I don't understand hardcore liberals. Accepting mass amounts of refugees into the USA is compassionate...

I don't understand hardcore liberals. Accepting mass amounts of refugees into the USA is compassionate, but I just don't see how it can be done. Someone has to pay to feed, cloth, shelter, and educate them. We can barely afford to do all those to our current citizens, more people needs more money. Where is it going to come from? Taxing the 1%? They're people too, and have just as many rights as you.

Can someone explain the liberal mindset?

Attached: sweden-refugees-welcome.jpg (600x401, 52K)

Jow Forums unironcally supports communism because of NEETbux and goverment GFs so
migt be a better place

I'm looking for genuine understanding, not edgy shit posts.

>We can barely afford to do all those to our current citizens

Except you can, you just choose not to in order to have a 100 aircraft carriers that a single missile could brick

The problem with the US is that everything is profit, thats why you pay absurd amounts for healthcare and why F35s are considered more important than homeless vets. Communism itself doesn't really work but having some socialist government policies does wonders for living standards.

>I don't understand hardcore liberals.
They live in bubbles of prosperity and have no idea how badly the country is hurting. Trump won because he promised the dying Midwest and suffocating middle and working classes better futures, Clinton lost because her response to everything was essentially "eat shit pleb, move to California and learn to code."

I know very little about military spending but the USA boasts having the most expensive army in the world.

Some of them do it because it makes them feel good inside, others know they won't be affected if they're living in upper-class areas, so feel they have nothing to lose in that sense.

Then you have (lefty)/polfags like

Not communism, natsoc is better!

How can we not afford to feed our own citizens when we spend 2 billion on a warship we cant and wont ever make ammunition for.

You guys pay for it then, but you won't because you want other people to pay so you cunts can feel good about yourselves.

Attached: 1472238445521.jpg (600x414, 47K)

Warships are way better investments than housing refugees. Military spending is the most important thing in a nation.
In reality, we should EXPAND the military and force all students to serve after highschool. The state should be the military, the citizens should be the military, the whole nation is a military.

You realized you responded to two posts that support more funding going to white people right?

>F35s are considered more important than homeless vets.

The US dollar is backed by US military force, so yeah, F35s are more important than homeless vets.

it's just appearances, they don't really care, they just want to appear like they care. if they lived anywhere near where the refugees are placed they'd change their minds in 2 days

Welfare all goes to minorities, get rid of minorities and foreign aid then problem solved.

Because liberals don't have a single idea based in reality. They're just mindless drones following a mindhive of opinions meant to destroy society and don't even know what they're doing.

>F35s are considered more important than homeless vets
It's their own fault for being homeless. Survival of the fittest, they don't deserve any help for being useless.

Incorrect. White trash is a stereotype for a reason. The south is littered with white ghettos, they're called trailer parks. There are millions upon millions of whites as well as white veterans living far below the poverty line.

So? It's white county built by whites, get rid of minorities and put white people first.

An army is needed, user. I agree with you that the budget is badly used, but a proper army is still necessary. Do not get fooled by talks of peace, a lot of shady shit looms over us all and we need to be ready.

Don't really need an army when the population is being replaced by immigration, unless the army is used to get rid of immigrants.

A bit extreme. Israel has mandatory military service and it seems to be working well for them. I only know this because of YDMWTZ

Thanks for the input. I've always wanted to leave some hXc Liberals in south Chicago or Gary IN just as a social experiment. I'm curious how their Black Lives Matter schtick would hold up.