What do you hate about your family?

What do you hate about your family?

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Theyre rich but wont buy me anything

That they're poor

The fact I spawned from it

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instead of allowing me to travel with friends under supervision of a friends parent insist on going to shithole somalia for a vacation

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This. I know it's not their fault but it's so frustrating. Almost all my friends come from well off families, it really gets under my skin sometimes

Dad is a beta cuck who lets my mom bleed him dry and is ok with raising another man's son
Mother is a leech who uses my dad as a beta provider and only remarried him because she hit the wall and wasn't valuable on the sexual market anymore

they're fucking awful and it's no wonder i ended up this way, but they're all attractive so they still have great lives despite being awful.

idk anymore
maybe i should take responsibility for not telling them what very well couldve saved our relationship.
maybe i should dislike the fact that my parents only seem to love me conditionally.
maybe i should try to be the bigger person and love them unconditionally and no matter that fact.

>I know it's not their fault
>be dirt poor pathetic fucks
>give birth to a child for him to suffer and look at rich kids

Always picked on me and gave me shit, my best qualities were chewed out by them and now they gossip about why I'm depressed and don't have a girlfriend

Adversity builds character. They're incredibly loving parents and have done their best to help me in my pursuits despite their means. Being poor doesn't make life not worth living.

>Being poor doesn't make life not worth living.
Kinda does.

While my job doesn't pay much, my artistic endeavours make me feel very fulfilled. I love writing and photography. They're probably bad stories and pictures, people will probably never see them, but I like them and they make me happy.

Being poor sucks but if you place too much value on status/money then you're bound to never be happy, even if you do achieve them. As long as you have food and a place to stay, that should be enough. It always has been for me.

My mother is an overprotective, hyperreligious cunt.
I was never allowed to do anything. I was born very curious and wanted to try all kind of stuff, play music, go to courses, martial arts, all kind of shit. Also i had literally no problems in school, through first years i got the best grades without even studying or doing homework. So it's not like i had to study instead also we aren't poor and could easily afford stuff like that
But my mother wouldn't let me so i stayed at home all the time.
The same with going out and meeting people. And every time i tried to stand for myself she either called my father (who was away most of the time) or slapped me herself or tried to mentally blackmail me (threaten that she will die because of how i will behave etc.) when you are a kid, it's pretty tough.
One time two girls invited me to their home after school, my mother knew all the hours and when the school ends so to avoid shit i called her and said i will be home late because the girls invited me. Guess what did she do? After the scholl was over she was waiting there. She drove there immediatelly to literally fucking interrogate the girls where they live, what they plan to do etc.
Suffice to say nobody invited me anywhere ever again.
After shit like this going on years i stopped caring about anything. I couldn't get to uni because after materials got harder i just didn't care and got bad scores from exams so now i am at some shit paid uni ""studying"" IT (in Europe higher education is free if you get in) that is only on weekends and you don't learn anything there because professors don't give a fuck. And i don't have a job and never worked in my life.
I have literally zero experience at anything and can't do nothing right. I feel like i wasted all my life especially seeing all the people i knew going on with their careers like it's normal for them. Meanwhile i lack the most basic abilities in life.

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My dad is a coward who got divorced and my mother is a crazy alcoholic. My brother is probably the worst fucking person I have ever met and gave us a reputation of being a family of fuck ups.

I want them to die and then I want to die as well.

All of them are fat, lazy, and unmotivated except for me. I have a six pack while they're on the verge of getting diabetes... Jesus.

Growing up without a father

people like this guy^^^
are the notches/Elon musks and genuinely likable people in this world

Turbonormals who mean well but are lazy and can't really imagine anything but turbonormalness working for anybody. Under my circumstances most people would probably be doing quite well but it's just not working for me personally and I think I'm going to go mad because we share so little common ground that we can't understand each other or talk even after 21 years.

on one hand, I feel sorry for you and it's not your fault. (i can relate have the same overprotective religious mom) on the other hand, people have been in worse situations and came out on top.
you can let your past define your future man. imagine the satisfaction of actually being successful even with everything in your life feeling like it goes against you. plus you're an adult man chase your own life experiences if you really want them dude.

This is the worst, because it sets you up to follow in his footsteps. 20 years ago that would've been a death sentence, at least now that we're networked and educated and can think for ourselves, we know that we don't have to deal with that bullshit when we get older

Both my parents are hyper muslim religious cunts, they never knew anything except that shitty book that they kiss and place on top of their heads. Naturally it was their mission to indoctrinate me into that shit, i was forced to pray, fast, eat and live like them and was beaten when i resisted. I'm 18 now and haven't believed in their bullshit since I was 12-13. It annoys me that they only know that one life, they believe their enlightened for never straying from their religion, they believe that whatever God they believe in will reward them for doing what they do.
Since I was 6 years old I was forced to get tutoring and study, if I didn't get the highest marks in the class I was beaten. When I got to high school I slacked off and brought back terrible marks and so they decided to move me back to their shitty third world country hoping that it'd put me on the "right path". For a year I outdid myself until they believed I had become a good kid. I've never experienced the smallest things in life, never been out past 5pm, never been to a party, never was allowed to work, it's a shit life. I can't go a day without thinking about cracking open their skulls with my bare hands, it's the only thought that keeps me sane, knowing that I can always pay them back in the most satisfying way.

My Chad brother who has coasted through life on easy mode and has had everything handed to him on a silver plate.

I think I was emotionally abused.

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How do you do it user? Is happiness really that easy?

My mother is coping with an undiagnosed anxious disorder by compulsively renovating/redecorating the house. She says it's for hosting guests but she doesn't have friends cause she thinks she's too smart for everyone. She just dumped 20k into the backyard but the only one going out there is her to chainsmoke while my stepfather actually maintains the house. She won't do any housework because she perceives covering every inch of wall with uninspired HGTV bric-a-brac as a service for the whole family. She doesn't cook anymore. There's take out every night. I'm spiraling into student debt and she won't help me out because she's gotta put 20+k a year into turning our shed into her craft space.
My stepfather is visibly depressed, the woman he fell in love with is gone and now she's just his suburban dungeon keeper. She makes fun of the guy for his lower intelligence, when not too long ago he was the breadwinner.

I hate being home.

>insist on going to shithole somalia for a vacation
Daqaan caalis, deep times man I had to do that but only for a few months wasn't that bad

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confusion and agony are signs of abuse

They're all cunts. They only care about what can go in them.

They are very uptight and paranoid about everything. Also lots of nagging and nit picking so even trying to have a regular conversation is exhausting as hell because I always have to step over eggshells to avoid a petty argument.
>Mfw we get into an argument anyways

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that my father is poor example of what father should be - he's passive, not engaging and withdrawn.

How much I've hurt them.

My parent's didn't instil values or teach me life skills. I didn't hit the ground running.

>father is 5'7
>mother is 5'2
>tfw 5'8 black manley

>I have a six pack
All that means is you're skinny not actually muscular.

i hate everything about them, my mother situation is now resolved bc she's in a coma and can't abuse me anymore, because of her i'm a fucked up erson and i enjoy he most gruesome shit. But my father is less of shitty but still he doesn't accpt me for who i am. other relatives arre absolute shit btw, sincerely i would ghost them all the least

The fact you're an anime poster makes me think you're just a loser looking for someone else to blame.

That's actually exactly how a man should be. What kind of Low T example would he be setting if he actually gave a damn about his kids? You're just pests that showed up when he wanted to hit it raw.

>That's actually exactly how a man should be. What kind of Low T example would he be setting if he actually gave a damn about his kids? You're just pests that showed up when he wanted to hit it raw.
stop memeing

my stepfather takes photos of my mother with cum on her and then cums onto the photos
my mother was abusive to my autistic brother and openly talks about how we are both disappointments

I don't really hate them, I kinda hate myself for putting up with their shit for so long and not breaking free sooner

I had that same overprotective mom/mommy's boy shit going on, they did a good job of not letting me total my life completely which is a good thing I guess but after a while they started holding me back and it took me too long to realize it

my sister is a far-left tumblr-tier bitch who does nothing but lay on the couch all day while ordering my dad around.
my dad is a cuck who acts all tough when he's around our family, but as soon as strangers appear he becomes a complete shut-in. He gets cucked by his coworkers, boss, daughter because he constantly lets people walk all over him.

The lack of guidance this family gave me resulted in me being a social failure. I hate my fucking life.

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lmao that is complete bullshit.
Ofcourse you have to have a low bodyfat% to see it, but if you are weak and skinny, you won't see a decent six pack.
Why do you think gymbros bulk/cut?

they're related to me

>Work nights
>sleep schedule is basically moved forward 6 hours (6am-2pm)
>Parents generally understand this. Don't give me shit for sleeping so late because I work all night
>if there's something to be done around the house I.e. yard work or any heavy moving they guilt me like hell if I don't get up to help at like 9am.

Fuck me, the yard is still going to be there this evening you impatient fucks.

Dad CONSTANTLY clears his throat. Also a complete moron i remember when i was a teen he started having pain in his side so he went to get it checked out and they tell him that his liver had lots of fat on it because he eats like garbage. So what does he do? he started drinking full sugar soda where as before he drank diet because his reasoning (delusions) was that because it only started recently that "it must be the aspartame" I tried and tried to tell him that was being fucking retarded and hes literally doing the worse thing possible but he wouldn't listen. Well that was 6 years ago and hes had problems with pain in his liver ever since.

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They sometimes tell me they love me.

my mum made me play two different instruments, for an hour every single day, and signed me up to play in every single school event, music group etc whether or not i wanted to and no matter how much i cried that i didnt want to do it
really fucked up my sense of identity, got bullied in school because of it, im still living under my mothers whip now, i hate my life. i want to kill myself.

They're a little nosy but otherwise I'm fine with them.

Feels. Just watched the World Cup Finals with my dad and he want to go out to binge eat at Burger King bc Croatia lost on top of his depression. What the hell

They love and support me selflessly. They care about my well being and try to lift me up.

It's the only thing preventing my from offing myself. They don't deserve it.

The fact that they don't know what privacy is or don't give a shit about it and how fucking clingy and prying they are.



They're a bunch of stupid junkies and entirely lack self-awareness.