She messaged first

>she messaged first
How do I make her like me?
This may be my only chance

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Just be impressive or say something normal like a normie

just don't lie to her to make yourself look "cool"

"do you think god stays in heaven because he too fears what he has created?"

I fucked it up guys
I started talking about work and she's probably bored of me already
shes not mssging back

Where do you know her from maybe I can pull something out my ass quickly

Ok she replied and asked me about my job
things are ok for now

Just be you even if you are a bit spergy when you fuck up slightly act like its a joke, thats what I do. Note: this only works if your slightly spergy, full on autistic is too much for most people to take as a joke so try to dial it back a bit if youre like that.

user, trick is, STAY ENTERTAINING

Trying to make plans with her soon
Would tomorrow be too soon to ask to meet for dinner?

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Idk, if thats too early. If I were you, Id say next weekend so that I had time to clean myself up.

if she has auto capitalization disabled, good luck man

Yeah, shoot for next Friday

Perfect, just enough time for her to find a handsomer guy to cuck you with then """raincheck""" your date.

Yeah, its all relative. But I'd say that tomorrow may be a little sudden. Give it a few days, friday's a good night!

AHHHHH fuck how do you have a conversation and not fuck it up

just talk about anything be yourself and enjoy. If you have to pretend then you wont have a good time and neither will she

Get her talking about herself, chicks love talking about themselves (all people do but chicks especially) just do enough to keep the conversation flowing and have fun

Okay, I have a date monday night
This is farther than I've got before but I feel like I'll probably end up embarrassing myself again

just give up. I cant get laid and neither can you. We are robots. She will use you for free food, "powder her nose in the bathroom" when the bill comes and go fuck chad at his place when it is over.