Would you bots have sex with Mia Khalifa?

Would you bots have sex with Mia Khalifa?

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>Would you bots have sex with Mia Khalifa?

only if shes hijabed

No, i'm not cheating om my Waifu.

if that is her in the pic her nose and eyeborws are too big and her hair isn't dark enough.

> has the eye color of poop

No, thanks. a girl having the poopeye has no chance with me.

no I know a Mia and it would be weird

No. She left her catholic religion and family in order to become a porn star. I cannot respect that.

Only if she stops talking about the NFL.

Only if she's a virgin.
Other than that I'm not interested.

I'm not in a situation to be picky.

She's hot and the sex will be great so why refuse?

Because Mia might laugh while getting fucked

>Giant whore

If it was just the opportunity and I had to work up to it then no. But if she just turned up gets fucked and then leaves, not chit chat, no kissing, just an hour of brutal borderline hurt core fucking...then probably.

How is that even a question? "Hey, do you like attractive women with big tits?"
Especially now since her fake boobs finally look like real ones.

I hate her fake tits. Seriously, I'm not even a huge fan of small tits but a small titted natural girl is about a million times better than some fake titted whore especially when her tits look so obviously fake.

She fixed them now that she stopped doing porn, goddamn whore.

I have no doubt she went into porn just so she could get access to white cock.

She actually went into porn because she didn't got any kind of job after her history study aside from fast food restaurants.

Women can get plenty of jobs if they are extroverted, I've seen it. But there are no porn studios around here so they are forced to adapt.

yeah, I'd probably have sex with a tree that had a pussy at this point.

No, although I've seen that her new tits look more natural.

Still, I have access to actual hijab pussy, not just a costumed one.

>All this talk about her new tits
>Nobody posted them

Attached: QuarterlyUnacceptableKingbird.webm (480x356, 156K)

Looks better but still FAKE FAKE FAKE

she has the cutest smile

Yeah oh hell yeah!

Sure, why not? Even better if she became my girlfriend and used her porn money to pay for my NEET lifesttyle.


you have been muted for not writing a paragraph response

You left society to hate women and cry. Who would respect you?

there are Catholics in lebanon?

Was. There are practically no left. I guess her family fled in the 80s.

They were 60% last century, they are supposed to be the 40% right now but they're all leaving because of muslim violence.

Only in the turd cutter