Would you a girl who was 4'2-5'1?

Would you a girl who was 4'2-5'1?

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of fucking course in an original manner

i'd do any girl, as long as she's std free and of age

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you're missing a verb there, user.

You mean she would be taller now?

My gf is 4'11", so yes.

I'm 5'7, I don't really have a say in the matter.

Only if her age was a single digit.

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Isn't the cut off for dwarfism 4'11?

There is an 11inch difference between those two numbers. Im good for 5 1 but 4 2 is fucking weird

4'11 is actually the ideal height so yes

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A girl that was like 139cm wanted my dick
Never did anything with her advances tho

Sure if I liked her, same as any other girl.

theres a 4'6", 70 lbs girl, former stripper, who i asked a friend to introduce me, but she wont introduce us because the 4'6" girl is BPD 'kill me then herself' level of crazy

I had an acquaintance in high school who was a chinese girl that was around that height and had diabetes as well, both due to congenital issue. She was very intelligent and I think we did have a few interests in common. She sperged just a bit when she was trying to describe yaoi fanfiction which was cute. I sat at a different table from her in physics class with this olive-skinned pessimistic chick I was crushing on a bit. First season of Avatar was running on nickelodeon at the time and the table with the chinese girl would have her and 3 others getting so fucking hyped for each episode. In retrospect I should have just joined them and enjoyed myself more because I never actually made a move on the olive-skinned chick at my table.
Chinese girl ended up going to the same college in town as me but in a different program, I saw her maybe twice again but I think she could have been a really good friend if I put in the effort.

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I'm 6'2, so... absolutely. Short girls are the best

Why not, short grills are cute original

No, I wouldn't risk creating a manlet son.

If she'll be dominant then yes, literally my only standard

Would I what? Fuck? Yes, I'd destroy her hips. Marry and have kids? No I don't want a midget family.

This pretty muc. Otherwise she's a subhuman dwarf.

I would date any girl, but they won't date me