Is degeneracy real or just a meme from right wingers who want to bully people who are different?

Is degeneracy real or just a meme from right wingers who want to bully people who are different?

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100 years ago if you told people the statistics we have now on single mothers and overall family stability they would ask if the apocalypse happened.

It's a pol meme, I just ignore it when they come on here and try to drop their red poops

lol red poops

Of course it's real.

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>Is degeneracy real or just a meme from right wingers who want to bully people who are different?
Heh heh heh

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Right wingers want to bully people who are sick deviants and destroy the moral fabric of society.

Look who it is again, ID sodomizerX69. I'm fed up with your shit faggot. The other day when you called me a newfag, yeah, haven't forgotten about that yet. Fuck you I've been on here for months and probably get on here more than you anyways. Don't you know that you make yourself look like a newfag when you call others newfag? Just because you learned how to hack your name and change it to "sodomizerX69" does not give you the right to disrespect anyone at any time.

>tfw no Jow Forums bf to bully me and call me a degenerate while he pounds his cock into my boypussy

>moral fabric
Yea nobody cares about that beat to death buzzword, usually comes from people on a high horse that have vices of their own

Nice pasta frienderino

I know most people on Jow Forums are suicidal but shouldn't you try to make the world a better place?

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. Fucking faggot. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo

Behaviors and groups that society as a whole looks down upon has always been a thing and probably will keep doing so. Jow Forums is full of people that the rest of society considers scum, so its their interest to try to push negative attention toward other groups to take the heat away from them.

>Is degeneracy real
Why would it not be real?

If you want to know what the difference between the blue pill and the red pill is then look at this pic. It's even color coated.

people were always degenerate from day 1. but for a brief while they hid it in public. nothing changed other than people don't really feel the need to hide it anymore

Degeneracy is real but robots should not care about it.

Degeneracy implies some kind of higher standard or perfect state we've fallen from or failed to meet. Degeneracy is as real as your belief that we're meant to be something better than this. So if you're a Christian or something, absolutely. The Jow Forums crowd are mostly a bunch of retarded emotivists who do have standards but with shit-all for objectivity so in other words it's just to bully people they don't like.

the hell is that?

Sorry libtard faggots ruin America

pretentious cunt trying to sound smart

>shouldn't you try to make the world a better place?
if I did it would be for things that are actual problems like our terrible healthcare system.

An emotivist position is one reached based on preferences, bias, etc. Pretty much arguments riding on 'muh feels' rather than a coherent worldview. Easy test, if you can find a contradiction in something someone believes which they aren't willing to resolve they're an emotivist.

Alisdair MacIntyre isn't a household name but if you're going to discuss moral theory you should be familiar with his work. After Virtue is on youtube as an audiobook and ebook piracy is easy as anything.
Oh boy I didn't know only previously known """"degenerates"""" were capable of child abuse

why the hell did they think that was a good idea?

No. They're just more likely to.

user according to this guy there is no higher standard unless you take an absolute position. These people should not be labeled Do what thou wilt bro.

Mostly just bullying.

No, I'm saying they should be labelled, but we should all create coherent systems for our labels otherwise we're just just calling everything whatever the fuck we want and nobody has any reason to pay any regard to anybody else's labels. If your position isn't absolute and you believe things can be here, there or wherever based on this, that or whatever why should I care about your labels?

>hack your name
lmao cope harder, newfag

Am I reading Chinese?

how common were fetishes 30 years ago compared to today?

This kind of thinking makes perfect sense after just a hundred or so pages of any serious text on virtue ethics. Once you go in you'll never be able to go back out.

>comes from people on a high horse that have vices of their own
Sorry, i just jumped into the thread, but i have to disagree.
I'm more of a centrist than a pol-tard but still, i do believe their ideology is not that bad, some poltards actually believe in it and all this degeneracy thing and encourage others to live whitout any of that stuff.
I would probably have started smoking if it wasn't for this, people naturally encourage you to step into the degeneracy with them, if you got no one to tell you "Hey, you don't need to feel shame in not liking those things" its easy to fall with them.

not much, they stayed in the bedroom

>no sources
Yes obviously? Different standards != lack thereof

Pretty common. People weren't as open about it though.

I would be happy to dispense with the concept entirely and never mention it again. Just get rid of the welfare state, and we can call it square.


Well in that case, don't come around and tell me that there's nothing wrong with behavior that leads to your life being so fucked up that you need the state to support either you or your fucking bastard children.

If all lifestyles are morally the same, then you shouldn't need any help. You shouldn't need us to feed your brats, you shouldn't need us to give you free NarCan, you shouldn't need SSI and Medicare or Medicaid when you've destroyed your body and mind to the point where you can't work. If you say you DO need help, then you're admitting that you have led a lifestyle that has *degenerated* you.

people with your position, generally do not hold themselves to the standards they hold others.

If shame is your only motivation not to smoke that's a fairly weak barrier. Most people would use emperical arguments as to why you shouldn't, in addition to it being in bad taste socially.
And the fact that you would lump something like smoking into degeneracy instead of just classifying it as having more negatives than positives tells me you might not be as close to center as you say.

>If you say you DO need help, then you're admitting that you have led a lifestyle that has *degenerated* you.

we just need to break through this small barrier of reason.

if you need help then others failed to give you help, if you were given help you would not need it.

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Images like these make me want to be a christian.

smoking is just a sign of depression and anxiety

Morality != success
Pol usually scapegoats Jews for this, and derides them for simultaneously holding large amounts of wealth and power while being the antagonists and antithesis to their society.
Also, people are born into poverty, and their parents may not have many opportunities to earn enough money, regardless of their moral standing.

You seem to like to ass, because your post is all assumption.
My point is, having people support your decitions is important when everyone else tells you things like smoking, alcohol and a sedentary life are just ok.

Jow Forums was never meant to co-opt Jow Forums

It used to be incredibly mainstream up until the 80s or 90s until doctors realized the health effects.


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maybe if people saw the brighter side of life they wouldn't smoke

you have to be a degenerate to fit in with people even in a corporation, they don't want anti feminists, they don't want non cool people.

but people being open about it allows for younger people to think it's OK to develop fetishes and so they don't question it when they go from jerking off to straight porn to jerking off to BBC cuckold shit or sissification or any of that other really degenerate shit

Who is telling you those things are ok? If you're classifying them as degeneracy, I hope you know that smoking is commonly looked down upon now, and being a lazy asshole is still detestable. Alcohol consumption has been a hallmark of all human societies since the beginning of civilization. Whether or not you encourage others to partake in those activities shouldn't be reading from a codified list, but acknowledging the pros and cons of the activity.

How do we secure neetbux for anti-social males?

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>Is degeneracy real
Every here and there, spread all among the internet you'll find people telling you that it's just a meme, that it's just the nazis being idiots, that it's self-righteous people trying to control you, limit you, bind you... so I only tell you this: Have you met a depraved person who isn't a psychopath/sociopath who was both happy and free of mental issues? I've been lurking online communities, both anonymous and otherwise, for 20 years now and the only true constant is that people that expose themselves as degenerates almost invariably expose themselves as miserable. I've yet to find someone like this who doesn't seem to have a massive void in their heart.

Good luck in your journey.

As long as you aren't harming anyone I don't see the big deal.

no cause they fap to interracial sissy porn

>just world fallacy: the post
So oppressing the weak is fine?

It harms society when large groups of intelligent young men are seeking sexual gratification through furry porn rather than procreating.

Plenty of procreating going on last I checked.

historically the rich(and by extension the smart) tend to produce less children, that has shit all to do with furry porn.

are you implying that furr fetishes tend to be more intelligent?