What's currently stressing you out?

What's currently stressing you out?

>saw mice in the backyard and afraid they will get in the house
>need to see the dentist
>mommy isn't in the best health

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The mouse you shouldn't be afraid of, They're so cute and sweet. I doubt they'll go inyo your house do don't worry

hope your mommy will be ok user.

i dunno user i heard someone say mice can have diseases and stuff, also that they can multiply rapidly.
we have a cat but he's such a baby and never tries to hunt anything, he's also inside 99% of the time

Deadlines. I just need to relax.

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supposed to move on monday
Been off work for two weeks
Haven't packed anything
Haven't made the slightest effort to clean my current apartment
Gonna go buy some beer

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I think I'm actually falling in love with an anime girl unironically. I feel so pathetic to have fallen this far but if I stop I know I'm probably going to kill myself.

Don't worry I've heard that just the scent of a car normally scares them off. Also they're relatively clean creatures, the only problem is that they might carry fleas though so don't get too close to it

I saw a joke about tinnitus on the simpsons and now I can't stop thinking about tinnitus and it's really loud in my ears even though a week ago I never heard any ringing at all. I know it's all in my head and it's only bad because I'm thinking about it but it's gotten so bad I went to see a doctor about it yesterday. There's nothing wrong with my ears, but the ringing won't stop. He gave me anti-anxiety meds to help it stop. He said if I just stop thinking about it that it will go away in time but it's really fucking hard.

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thanks user i hope so too

Sounds like OCD to me. keep taking the meds and see how you get on.

I have the same problem so I speak from experience, at least.

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Thanks user, it feels really weird fighting your own brain as an enemy.

Yeah definitely. It sucks a lot. You get used to it over time, and I wish the best for you.

my extreme POCD is making my life a living hell

i also want a bird friend

I want to kill myself, but I can't find the courage to end it all.

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anime girls are better than real girls though

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originally asking, who? (pleb test)

Pedophila OCD?

>dont haver a job and cant find one
>i need to move soon because i cant pay my rent anymore,need to move to a cheaper place but cant find one
>i getting more out of shape than before
i really need a job

I've been sleeping too much 9-10 hours a night, and I don't know why. Normally I don't have this problem.

I have pain and pressure on my chest 24/7 since monday when my chest hurt extremely hard, but after getting my blood tested, some electronic shit and ultrasound on my heart they saw everything is ok so its probably my anxiety but its still annoying because everything was fine before.

i had the exact same thing, it was stress and anxiety (doctor did all the tests). it blew my mind that that could cause physical pains

yeah its insane but the physical symptoms are very real even when you're 100% aware you're fine and it's just your anxiety, i've had it before but i guess it can randomly come back for no reason

oh well gotta wait it out

I'm currently stressed out on:
>My grandparents are slowly dying before my eyes my grandfather having dementia and my grandmother having reynauds in her hand
>My mother is trying to run a company and she has a meltdown every time she cant finds something that has to do with the company
>My father divorced my mother after taking bathsalts and when I went to see him he now has diabetes
>Still dont have a license to drive, still no actual job
>Only way for me to escape this hell is either drugs or the internet
>tfw I'm 18

>rabbits outside are fine
>chipmunks outside are fine
>squirrels outside are fine
>see a mouse
>you must kill it or trap it

you know if mice didn't fucking try to get into your house no one would care about them

yeah OCD trying to convince me im a pedophile

doesnt make sense that i would just suddenly turn into one at 21 and i havent had a brain injury but it really has fucked me up

>USPS driver is late delivering my package

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Yeah it does. Its probably one of the worst things I can wish on someone.

Unfortunately, it switches into something else.

I wish you the best.

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>I feel a huge conflict will happen in the near future and I'm awfully prepared for it

>Yeah it does

it does make sense or are you agreeing with me?

id rather have my ocd switch into anything else but this desu ive been through it before but this is the worst because its literally my worst nightmare and brought me to the verge of suicide and i had to be admitted to a psych ward for 5 days

Sorry. I misread. It makes sense to me because I've had every type under the sun.

It went thankfully, but you eventually get desensitised to the POCD and become VOCD or something.

the manifesting groin sensations are the fucking worst i hate it i wanted to die when it started

all it took was a single train of thought to completely derail me from any progress i had made

I'm not letting you objectify her, asshole. Fuck off with your waifuist rhetoric. She's considered shit even according to herself in her own media, she doesn't need to hear it from you too.

Who it is shouldn't matter either way. Real people are not supposed to fall in love with imaginary people, that's what's wrong with me.