About to do half a bar of xanax for the first time

About to do half a bar of xanax for the first time.

Any robots have any experience with this drug?

Since its my first time should I do less than half a bar? What are the effects like?

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Hey, dont

Half bar will mess you up

>getting into benzos

Bad idea user, feels pretty good though as always the power is yours

As someone who has been with a person who abused Benzos, and have tried them myself; don't. Like, seriously user. You don't wanna fuck with Benzos. Unless your life is in the gutter/trash

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I'm prescribed benzos and they just stop my panic attacks and put me to sleep.
If you don't have anxiety then ymmv

It's a very chill drug, if you're not drinking I would say just do the whole thing. Nothing too intense, you'll just feel really mellow. First time I did xanax and enjoyed it I just watched a movie (first time I took it in general I was super shitfaced would not recommend)

it's a boring drug and it will just make you feel like you had a few beers without the drunk feeling. it's stupid

OP here, my life isn't really that shit but I just wanted to try it out since I heard its easy just to chill out and listen to music.

Is this true?

I have a bit of anxiety but nothing I cant get myself over

They're just extremely relaxing. They make any anxiety you're feeling go away completely. And at high doses, they make you stumble around like you're drunk

No. Nonono. Nothing like that whatsoever. Literally only multiplies your feelings

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>getting into benzos
you dense motherfucker

Ugh so many conflicting stories idk what it does to your mind, I only bought one bar is it worth trying?

Xans aren't really the funnest drug, unless you have anxiety. I like klonopin for a nice elongated high

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It'll pretty much do nothing if you don't have anxiety
It's like alcohol without the euphoria

Not really and I abused many

xanax is fine, if you're scared do half a bar. unless you're drinking i doubt you'll black out. just feels really relaxed and care free and if you have too many you feel drunk, and can black out.

i'm assuming you're at home, so nothing bad is gonna happen.

What will a quarter bar do to my system? Will I get as buzzed?

quarter will just relax you.

you may as well just have half, i had 2mg my first time and i was fine though

Memory loss
Someone gave me some for a flight to vegas because I get excruciating ear popping headaches when flying. They didn't tell me not to drink with it so apparently I had a 4some with 3 girls and sent my fiancee at the time pics of it

Would not recommend friend

Half a bar will just make you feel pleasant and a bit retarded. Be careful, don't drink anything, and be aware that this shit is crazy addictive

Why rpg?

I wish. I took multiple since I wasn't feeling sleepy like I was expecting tho

"Buzzed" "mellow"
You don't understand this drug user its not worth it. You will think you are sober and do dumb shit

please explain more

currently quitting xanax but it did wonders for my anxiety with exposure therapy while i self medicated, i can leave the house without crippling sense of fear now and am quite happy with it despite going through withdrawals now.

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also if u still haven't done it just take the full bar unless you have a couple, different dosages effect people differentlty.

Which is that drug that helps me study for college without wanting to blow my beans out?

adderall or ritalin i think user.

Like he said a drunk (buzzed) feeling but you won't have the same awareness to be careful as you do when drunk. Don't drink with it and preferably have someone sober to make sure you don't go full retard (this didn't stop me) if you have addictive personality don't bother trying it. As long as you don't take to much or drink you should be fine

Nah not really, but it's just a waste. Get just the right amount and you will feel really chill, completely peaceful of mind and really ZERO thoughts in your head. It's amazing.

Take too many and you will just feel so sleepy and then sleep for a long time. Huge waste.

Xanax makes you feel nothing.
The more you take the lower your iq during the "high" is. Also thr dosing is a SLIPPERY SLOPE. You intend to take 1 bar and end up taking 10. You lose self control on xanax. Its why people who are normal suddenly do crazy crimes on xanax. You literally become a zombie. Take half a bar and smoke some weed before you sleep and you will habe the best sleep of your life. But dont talk to anyone and sleep. Dont take it in the day its not a drug worth getting into. There's a reason EVERYONE regrets it. Man i do coke and actual hard shit but xanax just isnt worth it. Its not the same "oh its unhealthy" bs. It just literally isn't a good experience waking up in a mental hospital and getting a 10k bill because you did something dumb on xanax or worse end up in jail. Your 1 bar Will be fine. Honestly you could just take the whole thing before you sleep but if you take the whole thing you will sleep no matter what even if you take it at noon

if you got it on the street, it is laced with fentanyl.

What do I have to say to my MD to get a prescription for xanax?

Just smoke weed and avoid the opiate meme

Just take the whole pill, pussy.

Don't drink any booze or drive anywhere, smoke some weed and chill.

Benzos are great, just don't get addicted.

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You realize that this is one of the only drugs that will fucking kill you if you try to quit them right?

benzos always chill me the fuck out I don't know what these anons are talking about

My favorite drug. The chill you the fuck out. Just take half for your first time because they mess you up. However limit yourself of you end up liking them because they are very easy to get hooked on.

someone give me you's please t