What the fuck is happening? i don't understand. im not a normalfaggot humblebragging

what the fuck is happening? i don't understand. im not a normalfaggot humblebragging.

i used to be mostly invisible to women.
now, more women are approaching me and talking to me for some reason suddenly.

men are starting to avoid eye contact and shit. some even act nervous when talking to me.
i used to be the butt of jokes at uni and socially excluded.

are these just delusions of grandeur?

Attached: pepe-confused.jpg (1024x904, 65K)

Post a photo of yourself or trolling

faggot, i never claimed to be chad or something.

i am quite chubby and a 7/10 face. im not posting my pic on an anonymous forum.

Maybre you started lifting or something? Atleast you`re not a little fag anymore it seems like

>i used to be the butt of jokes at uni and socially excluded.
>at uni
Uni and ""real life"" aren't really the same thing. People can actually be quite nice when meeting them in public. Also, you're probably just delusional about these interactions you're having.

post a pic or your are trolling

never said you said you were a chad, post a 5 year old pic and a current one or go jerk off to questions that are unanswerable without pics by yourself

Attached: Tomboy15.jpg (770x578, 65K)

yes i am going to the gym irregulary (only cardio, no lifting) and "trying" to improve posture and "trying" to make more eye contact.

yes, i fell for all the above Jow Forums memes.

but i dont think i improved significantly in any of these.

>and a 7/10 face

Everyone pack up, it's a normalfag thread

Attached: 1529112467344.png (904x864, 119K)

Probably some pheromones or some sciency shit like that.

>but i dont think i improved significantly in any of these.
Since you don't know what has changed maybe you post a photo and we can stop blindly guessing something you admit you could not pick out even if we get it right you dumb fuck

get bent

How old are you, OP? Late 20s perhaps? I'm experiencing similar things and I think it's just because men peak in desirability around late 20s early 30s. So even if you're a rather undesirable robot like myself you still might get *some* attention at this age.

exactly. this is what i was thinking !!!!!!!!!!!
did my body like leak pheromones or something lmao.

dude im still chubby with a tummy. if it makes you happy, my hairline is receding.
im a robot too reeeeee

>did my body like leak pheromones or something lmao.

kill yourself OP


why ? :(
i have literally done nothing bad to you faggot.

all im asking is help and niggers are asking for pics. i look literally the same.

im not gonna post pics on an anonymous forum.

You lost the game, son... You are a complete weirdo or just awfully ugly, maybe both, maybe not, but certainly a huge fagot.

nope im not gay. im super straight senpai

>all im asking is help and niggers are asking for pics. i look literally the same.
go away


attention whoring faggot, post your ass so I can fucking fap

Are you doing nofap

What have you changed about your life.


You're the equivalent of when your dad tried to get into your shitty music when (you) were 15.

nope im fapping every day
since 2009 fk