Currently trying to off myself w a plastic bag wrapped around my head

Currently trying to off myself w a plastic bag wrapped around my head.

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Don't do that. Everything's gonna be cool.

I believe you forgot to fart in it first

I tried to kill myself today too being completely honest though, but it was too uncomfortable so i thought fuck it Ill do something else

This is why I love fortune

Put the bag down. You are loved.

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Yeah dude it gets hot under there and I feel like a sissy for pulling out

Last time they traced the call and had me arrested. Hard pass from me.

no you're gonna panic cause the co2 level in your air will become too high, so you will most likely try to pull it off
if you wanna suffocate yourself, use nitrogen, helium or other gasses your body can't detect
this way your body won't know you're dying and it will be like going to sleep instead

Ill get a credit card I guess ty

Better safe than sorry.

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Good luck fren, hope that you do the best thing for yourself, whatever that may be

I don't actually see why people want to kill themselves...But my advice to you (other than to not kill yourself, because it's fucking stupid) would be that if you wamma do this, a bag around your head is a pretty is not very reliable nor effective. Shoot yourself I'd say, much quicker and leaves no time for regrets

it's less than 50$ to get everything for nitrogen asphyxiation
but if you really need to take out a credit card for this, you might as well send me some money via prepaid card so you use up your limit completely

You can't just put a bag on your head, dumbass; you have to make sure it's sealed off so that no air escapes. Got any duct tape?

Youre right. Ill do a donation thread before. I think thatd be p cool

Dude it really isn't worth it. I now that sounds like an emotionless line that overused, but it really holds truth. I'm not gonna assume anything about your life user, you could really have no one that loves you in real life, but there are people out there who would care about you if you gave them the chance. Please don't do it user.

Why not stab yourself in the heart if your gonna do such a retarded method of killing yourself?

I got a nice double edged smith n Weston
I did consider falling on it.

Fucking kek
Your just gonna end up with brain damage and be even more retarded than you already are.

finally someone that doesn't ignore me when I ask for a little money from them before they off themselves
actually makes me optimistic you're doing this for real and aren't just an attentionwhore like 90% of the other suicide threads
nice dubs btw

It aint fucking working if you are making threads you faggot. You will end up with brain damage 100%

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use a gun poorfag
have a browse.

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stop being a lil bitch and kill your self like a fucking man

Tried this once but pussied out because my mom called me
Put a good bag without holes and tape it around your head yes you have sufficient oxygen to do so
If you can tape or tie your hands around a pole /char or something to prevent them.from taking the bag off

Breathe fast when preparationd are done
If you did it correctly then expect desperation followed by a really bad experience of death

Don't do it if you have relatives its more painful for them

Put the plastic bag over your head, wrap an elastic band around your neck to keep the bag in place, and then handcuff your hands behind you so you can't reach up and remove the plastic bag.
I hope this helps

You won't succeed without a way to prevent the buildup of carbon dioxide, because that's what causes you to panic.

careful about these gas tanks especially helium. they mixed a fair amnt of oxygen and other stuff so killing yourself would take much longer. Chances of being in vege state instead of dying becomes higher too.

They put oxygen into the helium tanks to keep people from dyeing.