User, dinner is ready!

>user, dinner is ready!

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Stop it user, you're gonna make me horny.

You have milk all over your face, user...

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Is this the bus to /trash/?

You're supposed to wipe it off for him. With your tounge.

w-well if you say so.. *liiick* OwO

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That's it. Now open up baby, here comes the airplane.

i'm ready daddy

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hehe~ oh my... you seem to have gotten milk all over me too, user x3

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I fucking hate this shitty board.

cmon user what's wrong with having a little fun from time to time

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Make sure you drink it all son. You're a growing boy, you need it.

s-sure thing daddy :3

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Mmmm hehe alright, daddy!~

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I can handle the animeposters
I can handle the fembot orbiters
I can handle the cuck spammers
I can handle the HRT shills
Hell the MLP problem takes care of itself with the barneyfag
This it too much.

Good, now bend over. I need to make sure your anus looks normal.

is this nowmal, user-kun?

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pls continue u faggots

Spread your cheeks boy, I need to do a tounge inspection to feel inside you.

dump me daddy

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Hm, yes. It feels and tastes good as expected. Now time to see how well it can take a penis.

I'm glad you find it interesting.

youw wishes awe owdews mastew

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Oh, yes it can take a penis quite nicely too, but I wonder if it can take my cum?

Owo this thread

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i'm sowwy anyon, i'm wunnying out of pics

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>this thwead

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That's fine slut boy, because I just came in your smelly little boy but. Well, look at that. It does take nicely to cum. Wonderful. I rate it a 10 outta 10.