User interacts with girl once

>user interacts with girl once
>gil not nice to user
>goes to his pc
>makes post on 4can

thats why you dont have a gf user

Attached: FB_IMG_1503873985776.jpg (374x374, 15K)

>user makes a dumb thread
this is why you don't have a gf op!

Married guy here. Most girls are trash (look at the disgusting ways in which they vote in democracies all over the world for proof).

However, for a relationship, we should always be shooting for the margins. We can suppose most are trash and really value and cherish women who are not. They're around and they, too, hate their trash counterparts.

>user makes a dumb mean reply
This is why your sad!

>using quotes when quoting with greentext
>shitty babbies first thread
fuck off newfag

>perfectly kind and reasonable with anyone I interact with throughout the day
>make a post online complaining about the general state of women
>suddenly everyone can smell the muhsoggyknee pheromones my body has started releasing

He's not a newfag he is just baiting. People do it on other boards (especially Jow Forums) to mess with people

guess you dont have one either?

most girls i meet are not trash


stole that Pic of instagram wich uses fb to host Images


yes .. that.. yeah

Obviously he's here to bait but what's even more obvious is how new he is

not new, sadly