Everything posted here about women is true. All of it

Everything posted here about women is true. All of it.

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>Make cute babies
It's like she's buying a fucking sticker set to put on her Hello Kitty notebook and not introducing life into a world of suffering. Fuckin' breeders man.

>implying guys aren't also like this

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It's really just all of the normalscum.
That's what concerns me. Women really aren't worth it now.

>all those fucking likes and retweets
I think I'm gonna be sick

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>At the hospital with your wife in labor
>Through the hole that your firstborn son is coming out of, multiple men have been inside of
>The mouth that you kissed has touched multiple men's dicks
>She remembers most of the times she's had sex and can think about it at any time
>She will wear white to your wedding

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No shit sherlock this board might be full of people that hate women but we only hate them because we can see them for what they really are due to not being their prime target so we don't have to over look their horrid flaws

>guy spends his early 20s fucking every woman in sight and drinking heavily
>no one cares
>girl does the same thing and tries to settle down later
>everyone loses their shit
Really makes you think.

>your wedding
its her wedding lmao, every marriage is for the woman

saggy beef curtains

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>she will stay at home to take care of your kids while you work everyday
>when the children are older and don't need to be taken care of she will not go back to work
I promise you, every woman does it

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my grandma actually bullied my mom into wearing a pink dress for her second wedding

Not an argument.

>every woman in sight allows and encourages said man ( if he's attractive ) to fuck them

You're forgetting how society and social dynamics work, idiota. If they don't want him fucking them, he wont get to fuck them; or it's off to prison and his life is ruined forever after because otherwise it's rape.

>fucks around freely with Chads in her youth during her prime beauty
>now that she's getting wrinkled and can't compete with fresh 18 year olds she wants Beta Bill to pick up the pieces

the hypocrisy is hilarious here

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do not fall for the marriage meme

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So glad the internet gives women a platform to freely express themselves. It's not that men are misogynistic, men actually love women to a fucking fault and will throw each other under a bus for them. But this is reality, and eventually every man sees it for what it is. The only roastie worth anything is your mother.

Men and women are different.
Men fucking around and women fucking around has different physical and emitonal effects.

Ask yourself, why do you bring up the fact that men fuck around in their 20's if you think that it's a good thing for women to fuck around in their 20's? Women don't have to copy men to do the right thing
Women have to be the best that women can be and acknowledge that certain behaviors are bad for women.

Men and women are equal, but we are no the same.

Nice try, but your nothing getting off the hook for being a massive whore.

It come down to men have to work for it where as women just have to be there. Men don't care if the women is below average in looks, makes next to nothing or is a complet cunt they will just pump and dump, even land whales will have people that will be willing to fuck them.

Now look at men unless your 5'10 or above, good looking, make decent money and funny women will not even look at you, sure some men can get laid with out all these traits but its so much harder to pull of them a women of compareable status. That why women are shunted for sleeping with many men where it isn't the same for men as it's so much harder for the 90% for men to get laid as much as the other 10%, 90% of women can get laid with little effort only 10% of women will have trouble getting laid

>Male teacher packs ass of high school student
>executed for pedophilia
>Female teacher sucks the cum out of a 15 year olds dick
>wow thats hot I wish I was him
Really makes you think


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>world of suffering
What the fuck are you talking about?

Women are aliens from the 6th dimension
They are here to assimilate humanity
We used to reproduce asexually but then they came and over time we lost our ability to make our own babies, becoming completely dependent on them
When the female agenda reaches fruition we will ascend to the 6th dimension and then have our souls devoured by the great fem queen
They will be repurposed to make more females who will descend back into our dimension or even different ones to find more lifeforms to enslave

Oh no, an atinatalist, why dont you commit sudoku if you believe life is pain, just do it already fagget

Yeah it is. Now what? What can you do about it? Do you just bury your head in the sand and wait until months, years, decades pass until you die? I'm closing 30 and i don't want to die without having sex and having these experiences. What am i supposed to do?

Go marry these hos that Chad pumped and dumped then you desperate cuck. If you make her happy and she's in the mood she might give you some sex every now and then.

You're just mad because you didn't do the same thing faggot.

does anyone have the image compilation of "i won't date anyone under 6'", "if you're under 6' don't even talk to me" etc

>Implying I support Chad and Brad fucking and ruining all the women

Your nana sounds based please be kind to her

If sex is your sole objective than consult a professional. You don't need to go through the trouble of all the hang-ups with used goods if all you're looking for is a receptacle to insert your dick.

Some women user.

So what's the point of realizing that women are like this? What's the point of these threads if there's nothing that you can do or change about it?

Most women user.

>consult a professional
I'm starting to think this is an insult not a genuine suggestion.

And yes, sex is literally the most important thing in life next to survival. Men need sex to be happy. It's biological.
Every time i wake up i feel pressure in my balls and this annoying feeling of wanting a release that doesn't go away with fapping.
You normies wouldn't understand since you get plenty of sex or are under 25. I didn't have this when i was a teenager.

Not every female is a thot. I don't want to start an argument or anything, but some girls are actually nice human beings who cherish love an live in the moment. Yes, there are those who choose to cheat and lie and such, but love does exist. You just need to find the right person. (yeah sorry about this being cheesy)

Women who have a tinder account, went to college, most men know the score when it comes to women who have likely had huge numbers of partners and what kinds of parnters they've had.
Most of men aren't retarded and can point out a thot, a slut, a nut, a creeper, a closet case, and walking pile of STDs with ease.

lmfao naive dumbass

Where are the good women, are there any left?

yeah but they're rare
develop a personality and your interests and you'll run into one

??? it was a mispost? ill repost it for anyone who wants to see. i made a good point, just not relevant to who i replied to.

I used to fuck women like this all the time. Some of them had boyfriends. No matter what a woman says, if you can excite her and seduce her she will throw away everything for a few moments of cheap pleasure.

It's ironic how robot's judging women based on their sexual behavior is a monkey brain thing to do, it's an evolutionarily designed instinct that promotes monogamy to prevent species dying from STD's.
Well women riding the dick carousel is also a monkey brain thing to do.
But ones claim moral superiority over others for some reason lmao, while the mechanism is the same.

Not again...

1. A man who gets laid WORKED for it, it is an achievement since he must entertain her constantly to get the CHANCE to get laid
2. A female who got laid just said "Yes"

That's not even fucking Incel, this is how it works in real life. Maybe not in Russian where it's 20 million females than males in the relevant age group between 18 and 35, but elsewhere.

>I'm starting to think this is an insult not a genuine suggestion.
>being this autistic

>And yes, sex is literally the most important thing in life next to survival
You're a fucking psychopath, user.

Don't bother. Although scientists already proved that Sex is THE source for general happyness from both men and women, normies deny that if it fits there agenda, but spout the same thing out in other conversation.
There are fucking sociopaths.

Why do you people think DSM diagnoses make for good insults? Its lame and stupid.
It doesn't make you seem educated, just makes you seem underage.
I mean if you're going to use a DSM diagnosis, at least use an obscure one.

Thanks user. If you have any exact studies i'd love to read them.

>doubles down on his autism

>Sex is the most important thing after living itself.
That assertion is psychopathic and animalistic, because it makes ignores morality, which is the actual second most important thing after survival for us, because it's unique to humans.

Women are fucking stupid and should be used for sex.

>You're a fucking psychopath, user.
You're psycho for wanting sex?
You normie sure are stupid

The difference is, guy doesn't go begging to get married.

>You're psycho for wanting sex?
read nigger read
It's psycho to hold it second to only breathing.

t. Chad/roastie
>completely misses the point and adds a strawman

And therein lies the problem.
Statistics show that for every 100 women, there are approximately 102 men.
This may not seem like a huge difference, but scale that up to a population of 7 billion souls. Those extra 2 men suddenly became a lot more numerous.
Now, lets look at some other statistics. The likelihood that a woman has sucked a dick is about 50% by age 15-16. This raises to 70% by age 17-18. And that statistic definitely won't be going down with age. I haven't even gotten into penetrative sex with this, but I don't think I need to. A lot of sluts suck dick more than they have actual intercourse.
So, here's what we get, just from these very basic statistics.
The number of men outnumber the number of women by a lot.
At the most optimistic, 30% of women are not sluts.
And by your own admission, most men are smart enough to tell which women are sluts.
So, this means there are not a lot of hapless idiots to take the fall. Sure, we have the s o i boys, and perhaps some sexual deviants who are naive enough not to care, but that can't account for them all. Not for the +70% figure.
A lot of men are going to die alone, or worse, become the beta provider for a woman they know isn't worth it.
I can tell you right off that Chad will be getting his choice pick of the virgins when he's ready to settle down. Whatever's left will be hotly contested by those below Chad. It's down to a fight between the Brads, the cyborgs, and the few attractive robots (they aren't going to win, I can call that already).
In short, we're fucked. We're deeply, deeply fucked.

>kill yourself if you believe life is pain

>doubles down on DSM insults

>he thinks animalistic and psychopathic are synonyms
Morality is just a classifier of choices that tells you if the choice will benefit or harm humanity in some way.
And its completely subjective. Some choices might benefit you but might harm me.
Everybody makes choices that benefit themselves, thus everybody is moral.
Nobody is going to make a choice that harms them.

>It's psycho to hold it second to only breathing
You didn't say that you nigger.

>Morality is just a classifier of choices that tells you if the choice will benefit or harm humanity in some way.
And its completely subjective.
>Morality is subjective
That's also psychopathy, because psychopathy is amoral hedonism, which is indistinguishable from subjective morality. In short, everyone who doesn't recognize that there is an objective, universal standard of ethics, is a psychopath.

Allow me to quote myself, to make this really simple:
>>And yes, sex is literally the most important thing in life next to survival
>You're a fucking psychopath, user.

So let me get this straight. You believe that the only way to derive pleasure is by harming others and anybody who doesn't actively stop themselves from seeking pleasure is a psychopath? I'm almost tempted to say you're projecting and that you have some fucked up sexual fantasies that involve harming others and you need to actively stop yourself from acting on them because they would be considered immoral as they would harm humanity, and you assume everybody has the same fantasies as you and if they seek pleasure without regard for morality they're a psychopath.

>he's insulted by a word which describes his behaviour
Stop being autistic then

pardon me, but are you by any chance a thot yourself?

>he still has encopresis
You might want to get that checked out.

>You believe that the only way to derive pleasure is by harming others
No. I'll be specific - anyone who does not accept that murder, rape, theft (property destruction also included), and assault are universally evil is a psychopath.
That's the objective core of morality. Everything after that is subjective.

So if it wasn't for morals you'd murder, rape and steal? You have to actively stop yourself from doing these?

>If you were evil would you do evil things?
Holy shit I'm dying.

You're such a brainlet. Jesus. But you have good intentions, I guess.

well if you only pay attention to hot girls who won the genetic lottery yes, this is what they're like

next month i'm going to be marrying the guy who was my first everything and was virgin until 23 but I probably wouldn't have been good enough for you

I only know one guy like this.
But they actually do crazy stuff, not sucking off 3 dudes at once

See, i don't need morals or laws or fear of imprisonment to know that murdering people is not a good idea. I would derive zero pleasure from murdering someone, and it would just fuck me up physiologically because i would realize how fragile life is and i would become scared for my life. And you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that if you start murdering, people might not trust you anymore and then good luck surviving or getting laid. But i guess you wouldn't understand since according to you if you remove morals or laws, you'd go on a murder spree.

You don't understand what morality is my man, of course people would rape, kill, assault, and steal if they did not adhere to an ethical standard, but there are two kinds of "bad" people. One kind are just plain evil, people who are aware of what is good and evil, and simply choose to act in an evil way. The other kind is that of the psychopath, the people who have no understanding of objective morality whatsoever, and act only subjectively.

>>she will stay at home to take care of your kids while you work everyday
Like 50% of marriages end in divorce, and fuck all women stay off to look after kids.
Idk what you are taking about roastie.

>I would derive zero pleasure from murdering someone, and it would just fuck me up physiologically
You're admitting that if you did derive pleasure from it, you would. That's the textbook definition of psychopathy.

>of course people would rape, kill, assault, and steal if they did not adhere to an ethical standard
Speak for yourself you psychopath.

>like the Jew, the autist recoils at being named

>Maybe not in Russian
Russian here, it is the exact same situation. Female sulprus does not change shit.

Reminder: Gays are much worse. They don't even settle down. They slut until they die.

>The autist cries out in pain as he strikes you
It's pottery, user.

>You're admitting that if you did derive pleasure from it, you would
And the psychological damage?
And the people not trusting you anymore thing?
And the fact that your victim might fight back and kill you instead?
And the fact that you gain absolutely nothing from killing someone?
There's a plethora of reasons why normal people don't murder.

>at the end of his rope, the autist retreats to the no u response before inevitably entering into a perpetual loop of denial

>muh textbook

Fucking mulchbrains; not a single original thought floating around in them. Just words spoken by someone else, some other time like gospel. Utterly incapable of even comprehending any other factor or perception but an emulated excuse that they call their own.

>implying most people have moral qualms and not just fear of retribution

>western morals are founded on christianity
>Christ says: "sinning is bad because [*here's several hundred pages listing practical and spiritual reasons why*] and you go to _____ if you sin!"

Complete the sentence for me? Then do some gymnastics as to why your argument is valid after.

Did it really? If it did, youd know the why.

Those reasons have nothing to do with morals and everything to do with self-interest.

Guys aren't permanently stained by sex and drugs like girls are, biologically speaking.

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>There's a plethora of reasons why normal people don't murder.
Chiefly among them is that it's fucking evil, and thus because most people aren't evil, it doesn't matter whether or not they would enjoy it, or if they would get caught, they don't seriously consider murdering people.

Nobody thinks in terms of good and evil. People act out of self interest.

Animals out of pure self interest, humans can compare their actions to an objective standard.

Humans are animals user.

What the fuck man I want off this ride

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I'm real glad this type of girls are such dumb faggots that they tell the whole world how much "fun" they had their younger years thus alerting the rest of us men not looking to be settled for to avoid them.
but what gets to me is the amount of entitlement they have having accomplished nothing their whole lives and just expecting to get by the rest of their life by the mere fact they have a vagina, when even that has lost any value it could have had.

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Female shill nigger

It impresses me how many of your women go to Turkey just to be fucked by our men, not like I take pride in it I hate my nationality and don't even participate in the fun, I just don't understand how they can be attracted to ugly men like ours when you're obviously better looking, it's a deep self-hate rooted within Russians

Of course, biologically, but no other animal can compare their behavior to an objective and ideal standard, so behaviorally humans are in a separate category. When I say someone behaves in an animalistic way, this is what I mean, that they are incapable of comparing their behavior to an ideal objective standard.

>an objective and ideal standard
No such thing. Morality is subjective.

What's the solution?
Sorry life isn't fair. If you're a genetic reject you should stop seriously pursuing relationships. Substitute it with some other aspect of life to make your life more meaningful. Otherwise get the rope or LDAR.

>even the stuff that contradicts the other stuff