Cut myself regularly when i was 14 for stupid teenager reasons

>cut myself regularly when i was 14 for stupid teenager reasons
>scars are deep, permanent, noticeable, and i can't do anything about them
>i'm now 22, still have the scars
>guys see me as a crazy bitch
>i've ruined any chance i had of getting a boyfriend because of some stupid shit i did as a teenager

so, how should i kill myself?

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slit your wrists
they'll blend in with all the other cuts

nah, a lot of guys have a fetish for damaged stacy. if you were a guy, then you would have had probelm

Im 27 and I STILL fucking do it, on my arms too. Most recent one was last night, im a fucking idiot and I hate myself so much.

just dont do it then fucking retard.

Send pics


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be my big tiddy goth gf plz

Honestly I think those kinds of scars won't matter.

I would ask for pics of your wrists but that won't get me off like tits do so tits or gtfo

get tatttoos that incorporate them into the greater work, and give you something beautiful and meaningful to look at instead

>get tatttoos
>beautiful and meaningful
tattoos are ugly especially on women

>a bloo bloo bloo chad mcnormie thundercock won't even use my flabby 3/10 maggot stench crusted over holes for a dive bar quickie

Dumb roastie, thats why you cut your thighs instead

see, the problem is that these scars are so deep that some of them look recent, and guys will just refuse to approach me

good advice

what, do you a fetish or something?

this guy for example

i wish you the best, dude.

im not goth, nor do i have big tiddy

im kinda on the fence about it, on one hand they would cover up the scars and solve my problem, on the other hand, i dont think they'd look good on me

and i did, too, eventually i just ran out of space

my ex gf had scars from cutting and told me later in our relatiosnhip
if someone loves you they surely can ignore/accept the shit you did in the past

Damn, now boys will see you the same way you see manlets


Based, and in original addition, redpilled.

>i dont think they'd look good on me

all depends on what kinda art style you go for and what means something to you

i mean, you don't just have to get an anchor with 'mum' on it

course if you want something truly beautiful, you'll likely have to pay the big moniez - still, cheaper than surgery

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Wear long sleeves all the time

thats okay you can be my small tiddy broken gf

i just wanna gf that has problems worse than mine so i can take care of her and make my problems seem meaningless

I personally could over-look scars, no matter how bad. But if you're a big fat fatty, or have a lazy eye, or man-hands..I can't over look those.

>see, the problem is that these scars are so deep that some of them look recent, and guys will just refuse to approach me
Be upfront about them in online dating or hide them with long sleeves until you are confident enough with a guy to explain things to him. It's not that hard to understand doing stupid shit as a teenager.

i like short boys. don't get your panties in a bunch

still, i'm afraid i'll regret them afterwards

yeah, that's a problem during the summer


doesn't always work, but i will still try to do that

I actually did this and it was a nightmare. They'll do anything to drag you down to their level.

>guys see me as a crazy bitch

Rightfully so. I seriously doubt you've become less crazy, just less self-destructive.

>I was crazy when I was 14
>I'm not crazy now
>but I want to kill myself
you are one crazy bitch, OP.

Scars are a turn on for some guys, honestly.

like me

I've heard that despite it being a well recognized huge red flag that she's a brain dead retarded attention whore, girls with cutting scars is something that guys interested in a certain age of women now just have to settle for, because it was such a common trendy fad among teenage girls for a while.

i don't actually want to kill myself, just a manner of speaking.

i personally think my mental health has greatly improved, still not perfect, but i'm not nearly as emotionally unbalanced as before

Spidey hates roasties!

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EZ out:


why didn't you drag her up to your level?

Just lie that you were abused as a kid by your parents, problem solved

Whoa there buster! Spiderposting is so 2010 speed it up with sonic

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I wouldn't care about those scars as long as I know you won't make new ones.
Although I don't know anything else about you, so I couldn't say for sure that I would date you.

Show the scars op. Just your arms will do.