MBTI thread

ITT we share our MBTI results

Different questions give different results so be sure to include cognitive functions

I am a literal autist, ENTP.

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Other urls found in this thread:


INTP like pretty much everyone on this godforsaken board

ENTP is literally the undeniable best personality type

any IxxJ is a garbage human

How much more introverted than extroverted?

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i dont know mine but holy shit is OPs image close
maybe INTP because I'm not that extroverted

INFJ (Ni/Fe/Ti/Se), this gf meme makes INFJs out to be special snowflakes but im too lazy to make my own

>tfw no confident entp bf who's an asshole to the world but a softie for his girl

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Where are you, my INFP brethern ?

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someone should kill you for being such a retard.

just took the test, INTP confirmed

If anyone is looking to take the test, this one is a lot better than that 16personalities site. keys2cognition.com/explore.htm

Reminder to everyone: do not use 16personalities and other shitty websites so you can 'reveal' your personality type.

Tracking your personality type with just traits gives you an innacurate result and the idea that, for example, introversion = anti-social, feeling = weak person, extraverted = chad, etc.

Instead, learn about cognitive functions. You can learn and understand the ideas of MBTI well enough and then know your personality type by yourself, not from some shitty website.

Also watch DaveSuperPowers on YouTube, you can learn about the cognitive functions from his videos, very well explained.

I already know functions, never quote me again

Yeah but that site is not very good either. Go watch 'DaveSuperPowers' on youtube, his older videos from january/february explain everything very well

Seconding this and adding an original to make it through.

Sounds like someone is INFJ!

Attached: MyersBriggsTypes.png (1920x1080, 103K)

Go to bed, Dave.

Ayy what's up my fellow ENTP.
So what kind of employment do you have? I do credit work for the power company and it's absolutely /devlish/ perfect for us expect the absolutely dumb shit can manage to think up to try to get you not to turn their power off.

I'm an IN-J (Dead center between N/F on multiple tests.)

Make a generalization about me.

Fuck, I mean T/F

Yeah you might know them but there is a lot of wrong informations, every websites copies another one

In short this is how cognitive functions work, they are like some coins:

Se - you gather facts
Ni - you organize ideas

Ne - you gather ideas
Si - you organize facts

Te - you care about other's reasons
Fi - you care about your own feelings

Fe - you care about other's feelings
Ti - you care about your own reasons

IxxPs and ExxJs are double observers.
IxxP mostly care about themselves because Ti/Fi is their first function, so their own feelings/reasons are more important.
ExxJ care about other's feelings/reasons, since their first function is Te/Fe.
Their first and last functions are not very well balanced, this is why IxxP are mostly selfish, and ExxJ forget to care about themselves sometimes. They are double observers, so Ne/Si, Se/Ni, or Ni/Se, etc. are pretty balanced, they are the second and third function.

IxxJ and ExxP are double deciders.
IxxJ organize information they gather a lot because first function is Si/Fi.
ExxP gather a lot of information because Se or Ne is their first function.
They both have their own weaknesses because their last functions are eithey Se/Ne or Si/Ni. They are double deciders so their Te/Fi, Fe/Ti, Ti/Fe, etc. (you get it) are balanced.

Stop looking at MBTI like :
>that guy does something so he is xxxx
Don't stereotype.

Read more about this shit here: objectivepersonality.com/

I am not Dave, you faggot. If I would be I was enjoying all the money.
Yeah, this is why I kinda get triggered and want to explain everything to idiots who only use the traits to reveal their personality type. Just read about these things on objectivepersonality.com/ and stop using 16personalities or other bullshit because you give me cancer

Busy with college, business admin.

I do community management for worthless cryptocurrencies

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tfw shy INFJ girl

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It's just entertainment anyways

Like i said, i am a literal autist but get ExxP on every website

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Another person who's using 16personalities and think they know shit about MBTI.

kill me

What makes INFJ x ESFJ so incompatible?

Its entertainment but providing bad information is bad

Are you gonna cry lmao

I know enough about MBTI to know that it means horse shit

This is literally a circlejerk thread

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yeah and you are also gay and give me cancer

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INFJ. Pretty sure it stands for INternalized Faggy Jew but idc

INTP here. FeelsBadMan

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Anybody have one of these for IxFPs?

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I was looking for that earlier and it looks like it doesn't exist. People don't care about Fi-doms I think.

Stop trying to shill the idea of "objectivity" to a fucking meme personality tool. MBTI as a whole is retarded and Dave isn't any different, except he knows how to use buzz words to appeal to impressionable retards who are too stuck on MBTI. Also you are literally saying the exact same shit that he is, you yourself probably don't even understand MBTI well enough. INTP btw who was also at the same spot as many of you people here, trust me, MBTI is worthless.

well said


Not an argument, I'm afraid. You need to calm down.

And arguing with others claiming your sources are more reliable than other sources in a very unscientific field is supposed to be a valid argument? Go look for shekels elsewhere, Dave.

I'm not Dave or even the guy talking about cognitive functions. I'm a new guy who hopped in the thread to point out your lack of argument.

mfw I'm an INFP

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first time taking this shitty test, what does my result mean anons?

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Salesman personality type.

I started out as ENTP, went to ENTJ two years later, that was the best. Now I'm INTJ and I dunno what to do besides talking shit to the people closest to me and being arrogant

That's a good type. It is stereotyped as the ultimate chad or something like that. But get to know it more and it is interesting. People focus on how spontaneous the type can be. But I don't know about that. Do you like poetry at all? I was just thinking the other day how the poet John Ashbery was probably ESTP. Maybe if you read him you can feel some affinity. Better stick to the early stuff if you do.

You're a literal ubermensch



Dave no one gives a shit about your channel. Shill somehwre else.

You r a homosex

It means youre a faggot and will most likely die of AIDs realtively soon.

BLAO! Got em.

Fuck, ENTP here and just got off the phone with my manager and told that I got fired because of basically everything in that picture.

one of the more common types

I hope to God I'm not an ENTP.

It's a shitshow of an existence and the only reason I haven't offed myself yet is out of spite.


A psychiatric professional says I have autistic traits and I find that very upsetting.

God man I'm feeling that coming soon with me. I'm so fucking bored of my job and the pay doesn't want to make me stay. ENTPs wherent made to do jobs I swear.

This is pretty accurate...
Hate being ENTP

>makes up everything but claims its objective

>like ESFJ girl
>tfw ESTP
>she rejected me
ahhhhh guess it really was one-sided

The main reason why I got fired was because I kept arguing with my coworker whenever we were collaborating on a project with this retarded FOB pajeet chick who kept wanting to include raw stock image clipart and wordart into the graphic design work I was doing. Eventually, she hated me to the point that she started lying about the stuff to include in the posters we were doing just so I could look like a moron and make mistakes. She wound up pinning me for a mistake she made and I got fucked for it because I already got sat down in his office about the aforementioned arguing no less than like 3 days ago.

I had a long conversation with my boss about it and he agrees that she's dumber than doorknob and basically just there for muh diversity, but because it's Leafistan and firing a wimmen for disagreeing with a man is going to look bad in an office that's basically 90% women his hands are tied. Welp, on the bright side, at least she didn't spin our bickering as abuse just to get me put an a list because she was buttranged and hurtfeelings.

My gf is infj & she is dominant as fuck! Do you think they get off on hurting people sexually? I ask this because they seem to have a fascination with sadness/suffering in the real world, so maybe this transfers into the bedroom

read socionics guys, ten times more accurate than this garbage.

INFJ and ENFJ women have masochistic traits, because of Se. they like to be hurt and dominated. they pair best with ESTP and ISTP

Socioconics is innacurate when it comes to INFJs! They completly describe an MBTI INFP. INFPs love to be dominated and also every infj ive ever met couldnt stand being in the same room as an ESTP

Not sure if I'm INFP or INTP
I always score really high on IN and P, but right in the middle for T/P. On one I took, I got high Ti and Fi and low Te and Fe
From what I've read, both Ti (INTP) and Fi (INFP) describe me well. What's the biggest difference? Is MBTI a flawed meme?

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INTJ incel here, let's chat.

>Is MBTI a flawed meme?
No but the 16 personalities site is.

Take this test, it has a cognitive function break down: keys2cognition.com/explore.htm

I understand the individual cognitive functions well, but I don't understand why if I have Fi, my thinking function has to be an underused Te instead of a healthy Ti (or vice versa)

>I understand the individual cognitive functions well
Lol no you don't.

I feel you man. I have morning job briefings that I have to fill out and I fill it out proactively so I can acknowledge hazards and shit. Boss told me just write the shit down when it happens. Had like a 20 min conversation about it and I was biting my tongue about how fucking retarded that was. Thank God I only have to see management like once a month because stupid shit leaves me seathing. I hate how our pointing out incompetence and trying to find solutions leads to our doom it's fucking sad.

The last time I was in the car with my parents they suggested I might be autistic. I am 20 years old now

> This rudeness

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I'm ISTP but idk what that means. If someone wants to explain that would be great