/Daddy General/

I've noticed those sick mommy generals being posted here. But no daddy generals. Fembots, please tell us if you've had carnal relations with your father. No gay shit ITT.

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femanon here, i'm 23 and in a sexual relationship with my 45 year old father. we are thinking about having a baby.

daddy shit is way more gross than mommy stuff
dont do it

How did it start user? How old were you? When do you think you'll have the baby?

this is fake as fuck, but greentext anyway

daddy shit is weird. men are supposed to be better than that.

Wow that's fucking sick. Why do horrible people like you exist?

men who have been lonely a very long time will do some really questionable shit to cure the loneliness, user.


>summer chan

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why? we're in love
i was 17, i seduced him. my mom died when i was 7 so i've kind of always been a live in wife for him. i remember discovering his browser history was full of "teen" and "daddy/daughter" stuff a year or so before it started, and i was so obsessed with the thought. i was always walking around in skimpy clothes and leaving my doors open when in the middle of taking care of myself. making myself just audible. it was only a matter of time.

yeah this is defo a larp, even if a hot one

I like relationships where there's a "daddy," and I have a thing for middle aged men, but I'm not actually into incest. I find incest porn to be completely unbelievable and boring.

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idc if larp, what was your first time like?

are you boy or girl? origillanly

>are you boy or girl?
A grill user.

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why not chat with me? historically these things never go anywhere, but it could be nice to chat anyway
t. 42
got discord?
Simple_2010_life, 8179

i was staying the night at a friends house, he called me and asked me to come home. he was drunk and seemed to be down. when i got back we just kind of talked for a bit and hung out on the couch with the TV on, when the conversation shifted to my mom and his work, he started tearing up a bit, so i comforted him. it started with some light hugging, but i started having wandering hands. he was hard before i even got wandery though. i blew him for about 5-10 mins, but i wasn't very good at it (it was my first time). he said we should stop (of course), but i straddled him and got to him i guess, finally pushed me down and took control.

i guess because he was drunk he came inside, had to get some day after stuff. he felt so guilty at first, it took weeks to get him to look at me again. but it's been like living a honeymoon ever since then. i'm just not into guys my own age.

nice copypasta
now kys

You know you're all 40+ neet faggots in this thread right

go for it, if the baby comes out with 5 arms dump 'em in a nunnery and try again

>human people
>better than biological urges

trufax that Freud was right and women go for men that remind them of their fathers.

My partner even smells like my dad and I didn't even realise until we started living together help am I broken?

it's fine if you don't believe me but i'm happy with him

I am unironically masturbating and wish god would send a meteorite at us the same time
I cant take it any more just kill us all
also you are an unironical slut kys whore

sorry for being crass
whatever makes you happy, makes you happy. I don't find it strange either.
Take your vitamins and take care of yourself, if you love each other, you love each other. It might seem weird but I do understand.
Fr make sure there's no complications with the baby if you do choose to have one together, miscarriages are hell on earth I can tell you that for nothing, my partner is not related to me but I drink to high hell, and I've had 3 this year alone. I get pregnant and then I get scared so I drink and then my already compromised womb goes 'nah mate' every couple months. I'm a terrible mother, what can I say?
LOOK AFTER YOURSELF and eat mostly what you want but no caffeine and definitely no alcohol.
Have you though of any names??