Horsing Around (Name My Horse, Jow Forums)

>rich father buys a beautiful 2.5 million dollar ranch on the other side of the Earth
>after two months of moving in, finally ask him why he bought a ranch since he's never shown an interest in horse care, farming, raising livestock, or gardening before
>"Because it's so pretty."
>ask him how he knows so much about what to do considering he was born in an extremely wealthy (for his country of origin, at least) family that had likely never seen a cow or chicken alive in their life
>"I don't! But that's okay, that's what I hired these workers for."
Don't get me wrong, I heavily look forward to growing fresh produce, as it's something I know about, but nobody in this family has a clue about raising horses, and I don't believe he'll ever be sober enough to make it through just one equine raising book.

If anybody knows anything about taking care of horses, please let me know. I plan on picking up as many books as I can find from the library, but until then I'd really love to know, seeing as we already have two horses and two more on the way. (As gratefully wealthy as I am, I can't help but think how my father just dropped 20,000 USD onto a purebred Appaloosa horse that, while she is a very beautiful horse with a unique coat pattern, cost more than some people make in a year. I know horses aren't particularly cheap to take care of, either...)

Also, I haven't chosen a name for my horse. I'm not sure what breed she is (she's not the Appaloosa, that's my father's), but she's pure white, very tall, more on the average-slender side but still looks sturdy enough to carry a heavy man. She looks much like pic related, but with a smaller belly and longer legs.

Whoever's post ends in 7 that is actively participating (so if someone is having a conversation and gets this, it doesn't count) gets to name my horse.

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Sorry, I meant to type 77. 7 would be too easy.

>"Because it's so pretty."
i'd throw fucking rocks at my dad if he did that, what an autist.

name the horse jerky

I can't say I want to personally throw rocks at him, but I might turn a blind eye if someone else wants to. And sorry about your numbers, maybe next time.

Name it Stacy Wondercunt

Bojack, originally

Elliot Rodger.
Originally original.

Originally name it this.

Your father may be an ani/mlp/hucker in disguise. Ask him what he'd think about naming the horse "Rarity." If he gets super excited or says something to the degree of "Rarity is worst pony", then he may be a bit too autistic.


I will ask him that.

Ah, you were so close, user!

lol name the horse Soup

please name it Soup


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rolling for Heydrich

what do you do OP?
if you have nothing to do really then I'd suggest that you should take care of a ranch but also of a farm. you'd have so much food and you'd have all these animals with you.


Bad Dragon



Adolf Hitler





I have a full time job. I will do the best I can to help raise the horses and give them love, but it's mainly my father's responsibility since he's now retired and bought them without telling us he did...of course, if his drinking get the better of him and they become neglected I will definitely step in. I don't believe that will happen, though.


remember the dash dont be silent!

Welcome to fucktown

Off by fucking one
Once again


You're having a tough time, user.

I was tempted to request people not roll with inappropriate language in the names but then I remembered where I was...plus that takes the fun out of it for a lot of people.



Also take me with you i'm tired of this place, i'll be care taker ...

Of the horses of course.


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I believe that would be human abuse to bring you into this dynamic.


Can you give me some money OP?

Space cowboy

hooooooooorse name

As long my pooper is immaculated i don't care to take an amazon box to get out of here.

I would even dress as a maid, no prob bro.

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name it chode

I would if there was a truly secure way to transfer it.

Follow the big dipper at midnight.

academy nigga

PayPal can work, pls

Oh, user, look what you just did...

What did I just do?

>Whoever's post ends in 7 that is actively participating (so if someone is having a conversation and gets this, it doesn't count) gets to name my horse.

Well great, he can name the horse PayPal, and give me some gibs.

>tfw all I need is 27 443,00$ to no longer be poorfag

Sorry, it can't be PayPal, as per the rules~ And sorry again but my father is very secretive about money and would not appreciate me even using PayPal.

How can I get some gibs then?

Name it nigger death

Panhandle on a street corner? Sell yourself?

Maybe an international cheque or something? I can give you an email

I'm sorry, but the answer is no...I do feel for your situation, however. I've never been poor, and I'm so grateful, but I'd really encourage you to look in your town for ways to help ease the cost of living, such as going to food banks. It's not fair that so many people are struggling but I can't give you money for the reason I said, and for other reasons I really shouldn't mention. I'm sorry. I do give money to people by hand but I'm not comfortable meeting up with someone who I met on Jow Forums.

Oh well feck, thanks anyway I guess

If you still want to name my horse, you are more than welcome to. You can reroll for PayPal or choose something else.

Horsey McChildAbuser

Go and work you waste of oxygen

Call him boomer

Already working, you don't know my situation you piece of shit.

So why are you asking for handouts

call him Warzawa

I'm a horticulturist if you need help farming contact me user(looking for farm work)

Says the piece of shit who is begging for money, you piece of shit poorfag.

Not everyone lives in America or a Scandinavian welfare paradise. We're all working but we've still got like 700$ remaining until who knows when and we're 4 people.

Can you give any quick tips? We already have two workers to help.

Please don't be rude to that user. There's a lot of undeserved poverty in this world.

Depends on what your growing and the quality of your soil? And when you grow crops grow different things and not all just one crop

Milagre Pony

I plan on growing strawberries, cucumbers, and squash...there's a greenhouse attached to the property. Are you able to grow any kind of fruit or vegetable there?

name him Matthew the good boy

Where do you live? Originalllllllly

Israel, unironicallyz

>jew asking for handouts

You can grow anything in a greenhouse. If anything grow the squash outside and grow the strawberries in the greenhouse with LEDs(especially when it's cold you'll make alot of money) the things with greenhouses you get alot of pest

Ok so we're living in the same place my dude

I'll keep that in mind. Thank you! I look forward to treating my family to fresh fruit all year round. It's fairly cold for 6 or so months out of the year here, which is still better than it was at my previous country of residence, but I digress.

If you need a farm and I'll happily work in the greenhouse. I have a degree in Horticulture and need more experience. My discord SnowJob1st #6363

Ah, thank you. We have enough workers for now but I'll contact you if anything comes up.

What race are the workers OP?

Erm, Caucasian?



That is not the adequate race your workers should be. Why is your father so inconsiderate, racist and ignorant?

Thanks user. I work a zoo right now. But I'm a poorfag so I can't travel to find cool jobs

Name the horse "glue"

As if this larping faggot is a millionaire.

Huh, really? Zx

I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're trying to say.

My net worth isn't at 1 million yet, I believe it's around half a million, but my father is really a millionaire. One of countless.

Can I get 27k please?

No, nej, niet.

Why not, if you have so much, that is

Please read above, sir.

>Around half a million
>Can't give a mere 27k

When a hor'se lays eggs do not go anywhere near it or try to take it's egg's. Horses' will bite weiners off in selve defence.

I just realized I have work in two hours and have not slept once. I can't give that user money but since they seemed so desperate, and they got the numbers I was looking for...the horse's name is Paypal.

What an absolute abhorrent name. I love it.

holocaust v.2

Name him Zyzz please :)

Name her Melody then sing to her pls


Special Week

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name it niggerfaggot oririririREEEEEE