Learn to play an instrument, you'll pick up chicks left and right
Learn to play an instrument, you'll pick up chicks left and right
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I own guitar, keyboard, trombone, harmonica, ukulele, and recorder, but I'm too unmotivated to learn to play any of them. I can play parts of the halo 3 theme on the keyboard though. How to get motivated?
just pick one up and try to play a song you like. its fun.
I play six instruments and I'm still khv, not even bad looking
Sometimes lifehacks fail you miserably
I'm not looking for playing instruments to help me in my love life, I'm just depressed and I feel like picking up a hobby like that might make me feel accomplished in something
I play creepy instruments like the accordion and synths that put girls off
In that case I seriously think you should pursue it because learning instruments of any kind successfully will be a tremendous self esteem booster.
Yes but how do I stop moping about in bed on r9k every day is the real question. I've reached a point of low attention span coupled with depressed lazy mentality and little to no will or vision for my future that I spend my days dreaming about what I want to do. I guess simply put, how do I stop being a lazy sack of shit?
by doing it. how else?
I want to learn accordion but it seems very hard