/why/ These threads have been pretty popular as of late, frequently going to 200+ replies and hanging around for 24 hours or so. I've seen a few recurring characters, but generally a lot of new stuff too. Figured I'd try and put a general together. Open to ideas about information for the OP to pasta.
/what/ We are failures, lads. It's in our nature. There is a contingency of robots here who, if they were moots age in 2004, are pushing 30 now. The eternal originalfag walks among us. Jow Forums is clearly skewing younger for obvious reasons, but don't forget: you're here forever. 27+ Generals are evidence of this. It seems as though some of us who are oldbots and haven't an-heroed yet occasionally find more comples ways to cope because we're exhausted greentext as a mode of catharsis. And so, true to our nature, we take to failing at creative enterprises. ITT, we post the shameful artifacts wrought by reaching desperately for our creative goals, however meager.
If we were great musicians, we would be selling albums. If we were great painters, we would be making commissions. If we were great game designers we'd be working for a proper developer. That's not to say Robots can't make brilliant work. It is, however to say, that robots tend to aspire to comfiness, not marketable successes. We aren't the guy on /lit/ whose published 6 horrendous poetry chapbooks. We aren't the fag on /mu/ prattling on and on about >muh contract. We're more like the quiet fren at your local dead end job who is proud of a drawing he did last night but has no one to share it with, or who finally finished a song but has no one to bump it with.
We make things for ourselves, and sharing those things with like-minded people can be a good feel.
New Amber Alert video. Kinda mediocre but it was just to pay the bills while I'm working on something much more involved. Also, yes, I do own all of THOSE. You'll know what I'm talking about when you see them.
To me, that's on the same level of tracks made by Mr. Oizo or Jackson and his computer band. That's definitely my type of stuff, how do you even come up with that?
Jaxon Foster
It involves funnily enough a lot of listening to Moustache by Oizo, a dubiously acquired copy of ableton live and a bottle of whiskey.
Jaxson Richardson
I knew it! Too bad clyp.it hasn't come up with a replay/loop button.
Matthew Wilson
it's been a while since i've posted my stuff, or been on Jow Forums at all. this is the board i come to.
a little insight for anyone who may give 0.5 cares. i pretty much make this music because the artists i've been inspired by either don't put out new content, or their style has drastically changed, so i don't really know where to find similar stuff. here is my last release. i was pretty ambitious about it at one time, had it put onto a few 7" records, made a series of stencils to make spray painted sleeves. the record quality turned out to be pretty shitty, so i lost focus and pretty much abandoned to physical copies.