Guys, I need to talk with somebody about this. First of all, I must say that I am not gay (seriously)

Guys, I need to talk with somebody about this. First of all, I must say that I am not gay (seriously).

Yesterday I was walking down the street with a few friends, when I noticed two persons. One of them attracted my attention. I don't even know if it was a boy or a girl, just think of pic related, but younger, shorter, slimmer, with black hair, rimmed glasses and a subtle earring on his left ear.

I don't even consider that s/he was attractive or hot. It was a beautiful creature, magnificent... The situation paralysed me, and I noticed that s/he looked at me for a moment. I pathetically tried to blink an eye, but I don't know if s/he noticed.

I had to leave, but I kept thinking of him/her the whole day. It feels embarrassing to say this, but i've been able to let my seed flow without any visual reference, only my thoughts.

I honestly don't know what to do.

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Dude if you don't want to smash that, you're a fag. Of course if you end up being actively on the lookout for dudes like that, you're a homo. And if you start talking with that lisp, you're fucking gay. Get it?

I normally like girls, this was an exceptional situation.

But it is weird, I've been fantasizing about having a comfy relationship... like cuddling on the sofa while watching a movie, taking him/her to sweet dates, and having some gentle sexual relationships (this one is fun, because my father hate homosexuals, and I dislike him).

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OP I have some bad news

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>I honestly don't know what to do.
Smash, you are only gay if you want to, just plow the hole.

Chances are you'll never see them again. Just move on with your life, masturbate to them if need be though

I often go to that same place at that same time, so there might be a chance. Today I've been checking the place just in case. I know it sounds stupid.

This thread is pathetic, OP should be hanged by balls and shot to from 1000s of BB guns, everyone else should just be burned.

Good luck user, maybe you'll be able to catch them alone next time. Can't help you with actually approaching them, as I've never actually approached someone to get to know them better. Also pic related reminds me of your situation lol

Attached: Naoto_Kanji.png (1920x1080, 1.39M)

>I don't even know if it was a boy or a girl
Here's the only sure way to know....

Attached: busted in the pills.jpg (540x633, 52K)