That 19 year old zoomer who thinks that $15 an hour is a good wage

>that 19 year old zoomer who thinks that $15 an hour is a good wage

Grow up.

Attached: zoomer45.png (820x324, 244K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Jesus Christ $15? I make $7.50/hr

Listen here kid, assuming you aren't a third worlder you seriously need to start looking into getting a new job pronto. Right now companies are scrambling for workers. Once the recession hits the market will get flooded again so hurry up.

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18 yr's old making 25 and hour feels gud man

He's probably in a socialist shit hole where the minimum wage is 14 an hour

t. boomer. Just fucking die already.

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Theyre are still too many applicants per job opening.


I have a bachelor's degree and I'm makine $11/hour at a gas station in one of the expensive parts of California. I can't even get a sales job.

Things are really fucking bad. Dont believe the trump economy hype for a second.

Well $12+ is the minimum in LA, SD, and every city bordering the bay so it can't be that expensive

I like Trump but the economy is still rekted and the workplace is more cucked than ever.

I've been working off and on ten years now and the BS you have to go through just to get a shit job is off the charts.

What really sucks is seeing now hiring signs, applying, and then they contact you TWO months later. All that hassle for a near min wage job.

You dont know what you're talking about. A room around here is 1k a month. Just renting a room man. 1k.

>muh drumpf
Really as much as I want to blame Trump for this it really is just a continuation of the Obama economy in which only a few sectors (like tech and finances) are doing OBSCENELY well while the rest of us languish in debt and low wages.

No I live in the mid(shit)west

$15 is great in certain parts of the country, not everywhere

surely you figured that in right?

I'm envious. I work at wait staff at a chain restaurant making $2.29/hr + Tip
But the thing is, everybody is so broke literally nobody tips anymore. I don't have tits, so I rarely break 5$/hr.
Probably gonna quit.

Also I'm not gonna say what state I live in but 7.50 isn't even minimum wage

jokes on you I make 7.40 an hour

Hopefully they all start kicking the bucket in about 15 years.

tfw NEET on UK NEETBux

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Go work a factory job or a construction job like me and make real money.
Fuxk you you wanted minimum wage.

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I work on average 8-10 hours a day and make 19k a year :(

?? do you live in bengladesh?

>Real job

Thanks boomer

>factory job
Are you posting from the 1970s or something? Those are only open to people who have an Associates or Bachelor's degree. Today's "factory" is the Amazon warehouse, which provides an excellent wage of $12/hour for unreliable shifts and no health insurance (lol america.)

What the fuck is keeping you from quitting, at that point you're just a monkey bending over backwards for peanuts

This. Factory jobs (if you can even get one) pay shit these days.

All the power is in the hands of employers. They can put workers through all sorts of bullcrap for low wage jobs.

>Suddenly no income and rent is due in 2 weeks
>Lucky if he gets a job in 3 months between application, interview, and sorting out HR crap and training
By that time he'd be living out of a cardboard box. He might as well start making friends and connections with the bums in tent city.

Can you please post the other 44 images?

He means >tfw 45 y/o zoomer

That is not bad at all. I made $5.60 when I started working. Now I make nothing.

economy is rekt?
>Labor force surged
>Job surplus
>unemployment below 3%
>For every regulation added, he cut 61
economy rekt, ye u right nig nog.

Attached: branlet.jpg (720x736, 32K)

Who is that disgusting skittles whigger that the zoomers keep posting, anyway? That unwashed fuck perfectly encapsulates the retardation of the zoomer generation.

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t. retired boomer or unemployed child
It's been like this for years faggot.

No he doesnt dickhead. Read the file name of OP.

Attached: DAY69.jpg (1920x1080, 763K)

Just as shitty and disgusting as I'd imagined, thanks. No wonder the zoomers love this freak.

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>Min wage is $8
Yeah I'll glady take the $15

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15x40=600 dollars a week
600x52=31200 dollars a year
That's not great, but it's not that bad, either.

Wow different places in the US have different costs of living. Crazy.

>13-14 hours
>check every week
>user says this isnt enough

>Mfw I make over thirty-one dollars an hour to clean floors and push shopping carts.
>Mfw I just got a delivery job for a fast food company that'll pay close to twenty-six when I turn twenty-one.

Wft happened to the union movement in your country, burgers?

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*just got a second job delivering...

Google the "Taft-Hartley Act" sometime.

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Even fucking mcdonalds pays more than that, and I live in generic Midwest meth town #12

Your employer is required to pay you minimum wage if your tips don't put you over it. Also you must be working in a shitty restaurant.
I know people who will pull in $300-$500 on Fridays and Saturdays in tips, even after tipping out the rest of the staff.

have you guys ever thought about or tried social engineering to get a job?

>setup fake private company name, logo, favion, copy paste information from other random businesses and switch the names / scope of the company to yours, random fake name generator for board members, find obscure pictures of middle aged men in suits for execs and 1 business looking woman, strip all metadata and slightly alter crop to prevent reverse image searching
>buy domain ($10 godaddy)
>google business email ($5)
>create fake wikipedia article for shell company with logo and everything by copying parts of multiple random obscure other company's wikipedia articles and changing info to yours, deleting some
>get voip skype number ($16)
>create convincing fake website with logo name, email, phone etc ($16 squarespace)
>get fake bachelors degree off ebay ($20)
>get voice morpher program trial
>if you have a feminine sounding voice, lower pitch / female preset and try to sound like a woman, if masculine voice deepen it a bit and change it around (not so it sounds obviously fake ofc)
>create elaborate cover story for "your employee"
>create elaborate cover story covering every minute detail of your working history and college life, include a little bit of innocent basic bitch gossip for coworker conversations just incase
>passport photo ($12)
>buy C.V and resume off fiverr ($10)
>scope out company's information and find H.R manager contact info
>if can't, go inside company and ask for h.r manager contact information because you have to tell them something important
>contact h.r manager directly

sounds pretty easy to me desu, and unless you're going for a high-level position at a massive multinational corporation (aim for something around or less than $50k a year after taxes) then i don't even see how you'd even risk getting caught, specially if it's a job anyone can do (i.e bachelor degree in business management for retail manager job, or hospitality for hotel supervisor job etc)

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>that 24 year old milennial that spends the best years of his life working a shitty above minimum wage job and coping by posting on r9k, drinking and playing video games

why is he wearing a mexico shirt if that video's shot in new york

>Jesus Christ $15? I make $7.50/hr
Not from the burgerland, but I only make 3,15eur/hr, I only need about 200 euros a month to survive, since I'm not paying the bills yet.

mexico was playing in the world cup at the time

You know a trick mr math wiz is to just double the salary and add 3 0s

I've dreamed desu

Like that movie about that Dude catch me if you can