Desktop wallpaper thread!

Mine is kind of embarrassing, what about you guys?

Attached: s.png (1365x767, 1.2M)

here you go, here's my desktop screen

Attached: desktop.png (1920x1080, 884K)

>windows 10
What the hell is wrong with you?

>came with the thinkpad

Do you have that wp for me, user? It's pretty neat.

My desktop is a bit messy right now, my apologies.

Looks rough but I kinda like it.

How do you resist the urge to vomit when you look at that entire desktop?

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1918x1080, 749K)

>using Windows instead of Linux

Why aren't you using a Linux distro? The only true robot OS.

I keep mine comfy so I have the motivation to work

Attached: desktop.png (1280x1024, 1.75M)

I'm too lazy to install Linux. Seems like a lot of work for not much in return.

Here's mine
Not on PC right now

Attached: 1531876768387m.jpg (1024x576, 41K)

pretty much always have a tab open and alttab rather than minimise - find. every couple months or whenever need be i sort everything, desktop is good place for quick reference stuff cos downloads/documents/pictures are stuffed
its easy but the hard part is finding programs to do what u want, if you're used to doing everything in the context of windows like me. linux meme is only rly worth doing if u know enough about it to make it better option, or u just want soemthing free so u can run tor on a machine u fished out of the trash

Attached: experimental.png (1920x1080, 810K)

My real PC is currently getting repaired

Attached: desk tap.png (1366x768, 1.89M)

If you're a developer Linux is the best choice but I think Windows is okay for someone who just wants to use their computer for gaming or browsing, really.

a real robot uses the default wallpaper

Attached: Capture.png (1279x985, 1.42M)

I only use my computer for shitposting, vidya, and video/image editing. Linux has no use to me

What's up with the BF shortcuts

Then stick with Windows, the anons who suggest Linux just for the sake of having Linux are quite silly

I'm too lazy to remove them for one day I might use them.

I only ever see it when I start up my pc.

Attached: some.jpg (3840x1080, 1.52M)

>one day I might use them.
but the servers are dead including the revival ones

>what is pic related taken 3 seconds ago
It's working fine

Attached: Capture.png (798x603, 262K)

My desktop isn't that good but I still like it enough to keep it that way

Attached: Sans titre.jpg (1920x1080, 670K)

I use this as my wallpaper, pretty nice imo.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 45K)

If you dont play FNV you need castration

Attached: thumb-1920-423458.jpg (1920x1080, 238K)

I think I have a criteria for stuff being on the left or right but I've got no clue what it actually is, yet I always know what side to things go on whenever their on my desktop

Attached: c50928706787d53d749a6543f4786c59-jpg.jpg (1000x562, 378K)

Please post wallpaper user-kun

Mine :D Wallpaper engine changes it every few minutes tho.

Attached: Capture.jpg (1920x1080, 246K)

>Pic related
I'm really getting sick of the purple taskbar and window frames though so I ought to change it soon. I like matching to my wallpaper though so I guess it will have to change soon too.

Attached: desktop.jpg (1600x900, 378K)

Just make the taskbar see-through without any colors

I like Polyhedron.

Attached: Screenshot_20180720-204115.jpg (1080x1920, 1.39M)

Don't have a PC connected right now, this one on it.

Attached: 1446828267_pathologic_art_fin1080_by_xwst-d98cp4g.jpg (1024x576, 97K)

I have a hotline miami pape too,they really give me feels

>all those locked apps
Fucking underage

Often need to give the thing to one nosy person.

Maybe he is just paranoid. Im paranoid too with these kinds of things