Chad Vs Robot Stories Thread

Have you ever successfully beaten the shit out of a chad Jow Forums?

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I don't think robots can fight desu

>I don't think robots can fight desu


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the only time i've actually ever kicked someone's ass was when 8 year old me threw down the neighborhood chad and began kicking him in the face for shoving my friend into a toilet. kid was like 14 and bawling his eyes out by the time i finished. felt terrible afterwards but the fucker never bothered us again.

Chang managed to serve me a passive aggressive affront. Thought about asking him what his problem was then thought better of it. Each day my exoskeleton is ground by tough pumice. When it is finally broken into...

You're a savage motherfucker user.

>8 year old beating up a 14 year old
ya im not buying it.

Chad never loses, you are talking about a fake alpha.
nice desune

No, but I successfully beat the shit out of this tubby, loser robot, and then I became a Chad.

The tubby loser was me, in case it got lost in translation.

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Yeah. I've been in lots of fights. I was really stocky and tall in elementary school. I won every 1 on 1 fight I got in and never started a fight. I started getting ganged up on by 3 or more people exclusively by the 5th grade and couldn't win fights anymore. I won 9 or 10 one on won fights before they gave up on that and grouped up on me. Looking back I should've let myself lose, they sometimes broke my bones the beat me so hard.

all my friends growing up were robots and i made damn well sure to look after them.

parents made me take karate. it paid off exactly once.

>No, but I successfully beat the shit out of this tubby, loser robot, and then I became a Chad.


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No not really. I did eventually hurt one of my bullies though, but you couldn't call it a fight. I was too cowardly to stand up to him in front of everybody. So I just waited til the end of the day when everybody was talking and going out into the hall, and ambushed him from behind with a math textbook, a big hardcover one. Hit him in the back of the head as hard as I could. I refused to apologize and almost got expelled, instead they suspended me for 20 days (in school suspension, I had to spend time in what was basically like a cell in the office. My work was delivered to me but I wasn't allowed to interact with other students). That incident basically torpedo'd my public education and saw me stuck in remedial classes through high school. Also mandatory anger management counselling.

I'm a lot calmer now, I haven't lashed out violently in over 10 years. Still gives me a warm feeling remembering the THUD of that text book hitting that prick's head.

>all my friends growing up were robots and i made damn well sure to look after them.


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>Still gives me a warm feeling remembering the THUD of that text book hitting that prick's head.
that's ace. good work user =u=

>that's ace. good work user =u=



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>Implying Chad isn't a normalfag

Its normalfag even normalfags say normie now.

All the time. I go extra hard when I spar with the chads at my local boxing gym. I make sure to aim for the nose to break it. I've broken a few chad noses before.

I've also had my ass beat by some chads but I don't even care.

>I've broken a few chad noses before.

Nice user.

No, but I did get into a fight in high school that I definitely would have lost but it got broken up by one of the teachers within moments. Fortunately, the guy had a bleeding nose when it was broken up and I was relatively unscathed so people assumed I won the fight, I think even the guy because he avoided me from that point onwards.

I fought all the time in middle and high school. Some of them were chads, some weren't. I was a big, autistic, meathead but without any chad qualities. I used to get bullied a lot until I started beating down anyone who gave me shit.

A few time yea. Chads aren't actually as tough as they look.

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