What is the last thing you treated yourself to?

What is the last thing you treated yourself to?

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Mine is a new desk chair.

My old one's seat smells like farts

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a cheeky wank

Went out like last week with my close friend, I guess that's the lowest thing I can treat myself with.

Nice. I'll treat myself to one of those right now.

Did you have fun? Why do you treat yourself with "low" things?

I'm a NEET, I don't have much money ever since I stopped working 3 years ago, plus with being mentally ill, so life is *not* okay for now.

Yet another big cup of raspberries.

My tiny garden producing buckets of it this year, all freezer and jars are filled.

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Tamales, cigarettes, and coffee

A big bag of pork crunch mate, proper nice in the middle of the day. at work.

Coconut water and apple pie.

How do you protect them from birds?

There aren't many birds around, so most berries can ripen before any trouble.

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A sausage McMuffin.
Best item in McDonalds tbqh.

I have a couple raspberry plants outside myself. Amazing and plentiful this time of year!

I wanted to get myself a sandwich from a shop the other day decided id rather not waste my money or interact with a human in fast food. Settled for a pound of turkey from my local grocery stores deli department.

*blocks your path*
The Chad McGriddle, coming through

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Can you say normie, OP? Does anyone really care what you bought for yourself as a treat? It is getting harder to differentiate this place from somewhere like Reddit.

bought one of those meme Japanese knife for 80$ two days ago, i don't even cook that much.

>bacon mcgriddle
Sausage McGriddle is better
Although I wouldn't be against a Sausage and Bacon McGriddle, why isn't that shit on the menu

I bought Total war: Warhammer 2 on the steamsale

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What does it look like? What's so special about it?

Another pair of Nike Tanjun trainers.

Bought myself an anime fig to further solidify my robotness. It's my first figurine and it's second-hand but hey, it looks nice.

>What's so special about it?
it's Japanese steel folded over 573 times.

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Sleeping in this morning.

My internet penpal bought me one, but I only use it for when I want really thin slices because I'm terrified of fucking it up.

>mfw I came home and found my roommate scraping meat off of bones with it.

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Holidays in Spain

map, essence and divination card tabs when incursion launched in PoE

>My internet penpal bought me one
I think that your penpal wants to tap that ass my dude

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I made myself a reverse seared entrecote steak with blue cheese sauce. This shit is way too fat for my diet but fuck me if it wasn't juicy and rich.

Friend spent his entire paycheck on donkey kong bongos, and I bought a 1000 calorie burger. This is the life lads.

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i bought half a bag of cola gummies
i hadn't bought candy in several months
i gave the other half to my brother

I buy him shit all the time, it's just fun to give and get presents.

I wanna tap your ass based ocelot poster

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A Chicken Big King with fries and soda

>it's just fun to give and get presents.
All the more reason to offer him that ass

It's all yours John

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You sure kept me waiting, huh?

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Sleep, probably desu

a drawing of my wife manako

Half avocado seasoned with white sugar and lemon juice.