Most of this board live in first world countries,how come you guys are so depressed?

Most of this board live in first world countries,how come you guys are so depressed?

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depression seems to be a privilege of the middle and upper class

the industrial revolution ruined everything

In first world countries there are two clases

The ones that fit

The ones that dont

The world is designed for the one that fit,so if you dont you becone a social outcast unconciuslly despised unable of perform on a normal way that allow you have a real quality of life

all first world nations are all predicated on social darwinism
hell, even the normies feel it.

You literally have the whole world to talk to on your laptop.

Sex and love are towards the bottom of the hierarchy of needs. We may live in first world countries but there are people in third world countries who have advanced past us on the hierarchy because for what little they have it still elevates them above us who are missing sex and love.

Nobody can fix your problems simply by talking. It falls on the beholder of said problems.

unironically this, industry is the devil and globalism is its antichrist

Simple, it is similar to Minecraft.
In Minecraft you have this cool Idea of a castle.
You build, have fun and a sense of purpose.
You enjoy the game.
But once the Castle is finnished, how do you feel?

I usually get bored and don't enjoy it anymore.
I see no purpose in building just another castle.
Why even bother taking all that time to mine ressources again.
I am just bored and do purposeless farming(or similar activiteis)
I realise, that the first castle was purposeless too.
I end up doing nothing great anymore and eventually quit.

Society is the same.
We are so far, many don't see any purpose anymore.
People where probbably a lot happier, when they where simple farmers,
with ideas and achievable goals, like creating another barn, to have more cows.
Feminists etc. might just be compareable to the purposeless farming.

Because we are the class of untouchables

This, yet unironically.

The first world is the world of decline and impossibly high standards.

Did this faggot seriously compare living in first world countries to building a castle in minecraft?

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You are on a watchlist ted worshipper

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Yes, this is the level you faggots could understand on.

It's because, while we're enjoying relative economic prosperity, there is a complete lack of anything to bolster the spirit. I don't necessarily mean religion, but we're just adrift in a sea without beliefs or ideals, a sea which is especially cruel to people who don't fit in. All of that wishy-washy bullshit about telling your kids that they're the best and everyone's a winner just sets them up to be slapped even harder in the face when they meet reality.

Hell, just have a look at this place. People are so utterly embittered by life in the west that they would gladly see all of it burn. You know how I mentioned cruelty before? When the people on the other side look at this group of outcasts and misanthropes, they laugh at them. They don't ask why this happening or what can be done about it. Their answer is just more ridicule. There is a fundamental need for love and acceptance. Without it, your soul just withers away.

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You summed my thoughts perfectly, we might be materially far more better off and safer than those in third world. But we have no direction, no purpose, our nations aren't bent toward a destiny or certitude anymore, its aimless wandering. At the moment for example I work ina shop as a fucking customer assistant. I stock shelves and serve people on the till. I see people at my work who have been there for well over a decade, toiling away in the most basic position day in and day out. It terrifies me, its a life without meaning or purpose nothing beyond basic survival, and the thought of my best years ad the rest being spent like that is horrifying. Coupled with governments and fifth column traitors who actively side against their native population when it comes topics such as immigration or gender and race quotas, it breeds an enormous amount of resentment, well unless you're a leftist who's retarded enough to believe that mass immigration is good for your country. Couple all of this with a lack of something so fundamental to human existence like romantic love and companionship and you get people like you find here. Hope this helps OP

I am right.
Still think immogration is good.
Our society is cancerous.
We need chemotherapy.
Thouse who survive shall shine in glory

* imm0gretion

It certainly isn't good when it leads to the demographic changes we're only just beginning to see

War is always the answer

>Unironically this
time for some tedposting

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But you can change yourself.

Because they life on easy mode. They have access to all the pleasures of this world- food, video games, sex, porn etc... They can get these pleasure without any effort, so they overuse them, which destroys their dopamine receptors.

Well, imagine that you had just enough wealth to meet your basic needs (food, shelter, electricity), but not enough to actually go anywhere with your life? Imagine that you're working a shitty job you hate, where you have no chance of promotion, bills, rent and mortgage sucking on your bank account for all it's worth and only have just enough money to spend on some distractions?

That's what life in the west is like for a lot of people these days. It's a never-ending present where you wake up, go to work, go back home and repeat until you die.

But you choose not to have those

because I was born
in a third world country, my mother would have died giving birth to my older brother

Thats deep but your meant to pick up a new game and work on that. Society can always grow and start a new project. The problem is Society has failed to take up the new project.We could be working on space ships or going to mars. Instead we are slowly crippling and paying too much gibs too losers.

Exactly, just like in minecraft.
With a new project the fun continues, without you eventally exit

Every single person with problems can either solve those problems or ignore them. Why are they whining.

Exactly, I am pretty happy with my life
Had to go through the storm clouds first to see the sun tho.

>Gorge 18yo virgin

Untrue, in first world countries love only exist for chad, and sex is just promiscuous and does not come off as anything above masturbation without love.
I can't tell if you're being ironic.

Bevuz my daddy raped me
and i love him
and he is gone now

that is why faggot