What (or who) would you do if you were 8man in high school?

What (or who) would you do if you were 8man in high school?

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Marry sensei

Fuck everyones relationships in that stupid highschool except totsuka and fatty guy

>What (or who) would you do if you were 8man in high school?

the sporty chick. I'd ram my cock into her tight pussy after a hard game of tennis daily and make her my personal cock sleeve. She'd be dripping with my seed 24/7.

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Marry the teacher and fuck the boy and the imouto.

I would have asked Yukino out. Yui would cheat. Iroha would cheat.

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"Realistically" Yui.

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Iroha because she's kawaii and straightforward.

I'll probably get cucked, though. Fcuk mein lyfe.

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Yukino is the only correct answer. The other 2 are normie harlots who would dump you eventually.

None of the girls would cuck you. They wouldn't bother with you (8man) in the first place if it would just end that way.

Yukinoshita all the way

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Let's be real here, none of us would do anything. The only thing Hachiman has going for him is his self-confidence and his healthy, supportive relationship with his sister. If I was in his situation, I wouldn't have the balls to keep going to school, much less fuck Saika. Chances are I'd spaghetti up my relationships with Komatsu at some point or another, too, so that too. Depressing, but true.

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probably the same thing i did in high school
which was jack shit
will certainly never meet any of the girls, and im too cowardly to go get hit by a car and inadvertently jumpstart the entire plot
unless im already in the club, which in that case ill just fuck off or sit in a corner all the time

If it was me Id pick Iroha because shes the kind of girl Id like. If I were 8man though Id pick Yui easily. He needs someone that will get him out of his comfort zone that he can also look out for, Yukinon is just a female version of himself.

This is the only correct answer. Original

I always feel some kind of remorse and a glimpse of sadness because of animes like this. School time gave me many chances to love and be loved, experience relationships and healthy youth. But I preferred to spend my time home, playing games most of my free time. World of warcraft, mostly, some shooters before that. You know, those girls I could go out with weren't some sluts or ugly. They just liked me and showed their affection in different ways, but leveling up in mmo would be more engaging for me.
I'm able to experience emotions and affection only when I'm high on something. A fucking reptilian is who I am.

No way a real life Hachiman would pull just about every girl he meets

idiot. thats why hs anime exist, to let you live the school life you never had.

It doesn't work for me, fucktard. I'd rather have thos emotions suppressed and forgotten about.

You got trapped bruv.

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Probably marry Yui.
Seems like decent wife material.

Thank you, fellow animebro. We're all in Hell, but at least there is hope.

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I don't think Yui would. She still likes and supports 8man despite being part of the normie-est caste. Yukino would eventually have her pussy sold to some rich guy by her parents. Sensei's also a candidate, since she's reaching past her prime and is getting desperate and easier to take emotional advantage of.

The obvious choice here is Saika.