I saved enough money and bought a decent laptop and now I can stop phoneposting!!! Any suggestions for f2p games I can...

I saved enough money and bought a decent laptop and now I can stop phoneposting!!! Any suggestions for f2p games I can download now???

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Starcraft 2. At least do the campaign.

path of exile is a pretty nice mmorpg. would recommend.

Play EVE Online and World of Tanks if you're looking for the courage to kill yourself.

>EVE Online
Hey e-chad

is the campaign free to play now?

but yeah the campaign was more fun than expected. weird ending, but it was decently satisfying

I think everything but Legacy of the Void is.

Learn how to pirate and play fucking tons of games!

Also emulators.

It's "free" now, but skills train at half speed and you can't fly anything larger than battlecruisers iirc. If you want to play seriously, then sub, but playing EVE seriously is self-destructive.

path of exile are the goto games
cheap good shooters are rainbow six siege and csgo