Is veganism red pilled?

is veganism red pilled?

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No, it's as blue-pilled as one can be, user.

It's a consequence of the redpill. Some people become so out of necessity but not often.

If you are a cow.

veganism couldn't be any more blue pilled, because veganism is impossible. everyone who does it is pretending. just watch them. every vegan cheats because real veganism will kill a human

The thing is man cant really be a full vegetarian.
The very simple reason for that is your small intestine cant product a specific enzyme that can cut alimentary fiber because of its different molecular links compared to starch

For the curious starch and fiber are both made of glucose, when you eat you just eat glucose 50% of the time
The difference between starch and fiber is that saccharidic links between glucose have a different conformation
starch : alpha-D-glucose 1-4 D-glucose
fiber : beta-D-glucose 1-4 D-glucose (man dont have the enzyme to cut this and make a single mole of glucose out of this)

And that does make a huge difference.

So : if man was really meant to be a vegan, to never eat meat, he would be adapted to eat only vegetables, grass and shit like that. But he dont. And man digest really well the meat, btw he has a lot of proteolytic enzymes that allows him to digest meat rly well.

So no.
Vegan isn't redpilled, fucking leaf.

i forgot to add this pic

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it's not red pilled or blue pilled it's just a personal dietary choice. nothign wrong with eating meat depending on the circumstance. IMO the only real redpill is not eating unhealthy shit meat like at mcdonalds and contributing to particular unethical factory farming

I'm not even vegetarian but what you wrote is absolute clap trap. Sorry m8. I'm a meat eating Pole and call you out on your bullshit.

Fuck no haha

i also think there is an argument to be made concerning the fact that as a whole we don't really eat carnivorous animals. again, nothing wrong with eating meat given the circumstance, but personally i find greens to be a more direct source of nutrition

Fuck no. We need meat to survive. Yes we can survive on vegan bullshit but we got to the top of the food chain and we can only stay here by doing what's necessary and that's eating meat.

Yes. If you do not think that industrial farming is evil, you're most likely evil yourself. Insofar as the red pill is the opposite of evil, and it stands for truth and justice, veganism is red pilled.

Eating cooked meat vastly improved mankind's progression

>we got to the top of the food chain and we can only stay here by doing what's necessary and that's eating meat.
?????? what u think cows and chickens are gonna overthrow us or somethin?

Vegetarianism is redpilled as a diet choice and not an ideological choice. Veganism is Jewish soy retardation tier.


Veganism is the Atheism of Food diets, basically they act like total dicks to anyone who doesn’t believe the way they do, nobody likes them, and there are many Jews in it.

cannibalism is

Is eating vegan morally good? yes. Is eating vegan physically healthy for humans? no. is eating meat morally good? not so much. is it healthy for humans? Yes. Vegans fuck up trying to say that it's both. It's not. Most humans would get sick and or die trying to maintain a vegan diet. probably about 1% of the population can maintain a vegan diet long-term. This single and only reason veganism is tolerated in any way is because a lot of people in America are overweight and obese. If everyone was a normal weight vegans would be totally ignored. the early vegans all died of disease and starvation before supplements were available. you know this is probably still the case you just never hear about it. Every vegan I've ever met looks like a Walking Corpse and they just eat junk food all day. like literally cakes and candy.


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Why do so many of them look like sickly late-stage cancer patients?

>INB4 some offended vegan posts a picture of some well-known professional athlete who's a vegan

Only if you do it for health and not for animals' rights. Don't be strict either. Honey is good for you, and you can eat other animal products as often as like once in two weeks or something.

Also, welcome to Jow Forums!

More like welcome to hell

I thought we were reddit



Ancient Aryans were vegans and it allowed them to transcend the material hell of YHVH.

True Civilization began with farming

Also goys who think vegans are inherently pussies due to what they eat don't know about the inventors of farming back when that shit was hard labor with stone tools, they would handle your candy asses on a vegetable diet.