Cowboy Interactive story

The year is 1880, you are in the Arizona wild hunting for hides

You stumble upon a group of Apache, 2 Men with one armed with a Winchester 73 and the other with a bow, and 2 small girls. 3 woman in varying stages of age, and 3 horses

What do you do? Dubs is the choice the story proceeds with

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Start masturbating as furiously as I can, potentially injuring my member via chafing

Shoot the men, rape the girls and the horses

Rerolling for this hope i get dubs

Shoot myself in a original way

Slowly approach to observe the situation

shoot my horse in the head

what? I shoot every single one
master race prevails

shoot one of my feet

shoot myself in the head quickly

Story over KEK

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lmao, guess it's time to pack it in. good story, it's been fun

I say "howdy, redskins" and tip my hat. Then wait for them to pass so I can continue getting skins.

You decide to end it all, Why now? Eh, why anytime.

As you pull your side arm, a colt army revolver, and cock back the hammer, your life flashes before your eyes

As you are lost in memory, the hair trigger is pulled before you can place it to your temple, and you instead fire into a nearby tree.

The Apache are startled, but do not see you yet, there is still time to sneak away.
In the commotion you notice that the apache have some hides in their tents. You could perhaps try to take it, but they are alert now.

The element of suprise is now lost, what do you do

try shooting myself in the head again

>railroading this hard
just fuck off, nigger, your gay thread is done

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put the gun in my mouth and pull the trigger 5 times

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i roll to cast "shoot myself in the head"

Attempt to perform oral sex on the Apache

Cry out in pain and stumble out of the bushes, feigning like you got shot. Maybe nick yourself with a knife so it's more believable. Either way, seek help from them, hopefully they offer a little hospitality.

The idea of course being if you can spend the night or something among them, a chance to steal the hides and probably a woman too.

shoot my own face

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cmon user wrap it up and try again tomorrow or something. dont be a railroading little bitch

I strap my dynamite to my vest and light it to be sure I die when it blows up and start running towards the group of Apache

After stumbling into the camp the apache decide to heal you in exchange for your weaponry, you exchange your revolver for some medicine water and go to sit at the fire, who do you sit next to

Got to play the slow burn game so don't just start macking on the women. But get a look at them, any of them of a similar age to you? Or like, not little girls but not old ladies?

dive into the fire as quickly as possible

i jump into the fire, killing myself

I attack the Apache, knowing they'll shoot me, as I wish to die

self immolate using the campfire

i sit next to the grim reaper, as i already shot myself in the head 10 minutes ago, and my spirit still is trying to go on in desperation

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Perform oral sex on the Apache nearest you

Sit alone, pull out your phone and browse r9k for a bit but only half way pay attention because your mind is distracted by the fear of someone seeing that you're browsing a norwegian basket weaving forum

I kill all the unmarried women except
ones underage and then tie up all the men to a secure position where they watch me fuck all their wives and the young children, then i dynamite their shitty little encampment

kill as many of those godless tree niggers as i can before i succumb to my wounds

hold my breath until i die

Have a gang bang with the men


>draw my blade
>execute the thots first
>phaseshift behind the lead apache
>take his skull as a trophy

There is non dodging this one,
maybe the cowboy goes to heaven or your some body drifter and you take over one of the Apaches

Cant wait to see what this butthurt OP has to do to get his terrible story out of this one

inb4 forced mouth to mouth resuscitation by the male apache

Stubborn to end it all, you hold your breath, but scientifically speaking you can only hold your breath till you pass out, luckily you fall face first into the fire and your eyeballs melt off instantly, the children are screaming as you wave your arm around trying to grope one last tiddy before you die

In hell you see one of the girls, turns out you pulled her into the fire with you, what do you do

Also, if I get dubs I hold my breath till i die.

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try to hold my breath until I die again, cause I don't like that there are women in hell too

Tell her to fuck off to normie hell, you're going to robot hell.

Is she hot OP?

kill injuns, acquire qts for my burgeoning sex slave harem

She is one of the children, would of gone to heaven if she wasnt a heretic

visit satan

ask satan to be sent back and in return do his bidding back on earth.

I like this more than what I had, roll

Pull a Dante and climb out of hell. When you get back, go search for treasure.


damn I got quads

Suck her dick because she's a futanari pocahontas and taste her demon succubus cum burning my eternally suffering throat

You ask satan for a second chance, he agrees, pleased with your roll. but you must sacrafice the other child still alive

Cool. We have satanic fire powers, right? Burn down their home.

hold my breath until i die again

don't sacrifice the child, become the ghost rider and get a sick flaming motorcycle

I sacrifice the child and return to the over world, I presume satan gave me some dope powers so I fuck up the apache camp and kill every none white in existince

kill myself the very instant i arrive back on earth by whatever means necessary

sacrifice myself instead

>calling not instantly killing the story "hard railroading"


Die peacefully without saying or doing anything else and resting peacefully forever

the end

get mad OP

instantly die when i return to earth

Do it, skin her alive and do the same to all her family afterwards.

im not op you bottomfeeding whelk

die instantly and end the story

I ask her if she wants to be my gf so I can slap her ass. We then start make out furiously

I could never sacrifice someone else. I decide to accept my fate and instead beg to work as Satan's henchman, if only for a chance for a moment of sweet worldly air once more

then rape their flayed bodies

What a fag, I bet you just want to take satan's huge cock in your ass.

Reroll and ori hin allo so

>statan fucks you hard

KiII Falconhoof, jester, and myself

What kind of satan's henchman wouldn't kill people?

Well look here at Mr. I hate fun.

Ask Satan to inflict pain and torment upon the entire world.

Where's OP? We already got dubs

satan has now made you immortal as punishment
you are still deeply suicidal but now you can no longer die

OP pls make satan a qt girl

you tremble as you beg for his BSC(Big Satanic Cock) to be shoved up your fertile boipucci.
He agrees and tells you to bend over.

Too much of a pussy to kill a child, satan instead uses you as a cock sleeve, only trips can save you now

rollerino original