Why do women suck the fun out of any situation?

Why do women suck the fun out of any situation?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>little nipples
>small, non-baggy tits
>bald pussy


Because the mere presence of a woman reminds you that you've never put your wee-wee in one and you get all butthurt.

this is honestly me whenever i encounter a stunningly pretty woman.

This is why women suck the fun out of any situation, because they reduce everything to their vaginas and ruin the fun *on purpose* in order to make the men miserable so that they fight and then she takes the cummies from whoever wins

Literally put my dick in a woman a couple weeks back, still hate them mostly

They are garbage. I'm just waiting until they make anime waifus real

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Because all they care about is sex and relationships
When there are no men present, that is literally all they talk about
When there are men present, they will participate in whatever activities the men are doing, but only for the purpose of sizing the men up and evaluating their suitability for sex or relationships. Afterwards they compare notes with their girlfriends

This ruins the fun for men because all men, on a conscious or unconscious level, are aware that this is what is happening

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They automatically alter the mood from care free fun to alpha male posturing. Women are a scourge and ruin everything.

This is universal though even among men who are married or have girlfriends. Women just ruin anything.

please fucking kill yourself normalfag shit

this has to be pasta is this what dudes actually think we do when they aren't around?

different user here, I have good hearing and like to eavesdrop on normies and yes, women together mostly only talk about two topics

1. other women and how much they hate them, how she is fat, dresses badly, is a slut etc
2. their boyfriends/husbands/sugar daddies/fuckbuddies

Because women are a legal lawsuit waiting to happen and also break up friendships because people are too thirsty for pussy.

>being a knock off pedo

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>They automatically alter the mood from care free fun to alpha male posturing.
Sounds like it's men that ruin everything with their alpha male posturing, not the women who show up and do nothing.

the fuck is this shit from

>I'm not doing anything, tee hee hee, silly boys

>small nipples
You may be gay. That's a masculine trait.


Women don't have any interest in anything that doesn't have a social value.
They don't have hobbies or interests unless they serve a social purpose (the ultimate aim of which being either fucking over other women or getting dicked by chad; preferably both)
You will never see 2 women getting into a heated debate with each other (with no one else present), about something completely abstract or metaphysical - like mathematics, philosophy, or Lord of the Rings lore - i.e. things with no social value.

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well my fren i just so happen to have an image that explains it!!

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>You will never see 2 women getting into a heated debate with each other (with no one else present), about something completely abstract or metaphysical
Listening to someone drone on and on like a lecture in class sounds boring as shit.

What's the story behind this? oreganigger

some midwestern amerigoblin festival
I think this was a 'wet t-shirt' competition

>The jealous redneck woman in the back

Why do the men suck for the fun?

found the source

Thanks, my nigggggger.

dude in the red wants to be inside her

her pussy is so small

I-Is this considered normal?



>her pussy is so small

Yes its perfect

It is something that women cannot and will not ever understand.

please, PLEASE keep bring so fragile you virgin, lonely men

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in flyoverland things get pretty fucking weird


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I'd have to see the color of her lips and clit, but it sure looks nice

>no argument
>not even insulting or spelling properly
I'd ask you how's life with a sub 90 IQ, but I doubt you could give too much insight.

>You will never see
key issue here. women don't do this kind of shit as a performance, to impress people at a random party or strangers in a cafe or wherever the fuck like assholes who have something to prove to the world. just because the chicks in line at the checkout counter in front of you aren't in a debate about the merits of the dialectic in literary criticism at the moment doesn't tell you anything at all

>Lord of the Rings lore

Stupid cunt detected


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do you have a college degree user? are you successful? have you done something with your life? people who are this concerned about the intelligence and success of other people are notoriously unsuccessful themselves. but hey, what do I know. I'm just a dumb bitch who only thinks about guys and other bitches I hate and can't hold a real conversation

Wew, I'll be sure to stay well away from that place as well as any other surrounding places.

This is what I know for a fact women talk about becuase I'm a super creepy voyeur who literally spys on people.

>women are a legal lawsuit waiting to happen

yeahhh you really should stay away from them user

>yes, finishing masters too
>no, I don't have the holes or the charisma of a chad to make it
>not really, I'm still in my early 20s tho
>I did some IQ tests and did great but I still feel very stupid
It's not like the playing field is even you stupid hoe. I'd ask you to bench 100kg, since I can do it (yes dyel) and then be amazed that you'll never achieve. And this is beyond the point. The point was how you just laughed at someone with no arguments which shows your subpar intelligence and the reason for you to not be in this place, dumb fuck.

there are people in this thread defending the half-animal that is woman solely because they were allowed to touch a pussy

Storytime for anyone who ever saw their friends get girlfriends.

>visit friend
>the type of friend I visit maybe two-three times a year
>we start discussing the possibility of going to drink a few beers
>his girlfriend is home
>she is watching shitty shows on her laptop
>fidgeting on the couch as me and friend discuss beer plans
>she gets progressively more mopey and whiny, I can tell it's because of our plans
>I go for a smoke on their balcony, I hear immediate shuffling of feet and angry-whispering voices inside
>she wants them to have some time together
>she want some attention
>she had hoped they could stay in this weekend
>don't know exactly what my friend said, but she pulled up her pajama pants, went to their bedroom, and slammed the door.

Why do ALL of my friends have this same exact girlfriend? They all seem to go through some relationship crisis anytime I swing by to do ANY activity outside their apartment bubble. Bitch, you live with the guy every fucking day of your life. I see you people with months, sometimes YEARS between visits. Do you really need a faggy romantic evening on the one day I come over?

The worst is that friends will eventually succumb to and agree with this bullshit. After a while, they just never want to leave their apartment, because "my girlfriend is home, so..."

>there are people in this thread defending the half-animal that is woman solely because they were allowed to touch a pussy

Pussies are nice you should try them out some time

I often converse with my sister (who can be considered a cyborg) on how woman act when men aren't around in the hopes that this will get me a gf, she can conform that that's the only thing that they talk about on the regular. If your on this board, you're probably not normal anyways.

This is how you spot a woman online. Their insults are all about whether or not they find you sexually attractive because these thoughts dominate their minds as a result of their hormones. So glad my parents taught me about how women's menstrual cycles dominates their brains and makes them behave involuntarily like this.

>There are people in life who cares so much about stupid dumb thots that they are actually spending that ridiculous ammount of anger and mental energy to find coping reasons to stay single and never ever bother interacting with tyem outside of a context of you being attracted to one.
This is far more pathetic. If women are such garbage then why do you even still fucking care. You got your answer already: Women are garbage. There's nothing else to figure out or care about. It almost sound like, deep down, you're not entirely convinced by your own ideas.

Women don't. Creepy losers who sit there silently suck the fun out.

You're swiping every ugly truth about women under the rug for no other reason than that they let you park your genitalia in them.

You're such a spineless and unprincipled person, just a step above a eunuch.
>inb4 virgin

100% roastie
I love it

Friday nights are usually left to robots, what's with all the salty normalfags staying in and shouting at the exhibits in the robot zoo tonight?

>I am very familiar with this feel
I'ts exacerbated by the fact that I am one of the few single people friends. everybodys ready to go out and do stuff then with out fail suddenly most/all of the gf's are "tired" and dont want to go do anything

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No I'm a guy. I've been there when that kind of creep kills the vibe in a room.

We could always argue that if men were able to keep their dick inside their fucking pants and not let their genitals do their thinking for them, there wouldn't be any problem.
Women have as much power as we allow them to have. Pussy would have 0 value if it wasn't for the droves of sexually obsessed men who are desperate enough to stoop to the lowest possible level to get pussy.
Women can make us jump through hoops because everytime they pull out the hoops and open an opportunity, dozens of retarded animals figt amongst each-other to clown in front of her for maybe a chance to smell her vagin.

>inb4 virgin


but.....but guys suck the fun out of any situation

>can't hold a real conversation at all
>reduce everything to their dicks
>all they care about is sex and relationships
>when there are no women present, that is literally all they talk about
>automatically alter the mood from care free to alpha male postering as soon as a woman is present
>they don't have any hobbies or interests unless they serve a social purpose
>they have to assume everyone else is less intelligent than them in order to maintain any level of self esteem
>resort to bringing up physical strength as a last effort

sorry guys, I can say the same for you

Nobody mentioned unattractive dude. You're just mad he saw through your transparent virgin rage.

why is it always about sex with women? i was talking to my sister the other day about how the new star wars was pretty bad (mind u she hasnt seen it) and then i started pointing out why it was bad and she suddenly talked about how i was a virgin with a small dick. like yo she my sister i aint even mention women or misogyny (i also like more stufff with women in it than she does) so why she gotta go there? ive found taht women have no boundaries, as soon as u mention or do somehting they dont like it gives them leeway to start pointing out everything in ur life taht u did wrong.

actually off topic here, but has anybody noticed how the media (tv, movies, books) that women like taht also have women in it or are women centric, always is constructed around the woman being a slut?

>few single people friends
*few single people of my friends

You aren't a woman tranlo

Virgins are disliked by men and women. It's an easy way to know you're an antisocial weirdo.

sure I'm not loser

>bruh stop expressing your opinion xddd
your entire post boils down to this.

i may be an anti social weirdo but i get along with ppl jsut fine

God, so much this. The worst is when they come out too, because they are the 'cool girlfriend.' The entire time they are pulling on your friends sleeve, whispering in his ear. Your friend stops drinking, then soon after tells you they are calling it a night at 8pm.

Fucking rage.

You really should blame robots for inviting normies in. r9k spills on other boards and wherever a robot goes, he can't help but to do his little retarded salty speech about roasties, chads, cock carousels and 20/80 ratios.
This is what initially got me curious about r9k. It's because more and more salty losers keot barging into threads on other boards I use to talk shit about women even when the board's subject and even thread subject has nothing to do with women or virginal rage. I thought it was so funny that I had to come and pay a visit. Now I come occasionally to kill some time.
I mean, if you don't want to be treated like a Zoo.
1. Keep to your containment board and don't bring incel issues where they don't fucking belong.
2.Stop literally behaving like some dumb salty zoo animal that can't help but express its mindless anger in places where it's uncalled for.
3. If you want this place to be the "no girls allowed+normies" sekrit klub you want it to be, refer back to point 1 and 2.
Normies can't go where they don't even know exist, so stop making your dumbass board known to every fuxking person in existence. You keep playing victim, but you really are responsible for a lot of the things that make you angry and miserable.

That's going right in the smut collection

No I'm just saying that if you no longer have any reasons to be angry when you claim to have come to term with the notion that women aren't worth your time, stop being so fucking angry. It makes you look silly and also makes you look like someone who didn't actually come to term with anything.
Fucking let go already.

lucky for you i just found this a few minutes ago

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She has a disgusting face though.

It's like they can't be content unless they're a victim somehow.

Are you implying that most robots are women?

I was that "woman" and I'm a man. Now what?

>Now what?

Post bussy

Is that my butt?

I also remember this conversation. The manbaby got super mad when I correctly pointed out school shooters and virgins aren't victims.

This why do women get nude in public
They are like toddlers.

I'm this guy and I'm a faggot. Now what?

>I'm this guy and I'm a faggot. Now what?

Bost pucci

>can't hold a real conversation at all
Depends on the person. And what exactly is a 'real' conversation according to you? Genuinely interested.
>reduce everything to their dicks
>all they care about is sex and relationships
>when there are no women present, that is literally all they talk about
Laughably wrong.
>automatically alter the mood from care free to alpha male postering as soon as a woman is present
Partially true.
>they don't have any hobbies or interests unless they serve a social purpose
Completely wrong.
>they have to assume everyone else is less intelligent than them in order to maintain any level of self esteem
Partially true, but we also know how to admit defeat.
>resort to bringing up physical strength as a last effort
True, but only if we deep down utterly believe it's necessary.

>do you have a college degree user?
Did you seriously pay tens of thousands of dollars for gender studies

1. they copy men
2. they insist on making themselves known: attention whoring, invading male spaces
3. they are not as mentally advanced as men are: lack of logical thought processes.

>women are such garbage then why do you even still fucking care.
Because you fucking cunts come to this site and it's all beta males will talk about.
I like guns.

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I'm not sure you understand how that works.

The absolute state of womanposting

Is that your akkay?

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>can't hold a real conversation at all
if this is true for both parties like you say, conversations wouldnt exist.
>reduce everything to their dicks
thats a bit of a stretch, no one likes to talk about their dick unless its huge because someone could have a bigger one.
>all they care about is sex and relationships
i challenge you to ask a few men if they would trade everything in their life for a relationship (preferably men who arent in a relationship, men in a relationship dont want to say bad things about their partner).
>when there are no women present, that is literally all they talk about
the only way you could know this is if you were a man, but from your closing sentence it implies that you are a woman, so therefore you're a trap, not a woman.
>automatically alter the mood from care free to alpha male postering as soon as a woman is present
this is only true if the men are virgins/desperate, ive seen women get completely ingored in some situations and its really funny when they make desperate attempts to get attention.
>they don't have any hobbies or interests unless they serve a social purpose
i dont really know what you mean by this statement. are you trying to say that men have to be socially pressured to do something?
>they have to assume everyone else is less intelligent than them in order to maintain any level of self esteem
this really depends on the person, some men are okay with people being smarter than them and they congratulate them, but some try to get really competitive. its usually men who are smart for a living, like scientists and doctors.
>resort to bringing up physical strength as a last effort
literally everyone uses physical strength as a last resprt unless theyre a pacifist. what kind of last effort are you talking about?

Because they can't compete with men, so we have to lower our strength for them to participate. This can be easily seen in the school. I let the boys play their "rude" games and test their limits, but as a girl wants to enter I have to warn them to be nice and is just boring

It's entirely beta male's fault for being absolutely incapabke of dealing with their own childish salty attitude. Nobody is forcing them to get mad everytime someone claim to have a vagina and nobody is forcing them to not shut the fuck up about it. It's a choice they make themselves. Stop blaming the dumb bitch stupid enough to come here and start asking that little babby beta males grow the fuck up and get a hobby or some shit. Talking shit 24/7 about women who don't even know you or want anything to do with you is a terrible choice of passtime.

I like cars and nerd shit.

What the fuck are you on about you fag.

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My sister occasionally recommends me stuff to watch
>Orange is the New Black
>American Horror Story
>Sense 8

It's always either female-centric or full of dykes, trannies, gays, or otherwise glorifies degenerate lifestyles.
I've stopped listening to her recommendations. It's weird because she's smart and cultured and has an otherwise goods taste in literature.

Sadly until some thing get sorted out I cannot own firearms anymore.
It's just a pic from ak general.
I'm just angry regardless of men or women.

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>too childish to proofread his inane babble.
Please stop being high and mighty.
Men now a days have a right to complain about the all annoying american women.

>until some thing get sorted out I cannot own firearms anymore

Are the qts all the attractive women in Indiana? I ask because I drove through that wretched state once and all I saw were fat roasties.