Damn, I think I made it. We have been together for a while. I was KHHV prior to this. I believe in you guys

Damn, I think I made it. We have been together for a while. I was KHHV prior to this. I believe in you guys.

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you soumd 'like souch a pussy kmao


More like I get pussy now ayyy

>stuttering in text
your kind repulses me

>normalfags who post here
your kind repulses me

The only thing I do is stutter when saying lewd because of the meme. We do this whenever we do any sexual favors for each other. Lighten up

Why the hate and the bad spelling?

What a fucking beta faggot. I hope that, for the good of society, you never reproduce.

Excuse me? Are you projecting?

All these incel faggots mad at OP fo getting laid lmao

No. None of us will "make it". But enjoy what you've been blessed with OP. Now leave my board you fringle franging normalnigger.

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You need us you plebeian sized water melon

Well I hope you dont cum too soon, you wouldn't want to disappoint her, would you?

Like I said, I was a regular here. I am fairly short. Until recently, I was pretty fat. KHHV of course. I am not even white. Now I dress well, have a better body, and have a qt Asian gf

So far, I have not

Good for you user. Im a fatbot currently working towards a better body thanks for the inspiration

Cut to her letting Jamal pound you in the ass while you wear an anime girl outfit and she rubs her clit in the corner.

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Until that happens, I will continue to feel a large sense of superiority over you.

Haha right?
Good job OP. There is hope

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Grats mayne
I also recently lost 100 lbs. I found a qt even though she's kind of chubby, I love her.

Where/how did you meet her?

fuckin cmon dude stop that for your own good

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Basedboy and senpai gets filter-banned and lewd doesn't? What joke.

>I was KHHV prior to this.
Barely means anything in your teen years, OP.