1. Do you believe in a God?
2. Can you describe the God you believe in?
3. From your own opinion, not from any book that talks about God that you may follow, do you believe God is a woman? Do you believe God has a gender at all?
Questions about your faith
> 3. From your own opinion, not from any book that talks about God that you may follow...
in my opinion any god who isn't organised enough to have his will recorded in a book that everyone can have access to, isn't a god worth worshipping, OP
just because you're prejudiced against it, doesn't make it untrue
>My faith is so strong I can't even form my own opinions
1. I don't.
2. No.
3. I guess it's possible there is a god somewhere, but if there is, it has no practical meaning for my life. I'd like to imagine this god being an attractive female, but there really isn't any reason to think that other than wanting it to be true.
>Do you believe in God
I believe in THE God.
>Can you describe the God you believe in?
Yes. Put simply, God is a being that's infinite in every way. He doesn't see time in the sense that we do, time is just a thing like a room is a thing, where you can see it all at once, and all of it is there all at once, whereas we can only see one piece of time at any given moment.
>From your own opinion, not from any book that talks about God that you may follow, do you believe God is a woman? Do you believe God has a gender at all?
God obviously doesn't have a gender, however, there are obvious parallels between male traits and God and female traits and God. As well as this, Jesus, who was God incarnate, came down here as a man, so it makes it simpler to just call Him "He".
>Do you believe in a God?
>Can you describe the God you believe in?
See above
>Do you believe God is a woman?
Would explain why the world is so shitty t.b.h.
No, not a woman, not a human gender. Although the three persons are father, son, and Holy Spirit.
1. Do you believe in a God?
2. Can you describe the God you believe in?
God is everywhere. It's the connection we feel with the world, with nature, with animals. Throughout the decades we've lost our connection with God because of the distractions of modern life.
3. From your own opinion, not from any book that talks about God that you may follow, do you believe God is a woman? Do you believe God has a gender at all?
Honestly, I just think god forms our morals. That's about it. Afterwards of life, we get judged. The degenerates with no morals get judged lightly. People who formed morals and know they were doing something wrong get judged harshly. That's about it honestly.
I'd like to think of it as a board of people who are wise enough from different types of humans to decide upon people. As if it's a sort of job/calling that's already pre-determined.
user, have you taken offence at me calling you prejudiced against written revelation of god?
but you made it quite apparent from your question that you have already pre-judged all written works of that nature to be irrelevant
so i would suggest that you open your mind to the possibility, and dare i say; logical necessity, that an organised and observable god who cares about the actions of his creatures would 'need' to make his feelings clear on such matters as his will for humanity... and so would very likely have that recorded somewhere for his creatures to access it
alternatively you can stay mad at me for pointing out that you've pre-judged the matter before we even started, and therefore you are prejudiced as flip brah
1. Yes
2. He supposedly loves us, but we're really just his disposable playthings, a pet project he'll eventually forget. It's all just a game played out for his amusement, he loves some players and hates others, but will seldom intervene, because that defeats the purpose.
3. God is the epitome of existence, he created gender and it doesn't apply to him.
I imagine you know almost nothing about the science of textual criticism. You realize that the first four gospels titled "matthew mark luke john" are actually written anonymously? The copies we have now are actually not the original manuscripts but copies made later. There are thousands of manuscripts with thousands of discrepancies, textual critics try to uncover what the originals said from the copies we have now. Example: if we have 25 early manuscripts that do not include a certain verse but all manuscripts after 200AD DO include that verse then we can infer that the verse was added later and not original. How can you really have certainty that the copy you have now is "God's revelation"? Don't take my word for it, read about the origin of the new testament.
we've all read bert ehrman mate
now back to the point, if we posit a god who cares about the actions of his creature, if would necessitate him making that will for his creatures accessible to them, wouldn't it?
2. Yes, he is pure act, the unmoved mover.
3. No. God is masculine.
Yeah. Imagine abrahamic God was real. He has admitted that he is a jealous God right? Wouldn't he be pissed that you accept that some guy is literally "one with God" and the only evidence you are going off of is word of mouth?
answer the question
if God cares about what we do... He needs to tell us what to do, doesn't He?
Yes, but that begs the question, how do you know if mans interpretation of his word is correct?
Not really.
I believe that if a God really created Earth and humanity. It would not have a gender, or be human-like at all, just an all-powerful entity.
1. yes
2. the earth
3. yes
there you go, that wasn't so hard was it
and now my work here is done
I said yeah faggot I agree w you