>ask guy to open up to me about his feelings
>He actually,literally,does
>Guess I don't llike him after all
Any other fembots know this feel?
Ask guy to open up to me about his feelings
Kayden Brooks
Ayden Gomez
Caleb Moore
No you shouldn`t feel worried, because real men don`t share their feeling with women. You dodged a bullet
Luke Reyes
What was her name op? Who hurt you?
Benjamin Jones
I wish males spoke to me so I could know that feel
Ryder Lee
Yeah I want them to open up but not in a way that makes me lose respect for them
T. Femanon
Eli Jackson
You realize this is bait right?
Joseph Bennett
I'm struggling with this one. I want to be open minded and discuss how I feel with women, but I genuinely don't think women want to hear it. I don't think they respect men that share their feelings either. So instead I don't bother.
Landon Martin
Femanons are fucking disgusting.
William Campbell
I feel like this doesn't matter?