What do bots think about Uruguay?

What do bots think about Uruguay?
I mean, do you even know it exists?
I'm just curious because it's a pretty small country and, if it didn't exist, the world would pretty much stay the same.

Disclaimer: I am Uruguayan, and I don't necesarely hate my country, I just find it kinda boring.

Any Uruguayan bots out there?

Attached: uruguay.jpg (350x276, 26K)

Estoy pensando en estudiar en un pais hispanohablante, preferiblemente en un lugar bastante seguro pero tambien interesante. Crees que Uruguay es un buen lugar para vivir? Podria un gringo vivir alli sin ser secuestrado o algo asi?

Isn't that one of the countries that you can buy citizenship for?

As an Armenian I love Uruguay and Uruguayan people. You guys rock!

So... I couldn't find a lot of information, but, as you can see, gun violence is pretty low here in Uruguay. In fact, we have one of the lowest crime rates in all of South America, along with a great education and little to no poverty.

Still, as a person living here, I don't feel safe walking alone at night, we have a low crime rate, but we're far from perfect.

People are really caring and warm, friends of mine have visited the USA and told me people there are colder and more distant. English is a compulsory subject at school and highschool, so that's nice too.

The streets are dirty, but it's not a big deal, we're a developing country and things are getting better exponentially.

And... the climate here is pretty stable, we don't get super hot days, but it doesn't snow either, so that's pretty sad.
I think that's all you need to know~

Oh, and btw, your Spanish is really good! I'm surprised
I'm studying English and I think I'm not bad, but please tell me if I make any big mistake~

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Si, desgraciadamente no sos el unico automata en el paisito. Capital o interior?

I know very little of it, but I hear it's one of the more pleasant and successful South American countries. Sounds nice. Also you guys beat my country in a wold cup a decade ago, that's how I found out about your country.

I love Armenians I'm Irish

I heard its one of the most stable south american nations.
Good on you guys.

Yall got legal weed right

I don't think so, you can get one by staying/studying/working here for like 5 years.
Or marrying an Uruguayan citizen, but that's less likely.

Thanks you
I think America has really nice people, I'd love to live there, but it's kinda hard because of the visa and passport stuff...

As a Paraguayan, of course i know Uruguay, nice place to visit during break, it's probably a better place to live than here desu, and yall got legal weed which is a plus, but is it any good compared to what you can get on the streets?

You have legal weed, socialised (free) university and legal prostitution. What the fuck else could you want

What do you think of Brazil?

I would like to have been born in a small country such as Uruguay or literally any other small, comfy country that doesn't suck much. Brazil is way too big, people spread out in the territory have different cultures, I don't really have a sense of companionship towards my fellow men.

Also, being born and raised in Brazil really makes me wish to be living in a safer country, less marginalized and with more educated people. The violence in my country is horrible all around, worse in some areas than in others.

Aren't you guys the country with the hippie prime minister? If so, you guys seem pleasant. I think Argentina was sperging out about some sliver of land on the border that was yours but you just let them have it because Argentina is kinda cunty and it doesn't matter that much.

Argentinian here, honestly hope we get our shit together ehough for you guys to go back to being a province.

we're too similar to be separated, buddy.

Attached: bicentenario.encuesta.argentina.jpg (800x577, 248K)

Capital :v

It's pretty nice, but everybody here loves football, and I don't, so that's kinda annoying;;
Uruguayan people l o v e football, it's a huge part of our culture.

Tell me about your country, I don't really know much about it :'c

Yes indeed.

I'm from uruguay too, I'm just a tourist on this board, what the fuck are you faggots doing here?

safe streets

I've been to Florianopolis last year, it's a truly besutiful place!
But it's too hot sometimes, I don't like that.
Overall, I like Brazil, but I wouldn't live there because Brazilian culture is just not the best for me.

Yes, we're that country lol

I'd love it if Argentina and Uruguay joined once again.
But sadly, Uruguayan people would hate turning into a province, because it started out as a pretty offensive joke, and stuff like that isn't easy to forgive.
Maybe things would be better if we turned into a completely different country, with a new name and stuff.

I'm sorry I can't answer that question, but it's probably the same thing but safer and more consistent (?

Should be annexed by Argentina. Jose Mujica was a based leader tho

Capital tambien.
Pensa que podria ser peor, ser autista y timido en el interior debe ser el infierno en la tierra.

> being anexed by the "white" boludos

Yep, ahora mismo estoy estudiando programacion, donde hay gente raros de todo tipo (?
Tengo un grupo de subnormales como yo, jugamos LoL en ocasiones :3

Donde hay gente rara*

Laburo de eso, ya te vas a querer cortar las pelotas en un par de anios (la paga igual es lo mejor que hay en el pais, ignorando vender el orto o ser empleado publico).
Estas en la fing?

> Lol
Por favor mejoren el gusto

Estoy estudiando en la UTU lol
Podria decirse que onions bastante joven para R9K. Pero, honestamente, nadie en este lugar sigue normas sociales de todas formas, da igual :v

>por favor mejoren el gusto
Que deberia jugar?
LoL es entretenido y puedo pasar horas sin aburrirme, plus onions nivel 29, ya quiero jugar ranked ;-;

More like UrAGay amirite?

Attached: IMG_4605.jpg (700x933, 140K)

por que el corrector escribio "onions"?
uh, deberia dejar de usar Jow Forums en android
me voy a perder mi tiempo con alguna serie o algo
goodbye, bots

Aparentemente no puedo escribir "s o y"
Jow Forums lo transforma en onion

Are you the one who created a comfy discord server?

El newfago

To be fair, this is a fairly new filter

Don't people in Uruguay pronounce some letters differently than other Spanish speakers? Can you go over the differences?

UDeLaRfags > ORTfags siempre

user, that's true for every spanish speaking country.

Argentina pronounces "LL" and "Y" as "sh" (when they are followed by a vowel)
Spain pronounces "C" as "th"
Peru pronounces "R" as "L"
Somewhere in central america they pronounce "B" as a bilabial plosive and "V" as a labiodental fricative (aka, same as in English). This difference doesn't exist in most if not all the other countries, where they are pronounced the same.

Thanks, clear and concise explanation

Good meat tbqh

Suarez, Cavani and Godin are great. I want to visit Montevideo.