How would the world be different if the Nazis had won WW2?
How would the world be different if the Nazis had won WW2?
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Won as in world domination, or just managing to keep a good chunk of Europe?
We all wouldn't have been born. You do not exist in such a world.
Well, I would not born... so it would be great for me...
i think if we were to be born, most of us would have a more fulfilling role in society as western civilisation would not be in free fall, we might have been better oriented and oportunities wouldn't be blocked by international banking, also less jigaboo everywhere wich is always nice
but we might also be preparing for a big war against a japanese dominated asians who were our previous allies (as opposed to today where china will become a large threat in the next centurie)
>How would the world be different if the Nazis had won WW2?
Well, anybody not white would be in for a really bad time.
>believing the jewish lies
hitler was actually respectful of the arab societys and saw them as inspiration (note that it was before america and israel turned the middle east in a hell hole)
hitler wanted to give good part of the anexed america back to the native
hitler wanted a technological partnership with asia
hitler would have industrialized africa in respect of their tradition (see his project for ethiopia for exemple)
everybody non white or asians have it real shitty in a jew dominated world ask any middle eastern fag or wakandian people
Anime posters like you would've been gassed first thing.
Hitler would probably turn on Japan and start a war with them. I don't believe Hitler was particularly honorable and would have left them alone. They would probably team up to eradicate China off the map, then Japan would get eventually eliminated by Neo-Germany.
Or maybe Hitler does leave Japan alone and have a weird truce with them, who knows what that guy was thinking. Maybe post-WW2 Earth is just Europeans and the Japanese living side-by-side in harmony with maybe Indians as slave labor. It's hard to say, but I think the most likely scenario is they eliminate all the other ethnic groups, colonize in the new lands around the world and the world would just be billions of white people.
If Germany leaves Japan alone though and the world is Just EuroAsian domination, anime probably wouldn't exist at all.
>hitler was actually respectful of the arab societys
Seriously?! Oh fuck that asshole.
Hitler would probably leave Africa alone because nobody wants to live there and we can exploit those niggers.
Although Hitler is generally seen to be fond of Islam, there is no way the nazis would let the Arabs sit on that massive oil supply.
Japan will basically own all of east and south Asia, and maybe some of centeral Asia.
Nazis would basically own all of Europe.
America might be able to survive and still exist.
You got to know the enemy before you kill the enemy.
Or was it, the victor re-write history?
Most people on Jow Forums and Jow Forums would have either been forced into a shitty factory job with long hours, little pay and no HR or OSHA regulations to keep you safe or sane. Yes, I mean that as a Nazi citizen, not as a concentration camp victim. The other option would have been being drafted into the Wehrmacht. Men between 18-24 were conscripted into military service. If you guys think that just because Hitler was a NEET means he's gonna set you all up, you're dead wrong.
That is implying, of course, that you aren't bullied to the point of suicide when you do Hitler Youth as a kid. Fun fact, the Nazi SS actually encouraged bullying to separate the weak from the strong. I genuinely find it bizaare that all the NEETs, Alt Righters and Kekistanis on Jow Forums think that Nazi Germany would be some autist paradise.
Personally, since Hitler was a terrible leader, Nazi Germany would have collapsed like Rome, unless he was assassinated and replaced by someone experienced and competent. I've also heard that their economy was pretty terrible, so it could have ended up like the Soviet Union.
Nazi would own America
Nazi were trying to team up with Spics
>pic related wouldn't happen
Reiko and his friends wouldn't be shitting up this board with trap threads.
They'd all get the gas.
It would be a better world, for sure.
The 7 year old child would be getting shot by German troops.
Arabs would probably be on track to extinction.
how come all those fucks look white as hell
Remember only 3 people posting in every trap thread just filter those threads or ignore them .
Reiko is the biggest Cunt it's sad that nobody couldn't find his real name and address .
>Pic related but it will end with an Hero
Chad would have a state assigned fertile gf to further the white race while genetic failures like us would not
No niggers so not so bad
>Hitler wins in Europe
>collapses 10 years later when he dies and no one in the Nazi party has enough clout to lead Germany
>Japan still gets nuked because losing the war in Europe would have no effect on the Pacific Theater
Nazism would be more accepted today, and take the place that Social Democrats had in our timeline, except they would be more like Social Nationalists.