Reminder that you need to set a grand, impossible goal for yourself, like becoming a God Emperor...

Reminder that you need to set a grand, impossible goal for yourself, like becoming a God Emperor. Each day you need to set some tiny goal that will further yourself along, even if it is something as simple as making a call to some associate. You will obviously end up only a tenth or less of the way to ruling the world by the time you die, but you will still be further than most people.

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This is unironically how I keep myself sane.
But it is actually plausible that I will become GOD EMPEROR OF MANKIND.
The chance is small, but I can picture a reasonable scenario in my head.
That is because I'm an exception among exceptions among exceptions. Probably one in a billion, not even joking.
This is why I can tell myself this.
But you? How are you going to justify this? You know that you are not as smart as you could be, and that you took a year longer at uni then you needed. HOW WILL YOU POSSIBLY RECOVER FROM THAT???
Hat to break it to you, but in order to become God Emperor, you will need to be the very best at everything, from the beginning, never fail and do the best possible thing all the time.
Are you really this delusional to think that you even have a shadow of a chance?

>I will surpass Asanagi.

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Problem user, I've made it my goal to stage a revolt against any claimant to the title of God-Emperor who makes it even half way towards their goal.

Just letting you know, there's only room for one of us.

No problem here user, I know that I'm going off to war and that the chance that I'm going to fail is at least 99.9%, but I have a plan.
And it might work.
And I am the best.
You pose no threat to me.
May we one day meet on the fields of honor and may fate decide who will be the Victor and who will gain this world.

>Are you really this delusional to think that you even have a shadow of a chance?
I've been planning this since I was a child and I'm further along than any of you faggots. You are all marked as threats but the countermeasures were deployed long before this thread was made.

Hey user, just a question.
How do you deal with the lingering sensation at the back of your head that permanently whispers into your ear:
"You are not the protagonist of this story"

I could probably unironically get pretty close if i tried

>dedicate my life, so say 60 hrs a week
>make websites, youtube vids etc about a cult
>promises acceptance and satisfaction etc
>use niche fetishes to lure lowlifes in
>basically make large claims and talk about the cult everywhere, move on to luring impressionable teens in to the sekrit club

I think if i tried i could get maybe a million followers if i dedicated my life. I consider trying sometimes but i honestly couldnt be assed

If you do, I'll be more than happy to be your loyal Astartes and spread the imperial truth.

Oh, nice plan.
My approach:

>Get a PHD in Machine Learning
>Build a big company around that
>Actually win the AI race
>Fuse with the AI
>Become GOD EMPEROR by science victory.

+ It's safer then your culture victory plan and much more potent because even if you somehow managed to become GOD EMPEROR first, I would usurp you with this method.
+ You also get Immortality and probably unmatched power over matter for free
+ I'm literally going to make anime real, so look forward to it!

I think that I will probably have a chance if I stay at my current course, everything in my life - since when I was a child - is dedicated to this plan, literally.
It's also not bad if it fails, as plan B is, failing to win the AI race and then having a big company.
And plan C is just having a PHD in Machine Learning and having a 6 figure salary job at Google, not that bad either.
And Plan C is foolproof because there is literally no way for me to not get a PHD in machine learning at this point with all the skills I have and my Master's degree in Maths at age 22.

Basically same plan but I don't believe in schools or degrees. I already modelled the human mind in a way that can be used to create new minds and made limited prototypes. Developing a game now to collect data to base the mind on and construction has started on the secret lair where the self replicating drone army will be produced.

>I already modelled the human mind in a way that can be used to create new minds and made limited prototypes
So basically you haven't done anything yet beyond having a few Ideas?

Most of the meat of the ideas have now been confirmed by academics and I've done small scale prototypes that behave as expected. All that's needed is the training data which the game will supply. The drone army doesn't need the true AI, it's a backup plan.

If you're not important, then the worst you can be is a side character.

>modelled the human mind in a way that can be used to create new minds
user, you shouldn't pretend to know something you don't, when you don't even know how to use the right terminology to make it sound believable.
You could have just as well said that you mastered C++.

>modelled the human mind
If you said, you made a "recurrent neural network", I would have believed you.

>that can be used to create new minds
This sentence makes it even worse because what you are saying here is that you don't even have the slightest clue about how these things actually work.

What if you actually do become the god emperor though?
Wouldn't that be quite problematic?

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I use simple language because I always assume everyone I talk to is retarded because they almost always are. I knew about the power of multi layer neural networks which you refer to as RNNs before the academics who only got really excited about it around a decade ago. You'll know it's me when it happens.

unironically how i live my life i'm a living failure though. a common theme in my life seems to be reaching 90% of my goal but never fully attaining it

Man I love LoGH. Literally the most underrated and autistic anime series

They're not the same thing buddy. A cursory search also shows that they were invented in the 80's.

It became popular in around 2007 when computers became fast enough to demonstrate how powerful they are which I already knew. RNN is a specialised type of multi layer network, it's an estimation of an underlying property that emerges from simpler multi layer networks in nature. RNN equivalents emerge in my model without needing to specify them, the brain evolved, it wasn't constructed from over simplified academic concepts.

Hitler didn't start his path til his 30s. In 20 years he almost claimed the title. If destiny is on your side than the rest becomes irrelevant. School,work, friends, either path you take with any the ladder to the top will still lead the same path.