25+ Thread

25+ Thread - 27+ Edition

Probably the last 25-7+ thread I'm going to make this month. Was Jow Forums always this useless? It seems that it's filled with either trite questions or Jow Forums bait.

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Doing some laundry. Might get some beer a little alter.

>Was Jow Forums always this useless?

So after all the 25+ and 30+ threads we've all come to the conclusion that geek is now completely mainstream and that for older loser anons that didn't get on board the geek train when it was just losers are basically fucked, right?

So what do complete outcasts do these days?

I meant later but maybe I should get my beer a little altar as well.

I don't feel bad about it because I barely play games, watch anime or read comics anymore. I've been this way for years now. I also realized that geekdom is just another venue for being a consumer whore. When I see people's rooms filled with geek merchandise from floor to ceiling I just feel sad.

>I also realized that geekdom is just another venue for being a consumer whore. When I see people's rooms filled with geek merchandise from floor to ceiling I just feel sad.

Sure but there was somewhere to go, there was somewhere to be. I mean, back when geek was uncool and you met someone into it chances are you would've hit it off and be on the same page socially. Now meeting a geek is literally like meeting a random person.

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VVump Vim

Well, I'm gonna go to the cinema by myself and Skyscraper or Incredibles 2 or whatever garbage they have on.

World Cup so seats should be empty.

i wish i thought of that before :(

what sucks the most @ this age is the fact that altho im try to turn my life around i just feel the second i get it right, ill just get some terminal illness. sucks growing up depressed and not caring about your health and body, abusing alcohol and weed or whatever escapacism you found.

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In your boat user, but nothing sucks more then never trying. Think of something that could be achieved for me getting out of home is a start.

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By the time I'm finished turning my life around i'll be in my mid 30s.

Feels existential crisis man

>tfw is sunday and i'm at work
>just want to lay down on my bed and sleep
>woke up with a terrible stomach-ache probably will need to go to see the doctor on my day off

I lost the will to move out. my job is pretty much a dead-end and it's not enough to leave alone and comfy. ill just keep on working hoping life gives me enough years to at least leave some money behind for my parents.

*live :/


Working 2 jobs fucking sucks.
I'm about to quit one but I don't know how.
In the past when I quit a job I just stopped showing up. I don't want to do that again but I don't think I have the balls to tell them I'm leaving.

Write up a letter of resignation and work there another two weeks. That's standard.

29-year-old here.

Man, drinking an entire bottle of prune juice by myself does wonders for treating my depression! Oh, and it also helps with the constipation. I should probably cut back on the caffeine a bit.

I know but I don't think I can last another 2 weeks.

I started drinking fruit smoothies instead of sweets and bars. Works wonders alright.

it's almost 7am, I woke up an hour ago and I'm 4 drinks into my 12 pack already. I walked to the bottle store last night at 10, while shit faced drunk, to buy some so I had a drink to wake up to.
I just dunno man. I ain't gonna greentext my whole miserable life once again but fuck sakes, I needa start moving forward and not just stagnating here, in this.

I've at least been drawing daily for the past few weeks, and improving too. so I got something, for the moment.

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I posted a vocaroo last night on a thread where someone was contemplating suicide. I told him not to.
Everyone who heard it assumed I was just a 12 year old boy, I couldn't even respond I felt so bad.
I'm actually a 26 year old woman

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So I signed up for Facebook a few weeks ago to add some of my family members and to see what they have been up to these past ten years or so that I have been hiding in my cave, and I ended up adding ~40 family members. But then yesterday I received ~200 friend requests from random people from all over the world, people that I have never met before. What the hell? Who the hell are all these people? Is this normal?

Similarly, I also signed up for Plenty Of Fish a few weeks back as my 7cupsoftea therapist suggested that dating might help improve my mood (she actually recommended that I try Plenty Of Fish)... and every day I get ~40 requests to meet from supposed women. But most of these so-called women appear to actually be spambots, as they tend to use full frontal nudity for their profile pics (which is not allowed by Plenty Of Fish) and they advertise web sites like localhump.com. I looked it up on their forums and found out that, yes, Plenty Of Fish is infested with spambots and the staff have largely abandoned the site. Is Facebook also suffering from this problem?

I had to turn off receiving notifications on my phone from the Facebook and Plenty Of Fish apps because of this.

>So what do complete outcasts do these days?
If you mean actual outcasts then obscure imageboards I guess. What else is there to do? Vidya fucking sucks, anime is all the same, most of the internet is shit.

Finally asked her out. She said yes almost immediately. Yay. I'm happy but also really anxious about it. But hopefully it goes well. It's gonna be on Wednesday. I'm excited and also terrified.

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just be urself user
and I'm not memeing, dont try to emulate someone; if you just be you and it doesn't work then thats a good thing, not a bad. You don't wanna be faking your entire life with someone, gets hard to keep ontop of the lies

I turn 36 tomorrow, pretty bummed out about it as two of my friends haven't spoken to me in three weeks now and I'm thinking I wont return their texts if I do get any tomorrow. My mum has got me this cake.

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I think I was in that thread. You said you need to go to work? At Taco Bell? I dunno, it might have been another femanon.

>What the hell? Who the hell are all these people? Is this normal?
Are you a girl? Because when I made a fake female account I ended up getting friend requests from random Indians and Pakis.

No I am a guy and I have also been receiving random friend requests from people from all over the world. Pakis, Indians, Africans, European women... and men. 200+ random friend requests from total strangers.

I think they're after your personal info and friends list and whatever. Facebook is pretty much a dead place by now. It's bots, shills, advertisers, Indians etc.

Well, that sucks. So what is the big name social media site nowadays? Friendster, MySpace, and Facebook all seem to be dead.

Instagram. But even that is getting too populated now so I'm wondering what's next.

Pretty sure it's Instagram but I still dont have an account, because I don't take pictures of things.

I thought that Instagram got killed off by Snapchat?

Snapchat's more of a messaging service, at least to me. Instagram is much closer to something like facebook

Do you guys who post in these threads consider yourselves: normies, abnormies, robots, cyborgs, or just plain old humans?

Wicked hang over today, boys. I might end up getting drunk tonight again though.

We live out the rest of our lives in isolation. I remember hipsters trying to ironically hang out with me in early 2010, but that was before I realized that manufactured nerdiness was a thing.

I remember this fucking happening exactly pre 2008. I would go to a game shop looking for NES games and then I would end up chatting with a fellow sperg.

Wait. Facebook is dead now? I thought it was still going strong. I guess this is what happens when you were never in the loop even when you were young.

will? dat u>

Nope, sorry. My name doesn't even begin with W.

It's going strong among 40+ year olds and among grandmas.

its "dead" because the youth is abandoning it. also i dont think they'll recover from the privacy shit.

Are we considred old by Jow Forums standards?

Normalniggers haven't infiltrated and subverted tabletop games yet.

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Absolutely, I can assure you 80% of the current userbase falls between the 12-24 age bracket. Rest is probably 15% 25-30, 4% 31-40 and 1% >41

Im aware we're pretty young for the real world though.

Why do you think the 29 y/o boomer meme spread like wildfire?

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Sometimes I feel like I should give life another chance. Maybe planning a trip abroad, going out to that cute colleague of mine and getting to know her better, trying a new haircut/beardcut, getting a gym subscription, having a positive and propositive approach to all things and so on.

This feeling usually lasts about a few minutes, then it disappears once I ask what would the point of this all be.

These days I'm asking if I should just take drugs...

Created an account less than a year ago because I needed to follow a private group related to my work. Tried adding people I know and I realized that almost no one still uses it.

Is Instagram worth it?

>Normalniggers haven't infiltrated and subverted tabletop games yet.
Is that even remotely true? I went to a pre-release MtG event and it was wall-to-wall hipsters and new gen geeks.

I initially thought it was actual boomers trying to draw attention away from the fuck ups they left us with. Now it's turning out that the newfags are trying to assert dominance.

Ultra Sunrise Separatist Church has Risen. Praise GrinGrin

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>This feeling usually lasts about a few minutes
But you can almost feel infinite potential in that moment, right? That you just need one small stroke of luck and you can turn it around?

I lost 150 pounds after a switch flicked in my brain and I started eating garbage
Then I gained it all back

I have no fucking idea. I never used instagram or twatter. I just made a facebook years ago to keep in touch with long distance friends.

My local /tg/ store is full of autists and weirdos. The games I see most often there are 40K, WWII battle games, D&D, Star Wars Armada and some pretty neckbeardy board games. Even the girls I see there look pretty autistic.

>he has to work
>and on a sunday

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Guess it must be where you live, I have either the option of a few shops near the gentrified parts of the city full of hipsters and cool people while the other shop is all the way out in the suburbs where it's literally 4 old men and the occasional grandchildren.

Guys help me
>work shipping/receiving in board games
>get invited to another board game company
>start working shipping/receiving there
>small time company started to go global
>tell me that they're going to be buying out one of the partners (my boss) and want me to take over
>gave me a task that I've had a week to finish
>barely put 8 hours in to it
>it's due tomorrow
>"Your career is literally in your own hands"
Has there been a point in your life where you realized you're worthless and that you're going to stay that way?

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Robots or plain old humans

I fixed my life, then my bitch of a mother systematically picked apart all the confidence I had and sent me back down to where I am right now, I've had a psychotic breakdown, I have constant night sweats, I have violent thoughts regularly about hurting others, i replay screaming arguments in my head and i step out infront of people on the street randomly when i feel they are too close to me.

My mother is a cunt of a woman and she killed my personality exaclty two years ago now, I don't even remember who I was, I had a girlfriend and i cared for her and felt extremely close to her, i remember her kissing my back, now i read elliot rodgers manifesto and i see myself.

I'd love to kill my mother for what she's done to me, but I know she's in just as much pain as I am, so she can stay alive and die of aggressive cancer if I am lucky.

Today I am confirmed to go back to university for a second bachelor's degree at age 26
Starting in September, lads

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24 year old here, quitting 4chans once I hit 25. 6 months left

You'll be fucking bored between classes since there will be nobody to talk to and you'll be "that older guy" (unless you look very young) and you'll get annoyed by the children in class most of whom will look 14 to you. Source: been there.

I regret typing this

Y u should loser. Blaming others. Get good, and do ur best

>first shift of new job tomorrow
>sense of existential dread at all time high

so this is it then

Why do a second bachelor?

Its hard when you have no one you can trust and you don't understand other people's emotions, and your parents are both abusive.

Not really, on my first bachelor's degree there were many older students. One was 32 and another was 29. They often went out with the rest of the class to gatherings and such. And they were really chill.
I have a babyface too.

I understand your pain. My mother is very much the same way. She is extremely psychologically abusive. In fact it is even stated on the psychological evaluation section of my medical records from back when I still had Kaiser Permanente as my health insurance that my mother was/is psychologically abusive towards me, despite me denying it when asked about it by the psychotherapist.

I have already had two points in my life in which I tried to break out of this hellhole, but she has managed to pull me back in each time. I had a car, I had a job, I lost over 100 pounds... and now I have no car, no job, and am over 40 pounds overweight. My mother is the one who told me to quit my job so that I could help with the business of my older brother, and now she calls me a lazy fat fuck good-for-nothing son.

Oh, well.

27 years old 2 months into my first real full time "real" job and I'm already going crazy. The amount of stress and anxiety that comes with the pay is not worth it at all, but I have no choice. There is no going back to being a NEET and living at home, there is nowhere to go. The job is killing me, I get like 4 hours of sleep at night, I have 10+ hours of work that has to get done in 8 hours every single day. I get out of work for the day and the hours fly by like minutes, I have no time for anything else. The weekends are horrific, I only enjoy saturday and all sunday I think about going back to work. The co workers are all miserable and stab each other in the back, shit talk each other. I want it all to end, but I have nowhere to go.

The opportunity is good. This degree has a scholarship to study abroad: They're paying $900 a month and at the same time I'll be able to experience living in a foreign country. This is probably my last chance at this age.

>Why not a master's degree?
I hated my first major and I was just glad it was all over when I graduated. I didn't feel motivated to go on to a master's degree.
My first major was Sociology btw.

All you're doing is prolonging the real world. Are you at least working a part time job while going to school? You can't just keep fucking around getting useless degrees, sooner or later you're going to run out of money. Then you have to face reality, the WORKING world.

Good luck. Dont think much of what others do. Think of what u can do, and what is in ur hands. And it will do u good to think positively of others. As in their intentions are good, or its not a big deal. But Relax all will be good

Hey user. it really sucks being in the grind. i am 26 but am at my third full time job and still feel how you describe. You may end up finding a slightly better place. Shit sucks. Everyone I talk to regularly (4 people) feels the same way. I smoke and drink myself to oblivion to cope but it's wearing thin. This lifestyle is a nightmare.

I haven't smoked a cig since I was like 19, the job has me smoking multiple cigs a day now. My health has gone to shit. Back when I worked a part time easy job and lived at home, I had all the time and low stress to work out and eat healthy. Now i'm living like shit. Coffee, fast food, cigs, alcohol just to power through....to make it to friday......to enjoy 2 days off (really 1, because sundays suck), just to do it all over again. I seriously want it to end.

>Then you have to face reality, the WORKING world.
Me? Never.

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We can't all live with our parents forever. I literally HAVE to work, to pay rent.

I was in the working world and that's a reason why I decided to go back to university. I hated my job and needed to change career. I talked to my parents for advice (they don't live with me now) and they agreed that if I really wanna change, I better do it now before it's too late
I'm not working now but I have some savings. Plus I have no debt.

I don't know how you can live being a NEET. I've been NEET for 6 months and on the dole for a month and it's hell.

At least with work I had a faux social circle.

I would much rather be homeless than become a wagecuck tbqh

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Sounds good. Gl in life. I had sociology in hs. Shit sucked. Doing Bcs in public health. Im considering doing masters in sport science or in public health. Will have an internship. Hopefully ill be able to get a relevant job

>Bcs in public health

oh dear. Good luck...

Wow, I actually got banned on my first post on wizchan. Fuck me they're bitter.

Ty user. Hopefully with 2 degrees I'll have a better shot in the labour market. Master's sounds like a lotta work desu. If you really wanna get one I'd recommend you to stick to public health as you already have a Bcs on it and that will save you a lot of time because you don't need to research as much to catch up.

Why? What did you say?

Fuck. Why u say that?

Reposted an old post I did on Jow Forums and wanted to see what their view was on it:
>Went to Comic Con yesterday, didn't wanna go but my wageslave workgroup wanted to.

>Being there kinda left me in a depressed mood cos seeing all the stuff there felt like I missed out on a entire lifetime, as in the social side, not the consuming cheap plastic crap side.

>All these groups of friends in good/bad cosplay, pastel-haired qts, even a couple of furry qts (so many more furries than I was expecting), some dude wearing a tentacle rape t-shirt with "move to japan and fuck everything" and people telling him it's a cool shirt, regular people buying body pillows and hentai comics un/ironically, etc. I even saw a couple of chavs sneak in through the back exit to get in without paying, something I would never would've thought seen happen.

>I'm nearly a wizard with barely anyone I can call a friend, and I never got to experience of this (just geeking out in general) with anyone else because growing up no one gave a shit about vidya or anime to the extent I did, so I've never been to D&D games or anything like that.

>How the hell do I cope with this? How do I not feel bitter about this?

>Pic related. The only photo I took of some Funko Pop store. (Also I get the feeling I missed out on what older cons used to have since Comic Con mostly felt like a bunch of stalls selling crap.)

Broke rule 1 apparently:
>Do not post about, express the desire to, suggest or imply that you have had, will have or want to have any personal sexual or romantic experiences

Wow those guys seem to be even more easily triggered by little things than transgendered feminist SJWs.

pretty sure wizchan is way beyond wanting that shit and dont want it turning into turbo r9k with failed 20 year old normies everywhere

>By the time I'm finished turning my life around i'll be in my mid 30s
So? At least your life will be better. Why would you not want that?

>pretty sure wizchan is way beyond wanting that shit
But what's left? Even scientific endeavours are all collaborations. Long gone is the days of the lone genius types.

>dont want it turning into turbo r9k with failed 20 year old normies everywhere
In a way I actually commend them for that.

Well, they're protective I guess.

I feel like a retard. I went to my GP about anxiety and she gave me some paperwork to get a bloodtest and ECG done, but I didn't realise I was supposed to just take it downstairs to reception, so I took it home instead where I've been waiting for an appointment that's not coming

Hopefully I can just give it to them tomorrow morning and they won't notice that it's a 2 week old piece of paper that I was supposed to give to them 5 minutes after it was printed out

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I used to be like this until I realised people dont actually care about you or what you do. They will probably go yeah whatever.

I want to move out of my parents house so bad, but I only make 13k a year (in US). there's no way I could feasibly afford an apartment+bills. Ive been thinking about buying a decent sized used car and living out of it and going to travel around the states.

Has anyone here ever done this?