm sorry fucking up my chance to give you happiness.

There's a specific anna in this thread whose fucking with multiple anons I believe.

Dear robot patiently awaiting a letter that's never going to come,

Nah just every robot runs into an Anna in their life and falls in love with them. I liked one too, she was a Christian and liked to draw but she fell in love with my friend and I largely forgot about her.

dear bitch,

I'll b comin round tonite so better get dat pussy ass n mouth ready for dis dick. i'll bring weed n henny just for u bb girl

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Dear A

I don't really know why I'm writing this and honestly I don't want you to see this, I don't have the guts to say this one on one so this is my outlet I guess. Last night I wanted to say it wasn't your fault that I planned on killing myself, it just so happened to line up with my mental state being the worst it's ever been. I didn't have the will to go through with it just yet, I don't have the means to impulsively kill myself and I'm too scared, I was just so distraught yesterday and I got drunk and thought I was going to do it, but I'm still here I guess. I don't feel any different and I'm still thinking about doing it. When you called I got the impression that you believe it was your fault I was like that, I'm not going to deny it had effect but I wouldn't kill myself because of it. I've just had enough of living and I wanted the dream of being with you to become true and you didnt. I'm stick of being controlled by my emotions and mental state, I can't function like a normal human and I'm a complete and utter waste of air. There wasn't really a point to this besides gushing out what I wanted to say in some kind of form, this just so happened to be that form. If I die I will let you know.

Love, J

I hate being an A with a J

Really makes these threads a nightmare

It's probably not you that I wrote this about considering I'm not with them, they don't want to date me they aren't willing to commit.

Then why waste your time on them? Seems to me like that's an easy thing to find out quickly and move on with your life and options.

It's alittle more complicated than that. I was willing to and at first it seemed like they were aswell but as it went on they lost the motivation to continue with the possibility of seeing each other being terribly small.
I have nothing to live for and no chance of surviving without a reason, I wanted for them to be that reason and they didn't.

I think your birthday is on the 17th, I hope I haven't forgotten. Happy early birthday
also do you look for my pictures in the archive or something if so you should stop

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Your only reason to live was someone you never even met in person? That's rough dude good luck moving on.

I know I'm pathetic.
But thank you.

No. It's about a girl named Anna. It's not some secret code.


wtf how many people is Anya talking to besides me?

What's the M stand for?

Oh you poor, poor boy.

you'd know if it was for you

I wasn't chasing anyone. Why don't you get that?

Dear H,
I think we left things unfinished between us. I know you tried to act like we were cool on the last day, but we aren't. This last year was awful, easily my worst year in the program. I know that's mostly my fault, but a big part of that was learning more about you. For someone who claims to "wear his heart on his sleeve" you are really fucking hard to get a read on. I'm not going to type up an itemized list of disagreements because in the end, you'd fall back on your excuse that everything you do is die the good of the program. The problem is that it's true! But me and a handful of other people learned this year the hard way that you care more about the program than you do the people in it and that mentality hurts people. I really like the work you're doing, I just wish I'd gathered up the courage to say this all to your face before I left for good.
-Unsigned because you have the uncanny fucking ability to track this shit

I'm pretty sure it is me, but I wanted to ask before I gave you another chance so I don't look retarded. Nevermind then.

Sounds like something someone who's chasing someone would say.

Dear Anonymous Psych Patient,

I can't remember your name because I tried hard not to remember that of people in the ward; outside contact was banned. However, I think I liked you, and the time we spent together was nice. I do still think about you on the rarest occasion... It would have been nice if we had met outside the ward. I don't know if you're alive. I gave you a dragon drawing before you left the ward. It was the really detailed red and orange one I drew when I was taking Ambien.


You know, I really wish I could be him in moments like this. I know it's wrong. But he's such an absurdly lucky guy right now to be with you that I sometimes wonder if he realizes it.

I imagine that when you come back you won't even talk to me anymore. Maybe that'll be better. who knows

tell me your initials then (doubt its you at this point though)

Who the fuck is Anna?


Nah, I'll just keep ignoring my M whether it's you or not.

I can tell from the way you talk and some other things that it's not you so it's all good

Dear H,

Your constant excuses about why you don't seek mental help, stop self-harming, and breaking promises is ridiculous at this point. You still won't open up to me fully and we've been together for years. I'm not even angry about these things anymore, I'm just losing hope. You feel that I could do better, but I don't want what you think is "better". I want to be with you, but you're making it so hard to hold on.

Love, A

user to whom
And from whom

Considering i've got another thing to say

Dear M

I don't know how much this will end. By this I mean whatever we have between you and me. But as of now, right now, I feel it's going to end very soon. And I'm the one who'll suffer the most about it, I'm sure.

Not like you'll miss me. You have the best intentions, but I know you. You tend to forget easily, details, stories, memories. Give it a few years, you won't even remember my name.

How many combinations of this phrase are you going to come up with user?

Not a lot going to have to come up with new ones. Help and your initials.

My initials? I'm not the person you replied to before, but the first one is in the first 13 letters of the alphabet. Take a guess!

I know your initial now, thanks. Help come up with more ways to say whom to and from whom.

But I wasn't. They reached out to me first when I didn't want to even talk to anybody.

Alright now I am morbidly curious.
If you have 4 letters in your name, then I worry.

>I know your initial now, thanks.
Uh, how? That's pretty creepy. Are you psychic? You can try this: to which individual is this letter written for and who drafted it?

Man, just stop, C.
You're more obsessed than me.

Dear Katherine,
Why you are so cold with me, you prefer my friend?

fuck you

Because you told me to guess..
>the first one is in the first 13 letters of the alphabet. Take a guess!

I'm not C, who is that?

i don't!
told you

I'd drink a ton in Canada but drinking in America makes me piss the bed.
Cant smoke dope cant smoke meth cant even fucking drink any more
I want to kill my self but I cant even get a gun living in america fuck me

Why do you keep talking to me? I don't want to be your friend and I didn't back then. I was too far gone at that point to be able to have friends.
I'm sorry you have to have those memories with me. I didn't enjoy it (I'm sure you could tell). All I wanted to do was to go home and play Pokemon and try to not look at anyone's boobs.
I'm not a slut. If a random phone hacker wants to watch a gross femcel when she's alone in her room, that's their problem.

Dear S,

I don't know why I still think of you from time to time. I did cheat on you that one time, and I admitted it, and I tried to make up for it for years. Only, nothing was good enough. You put me down constantly, and lied to me, and made me feel like shit. I realize now you weren't a very nice person and you never liked me or my family or friends or the fact that I didn't make much money, but you just pretended to love me until it was no longer convenient. That one conversation we had where you admitted you could never really picture us getting married broke me, because I never thought anyone could lie about their entire personality like you did. I transferred to the same college as you because I loved you. We used to have such great and deep conversations about everything under the sun, but you fell deep into Tumblrism in college and started policing my language and constantly shaming me for my personal beliefs and life choices, and the rift just kept growing. You're a brainwashed socialist, and it makes me sick that your job is propagating blatant leftist ideology to impressionable young children. My one mistake was letting myself get seduced by that slut one night while intoxicated and lonely. It took me years to recover from the damage you did to me and I'm still not whole. Yet, I don't hate you. I just wish that you and I could make peace, after all this time. I just want closure. To be able to say, "it's ok, it's in the past, I'm not destined to be a bad person". But you're an SJW, and just based on your Twitter and Tumblr you enjoy hating things because it fires you up, so I just need to accept that that will never happen, and that if deciding to hate me forever gives you strength, maybe I should just accept that. Maybe I should open myself up to be hurt again because I'm sick of being too chickenshit to be vulnerable. 99.99% of me has moved on, but that .01% needs to die. I will always love you and wish you nothing but happiness in the world.


Dear Mom.

We know you cheated on dad, dad knows it, big-sis knows it. And still we put on a mask, just to keep the so called "happy family" together.
Every time you leave the house, be it for a tiny trip to the grocery store, a ride on the bike or your job, I feel anxious, hate, anger, doubt and fear. I suspect my dad and sister does too.
Because of your bullshit, that has been going on for years now, I will never truly trust a woman, I will never open my heart to any girl I meet. I am now 24 years old, army trained, well built, big social circle and many close friends. But NONE OF THEM KNOWS THE FUCKING SHAME I FEEL, I CAN'T FUCKING TRUST MY OWN MOTHER, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO TRUST ANYONE!?

Fuck you, cucking my dad, cucking your family, all for your selfish fucking needs. I still love you, dad still loves you, big-sis still loves you, but you are a burden.

Your son.

Is this some kind of weird bitter projection based on misunderstandings or are you just another cuck? Or are they the same thing?

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I wish someone would give me a dragon drawing.

I still miss you sometimes. I wonder what you've been up to but I know it's not my business anymore
-your (former) cat

Dear O,

I'm sorry you're somewhere you don't want to be right now. I know I worry too much. I've been trying to stop dwelling on things. Words really can't express it. I look forward to talking to you every day. It sounds sad but it's really the only thing that's keeping me going. I hope we meet one day.


Initials, user? You're not an A are you?

I am not.
The person this is for will know exactly who I am.

Dear _____,

I'm sorry I led you on when you had a crush on me and then fucked your little sister instead. Actually, no, I'm not sorry. It was fucking hilarious and was probably the most alpha thing I will ever do in my otherwise beta life. Thanks for the cheap power trip, chubby.

PS lose some weight and you might be as cute as your oh-so-fuckable little sis.

Thanks for letting me fuck both your girlfriend and your sister you fucking cuck.


i hate that this sounds like someone who i miss and my initial is s because i know you arent them and that really sucks.

What is their initial? It might help you find them to post it.

S is a delusional slut, nice ass though.

I'm crying. Why don't girls like me ever? I wish I didn't care. I want to be a kid again.

Dear B
I regret everything I've done and I blame how angry I was (am) at the world putting you so far away from here. I want to love you and you know that, but I am a logical person with a cold heart and a cold head, and I can't let my emotions affect the future of the people I need to provide for.
You're still a cutie and I'm so angry because all the pictures I had of you disappeared,
If by any chance you see this, let's meet up at the place we saw each other for the first time.
Love, J

i am 99% sure that they dont browse Jow Forums. it was just weird that it could be something they would say

haha sorry your s was shitty. youre probably better off without them.

Stop caring, you control your thoughts.

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I've tried every kind of mental gymnastics you could think of. I don't know why I'm not good enough.

Approach more women, doesn't matter if you get rejected just use it as a chance to do some self reflection. Focus on being calm and in a good mood, don't expect anything and keep eye contact casual.

I handed it to them on the day of their discharge. The hospital made a big fuss about the drawing, but finally let them keep it after I blacked out my signature. I hope someone gives you a dragon drawing one day (hopefully not in the setting of a psych ward).

here user, love you

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i'm still trying to get over you. i keep looking for someone or something else, but you're as close to perfect as i can imagine walking the earth. i've been proven wrong about that before but it took you to do it.

He's a pretty cute dragon. You make me feel like a douche for just saying, "Hope someone gives you a dragon drawing someday." Ah, fuck it. Why not?
Here's another dragon. It's a 5 a.m. dragon made just for you.

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well you make me feel like a douche for not having those drawing skills, thats a really nice dragon

It was inspired by your dragon hence the neck spikes. You are the instigator. Plus, your dragon is breathing fire. He's a charming beast.

thank you for being so nice, actually made me smile
have a nice day friend

I do like your doodle. You have a nice day too, fellow dragon user.

You guys suck.

>have a nice day.

It's technically night for me, but I didn't feel that was important.

J or K which ever you prefer.

I'm sort of glad I got to talk to you online, I don't mind if you tend to be vague about your circumstances I just hope you are doing alright. It feels like I get to know people more, I am observing your conscious without your body language and all the stuff that comes with it filtering it. I saw you before, I was going to say hello but it's been so long I thought it may have just been a ghost. Where ever you are I hope we talk soon, I've actually been sort of feeling good lately trying to force myself to think more positively and realize that my circumstances are not my fault and that it doesn't matter what people think of me because most of them are feeling like shit deep down. My feelings have been confusing though, it feels like I can see things a lot clearer but I'm lost as to which path I am taking. I just want to share these feelings in hopes that you feel happy too.

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When you aren't online I miss you. I miss you whenever we don't talk. I hope you think about me as much as I do you.