What was his story? And why did no one help him?
What was his story? And why did no one help him?
He was suicidal for reasons. He went to Jow Forums for help. They told him to kill himself and to come here. He came here and posted a livestream. He suicided on livestream
>And why did no one help him?
Because normies don't actually care about helping. They only show interest when you're on the very edge of suicide. If they can "save" you at that point, they can pat themselves on the back about being "such great people" for the rest of their lives. See the roastie who cried on his stream.
At some point that was the responsibility of his family more than of internet strangers. I agree people should attempt to always do good and help when they can, but if your son wants to do absolutely nothing with his life except sit in his room then there's a good chance he's depressed and needs some kind of life changes or treatment or both.
He was weak and deserved it. Searching for the comfort of others on the internet and instead got what he deserved.
Instead of being depressed, do something about it. Stop being depressed
>just stop being depressed bro, it's this easy
I searched "r9k suicide stream" and his suicide was the first one to come up, it's not that hard to use google, OP. Also, his "friends" are normalfags.
That helps clear some things up but doesnt say why he did it.
>bro, dude, just don't. don't be depressed bro, it's bad for you. be happy instead. i heard it makes your dick bigger, bro.
He posted it directly on the board??