Fembot Thread

Fembots, what do you think of this cosplay?

Is it too revealing? Would you ever do something like it?

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>Fembot Thread
>Fembots, what do you think of being whores but in X context?

Why are your threads always the same?

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No. She obviously wants male attention and doesn't really care about the craft.

This bitch unironically has a autism face
I bet she is a r9k poster

Is it bad that I'm a girl but I think girls like her should be raped for being such shameless sluts?

Because those fucking orbiters are retarded same with those gay brooke threads

t. handmaiden

why are women like you so eager to shit on other women?

yes, it is bad. u are just shit without empathy.

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Ugh I wish I was her

What, why would you wish you were her? Most cosplayers are hopeless losers IRL.

Did she go to an anime or game convention or something in that? Or was it just some adult convention? Context is important here

pls be my "slut shaming" gf

She's more beautiful than I could ever hope to be

>What, why would you wish you were her? Most cosplayers are hopeless losers IRL.
How do you know? They seem to have fun lives.

Not that user, but you too can get a nice body if you work hard at it.

you srsly think she had to work to get that body?
how low is the bar for toaties ffs?

>user do you want to come back to mine and watch anime?

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>ywn fuck her throat

why live?

she's so hot wtf

"Get ready to feel the arrow of love, user"

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Fembots, who is cuter, this girl or OP's girl?

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Obviously OP, at least OP doesn't have a piss fetish (probably)

girl in op doesn't look like she would stab me for looking at other girls on the street so girl in op

>pen between breasts

Thats far too impure, op clearly wins

>Have rape fantasies
>Have extreme rape fantasies where you're violently hurt
>Complain about rape

Explain yourselves fembots.

>Fembots, what do you think of being a whore?
>Fembots, i'm gonna imply you're submissive like this is some kind of revelation or insight and as if all women aren't like this?
>Fembots, what do you think of the fact that i, as a REAL DOMINANT MAN want to DOMINATE you?
>look at me everyone, i'm a MAN and i like to FUCK girls haha
You're honestly one of the most amnoying people on this board

OP here. I'm not dominant though.

Good. Now make me a sandwich

You're clearly implying that by constantly emphasizing on how fembots are submissive whores and you like that so much about them

is not me dufus.

None of them are cute.

However, I prefer your girl.

Well whatever, i know a lot of those faggots make these threads and they're annoying as fuck

>how fembots are submissive whores
They are though. Like literally, have you ever spoken to one?

How is the crotch piece attached?

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dildo attachment

see through strap

That's the point, it's not something new as most women are. The point is that you have these faggots who make a big deal out of and have to make a point of implying they like submissive women and are such a manly alpha man for it.

i bet you are just a bit too heavy.

id do a cosplay like that

But you're a whore so of course you would

nah, im a virgin, i just think it looks cool

>tfw natalie dormer will never cosplay as judy hopps for me

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Because they're not disgusting whores.
Literally nothing wrong with being a "handmaiden"

>id do a cosplay like that

You're very clearly a whore.

>what do you think
she doesn't have the body or face for this outfit

>is it too revealing

>would you ever do sth like it?
if i were an attractive girl then yeah why not

Submissive women are trash garbage and should all die

I don't get dressing in revealing clothing
I feel anxious and stared at if I show my thighs in public

It looks cool to have a plastic band preventing your vagina being shown in public?

actually to add onto this people like her are the reasons anime fans are so shit these days
some things need to stay 2d. 3d women can't rock this look, it's like shota.

Those threads actually made me browse r9k less.

That's a good thing. I used to daily this cesspit, now I've cut back how much I browse.

This place, in fact Jow Forums in general, is garbage that eventually wears you down and makes you hate everything.

Lol. She shut her whore mouth after you asked her that question. Rape femanons.

It's pretty obvious she at least has the body. Her body is very nice.

No, it means that you're probably not a whore. That's a good thing.

So, where's the back shot?

No, you filthy post-op MtF piece of shit.

OP's girl is an autistic nerd, yours is a whore. That should answer the question.

There was nothing whatsoever in the OP implying women are submissive.

No that's good, you're a good girl.

It's always pissed me off for the most part because the same women who dress up like that are the ones who complain about objectification and shit.
What bothers me more is when there's a female character who isn't dresses in a revealing way (like tracer or some shit), and the girls "cosplay" is a ficking bikini anyway.
Good cosplays (like IQ or someone) are kinda cool

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pretty slutty, the irony of the kill la kill fan base is that they're all too brainlets to realize it was just one big shitpost satirizing fanservi even by transforming it to a retarded lore.
>is it too revealing
Not for the slut/slattern class of women- these broads are actually pretty necessary for keeping garbage-tier degenerate men happy, they should not be allowed to jump ship from whore status, but they're a necessary evil.
>would I do this
I'm both too modest and fantastically repulsive, so no.

Butt + vagina plug

It's less terrible than some schoolmarm being raped, but I don't think she deserves violence. She's placed herself in a position where it's far more likely that she'll be raped, so she bears more responsibility.

The plastic band is clearly visible
Her pass is attached to it

No. That is excellent and rare quality.

men who like whores are literally cucks

That poster is obviously a woman, but are all whoremongers cucks?

Do you think women wearing bikinis at the beach should be raped too?

Much different seeing that's more along the lines of standard attire

of course. They're so desperate for sex that they're willing to fuck anyone physically attractive to them, no matter how vapid they are, or how many men they whore themselves out to. They willingly enter a "relationship" where they know that they are not the only one with a claim on her.

Many whoremongers are also sexually promiscuous though, so are the sluts cucks?

>at an anime convention
>cosplay isn't standard

girls can be naked in public place and it still doesn't justify rape or objectification

man up you incel

First off, I'm not an "incel" or a man, second I wasn't justifying rape and I don't know where you got that from. I just don't like that women choose to go out of their way to objectify themselves and the character they cosplay, while simultaneously complaining about objectification. It doesn't justify rape, it's just sad and pathetic

Technically, a woman cannot be a cuck. The term "cuckold" originates from the prospect of a man raising another men's children. A woman would always know that a child is hers, but a man cannot.

However, it is just as immoral for a man to chase many woman as it is for a woman.

This level of skin isn't
It's only been because whores wear it there for attention

Sounds like some projection. If there's any pattern I've noticed with "incels", it's that they wish for easily available and promiscuous women.

If anything, you're sounding an incel larping as a woman.

I feel a combination of sadness for them and disgust. There is a reputation of cosplayers being mentally ill and massive sluts who have sex with random guys.
I always imagine they come from an extremely broken home and seek validation, attention and to be desired because of that or are spoiled brats of rich parents doing this to be quirky and nerdy while also pissing off their parents as a bonus.

I also really hate the same thing mentioned. I remember seeing a pathetic Princess Peach cosplay with her ass hanging out in a thong.

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That's literally an outfit from the show, nothing was changed from what it's supposed to be. The entire point of cosplaying at a con is to get attention from other fans.
The feeling of anger you feel is probably jealousy or the gnawing feeling that even if you were at that con, she wouldn't fuck you.

That doesn't make it okay and acceptable
And no. I want a relationship not a fling with a shallow whore

>probably jealousy or the gnawing feeling that even if you were at that con, she wouldn't fuck you.
>she wouldn't fuck you.
not even him but why does it always come down to sex with you cunts?
>The entire point of cosplaying at a con is to get attention from other fans.
so getting attention for your ass and tits rather than your cosplay?
and here I bet my fucking balls, that you are one of those girls that raves about how women are more than just a pair of tits and ass blah blah blah....which they are, but the hypocrisy here is nauseating.

>"a claim to her"
You might think this sounds alright but to any woman hearing this sentiment it sounds like she's expected to become the slave of some guy, probably some beta who gets mogged by her roastie friends' bf. Roasties just see this and think it justifies their shitty behavior

I'm not a fembot but cosplay like this is salient to some stuff I'm doing right now. I'm busting my ass to get in shape so girls like the one in OP's pic will desire me but at the same time I'd never really be interested in doing anything with someone like that. I like more plain, introverted girls.

I guess in a way I have the male equivalent mindset that cosplay thots have?

>I want a relationship but don't want to fuck.
So you're a virgin?

What possible reason can you have for getting mad at a scantily clad woman in a setting that allows for it?
>grrrr, she's getting all the attention
>grrrr, I can't believe she's showing off her body
>grrrr, I hope she gets raped!!

plain, introverted girls exist who cosplay non-sexualised female or even non-female characters

I know. Where I come from, it is a normal thing to say, and everyone understands it. It's not about women becoming slaves or some shit, it's a mutual contract. Once two people are married, they are both expected to be loyal and are both expected to do their roles in the relationship.

I don't understand how western women look at responsibility and see it as some oppressive quasi-slavery.

Yeah that'd be neat. I think cosplay is really cool and having a girlfriend who did it would be great, so long as shes not some turbo slut doing shit like "LEWD *Character*" or whatever.

Where did I say I didn't want to fuck?
I want to fuck just in a committed relationship with a decent woman
I don't want to fuck this whore who gets validation from thirsty males

>What possible reason can you have for getting mad at a scantily clad woman in a setting that allows for it?
like I said, I'm not him, in fact it is very arousing, and I enjoy looking at arousing things.
why not address the other point I made? about the hypocrisy and stuff?

Actually if she did it just for me it'd be great
But only for me

>fem(((bots))) on Jow Forums
Please fuck off attentionwhores.

>ayo hol up
This is now a "LAUGH AT THE ROASTIE" thread.

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That is a very fair point.

I would literally rather kill myself.

Then I don't know why youd bring up your taste in women, faggot, this isn't your blog.

Because I'm not a retard that wants to argue with another retard as to my identity.
I don't believe those things you said, I don't care. I think it's retarded to complain about sexy cosplay when it falls into the entire reason to cosplay: attention and validation.
Dumb faggot.

>woman dresses herself like a pornographic magazine cover / pornographic anime character, literally makes herself look like an object

Can you be any more retarded? Even fucking third world Africans can understand this shit, yet your whore brain struggles because it's probably been contaminated with gallons of cum leaking into it from all the facefucking.

Well to be fair I think men don't hold up their side of the deal too much
Men do cheat more than women even if a majority of both do at some point

kinda bad,like what could be the possible logic behind this?

>literally makes up shit to be mad about

If you're in a relationship go crazy

You said I'm mad that she wouldn't fuck me
I'm mad she's at how exploiting male sexual desire for attention and pretend that she isn't

This is the equivalent of me walking into fucking Somalia with a wad of hundred dollar bills in my hands, unarmed, with no protection, and then acting surprised when some nigger jumps me.

It is a problem and I'm not justifying that. They're doing a terrible thing, and it can't be excused.

That's why it's sometimes difficult for an honest woman to find an honest man, and vice versa.

I don't think that you should use these generalizations as justification for infidelity, either. Judgements should be reserved for individuals and there are many red flags either sex can pick up on when looking for a partner.

>I'm mad she's cosplaying for attention and validation.
so...like the reason anyone does cosplay?
How out of touch with reality is the average rowboat?

>I think it's retarded to complain about sexy cosplay when it falls into the entire reason to cosplay: attention and validation.
I'm not complaining, like I said I would enjoy the shit out of creeping at their asses, and then watch them get mad at me and others for staring too hard at their asses like the fucking dumbass hypocrites they are.
>Because I'm not a retard that wants to argue with another retard as to my identity.
i.e you don't want to argue a losing battle.
imagine how the people that actually put effort into their cosplay feel.

just admit you are getting attention for your ass and tits and not the cosplay.
nothing wrong with that, just don't be a fucking hypocrite, that is what bothers me, not the fact they are walking around with half their ass hanging out.